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Listen to MP3 “Business Beyond the Reef” to discuss
the problems with imports from China, telling all sides of the story and then
expand the discussion to revitalizing Chinatown -
Special Guest: Johnson Choi, MBA, RFC. President - Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and Danny Au, Manager, Bo Wah Trading |
Member of Better Business Bureau
October 6 2011 3:16pm
Dear Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce Members:
Special Invitation from the Hong Kong Government required your action by 10/11/11
The Hong Kong Government will host a Reception during the APEC Leaders' Meeting Week for the local Hawaiian business and political community. Top official from Hong Kong Government will address attendees on the latest developments of Hong Kong and what it means for Hawaii in terms of business and investment opportunities. The Hong Kong Government would like to extend invitation to our members.
Our Privacy Statement does NOT allow us to release members' information for any 3rd parties.
If you are interested in attending the event, please let me know and I'll pass your contact information to Hong Kong Government for the issuing of invitations.
If you are interested, please return the following information to jwkc8168@yahoo.com by providing:
1) Name
2) Title
3) Business Affiliation
4) Email Address
The deadline is Tuesday, 10/11/2011
Thank you.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
April 3 2011
via spreadshirt.com
Since the Japan Earthquake more than 2 weeks ago, we could witness cities and countries took actions to help.
I have read daily news articles on how the Japan earthquake will impact on Hawaii's economy. Since there is NO visa requirements for Japanese National to come here, why not come to Hawaii? What did our Federal and State Government offering the Japanese to help them to relocate to Hawaii?
For the past 20 years, DBEDT and Public Sectors Leaders have been promoting the idea that since we have more than 300,000 Japanese American in Hawaii, the connection with Japan is tight and natural.
There is another city across from the Pacific taking very positive steps in the past 2 weeks.
1) Offering work VISA to more than 250 business executives located there is just 2 weeks time.
2) Raise more than US$12.5 million for the Japanese earthquake relief in 2 weeks and climbing fast.
3) Hotel rooms are booked solid
It is the City of Hong Kong.
The Chinese word "danger" "危機" if you split up the word "危" = danger and "機" = opportunities.
In Hawaii, rather than focus on the negatives, may be we should take some positive action and see if we can do what Hong Kong has been doing for the past 2 weeks?
Since the Japan Earthquake more than 2 weeks ago, cities and countries have been taking action to help Japan nationals. In Hong Kong, more than 250 business executives from Japan were granted work visas in just 2 week’s time. The Hong Kong Immigration Department has also received a further 300-plus inquiries from professionals in Japan worried about radiation from the crippled Fukushima nuclear fuel plant and further earthquakes.
“Since there is NO visa requirements for Japanese nationals to come to Hawaii, why is Hawaii’s government not offering to help relocate Japanese nationals to Hawaii?” asked Johnson W. K. Choi, Past President/Director of the University of Hawaii Travel Industry Management Alumni.
"Many applicants were very glad that we could grant the visa within two days," said Hong Kong’s newly-appointed director of immigration Eric Chan Kwok-ki as he disclosed the figures, "Those applicants can bring economic benefit to Hong Kong. We hope that they consider long-term settlement in Hong Kong."
They are the first official confirmation of a trend which has been apparent as Japan struggles to cope with the aftermath of the twin disasters, which have left 11,800 people confirmed dead and 15,500 missing, and with the crisis at the Fukushima plant 250 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. Nuclear power shutdowns triggered rolling power blackouts across much of the country.
Chan said fast-track approval was necessary because professionals leaving Tokyo were eyeing other jurisdictions as potential alternatives.
He said most of those given visas were senior managers of multinational companies in Japan, mainly in the financial sector. Their titles include chief executive officer, vice president, senior investment manager, analyst, and strategist.
"We have received inquiries from multinational companies and human resources companies applying for visas for their staff working in Japan who would like to leave Japan after the quake," Chan said.
The 270 applications were received and approved between March 17 and 31.
An assistant director of immigration was appointed to speed up the process so that applicants could have a visa within two days. Chan said it was the "first time in immigration history" such procedures had been put in place. It usually took six to eight weeks to process an application.
"Those applicants might decide to go to other countries if we did not provide a speedy approach," he said.
The applicants included Europeans, Americans, and Japanese working in Japan. A large number of them were earning between HK$100,000 and over HK$200,000 a month, according to the Immigration Department.
One Tokyo executive who arrived in Hong Kong told the Post that executives in Japan were fleeing to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even as far away as Australia and the United States after the quake. The man said worries about radiation were not the only reason people were leaving Tokyo. Their business had been affected as offices were badly damaged. "Time is money in my business," he said.
Among the 270 applicants granted a one-year visa, 158 were granted on an employment or investment basis, 62 were for their dependants, one for studying, and 49 applied to extend their visas as they were in Hong Kong right after the earthquake happened.
Last year, 26,881 working visas were granted for employment or investment in the city and 20,385 dependant visas in the same period.
January 27 2010
Wake up Hawaii
The subprime mortgage that blew up late 2008, almost one-half year ago, many
thought Hawaii could stand up to the challenges. I think we did it in a very
different way. While the businesses continue to struggle, our State government
continues to raise tax, fee and the latest round is a big increase of the Hawaii
State Unemployment Tax.
Unless the law is amended, the average annual State Unemployment Tax paid by
employers in the fund is scheduled to shoot up nearly twelvefold — from $90
annually to $1,070. For an average employer with 10 workers, the bill would
skyrocket from $900 annually to $10,070. When many employers are struggling to
make payroll with declining sales, this could be the straw that will break the
camel's back.
Tourism as a percentage of the State GDP continues to decline, from 25% in the
80s to less than 20% today. The decline will continue unless some drastic change
is made.
More tourist destinations are coming online. The latest is Hainan China, also
known as the "Hawaii" of China. When I was member of the Honolulu City
delegation visited Hainan in 1985 to sign the sister-city agreement, the Sanya
beach which stretches for the distance equal from Diamond Head to Sand Island
had no infrastructure, building or hotel. Hawaii was at least 20 years more
advance than Hainan. Fast forward 25 years later, Hainan not only catch up to
Hawaii, she also provide better value for the visitors with superior service.
When most tourist destination seeks out to provide a product mix cater to their
customers, Hawaii seems to be satisfied that no change here is needed.
As I listen to President Obama's State of Union address that other nations are
not standing still, American need to move forward to compete to win. During the
Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan and a group of high school students were asked
if they will come home to Hawaii after college education - NO ONE raise their
hand. We are hoping these high school students have not already labeled Hawaii
as loser therefore not coming home.
If this is not a wakeup call, when?
March 18, 2008
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
(HKCHcc) is "2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year" -
join us at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Washington DC
April 21 - 23 or
Honolulu Hawaii on April 30th 11:30am at the
Hilton Hawaiian Village
We are informed by Mr. Steven C Preston, Administrator of the United States
Small business Administration (SBA) Washington DC that Johnson Choi, President
of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) has won the Top SBA
Award in our category, the "2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year"
as defined by the SBA is "To Honor Individuals Who Have Fulfilled a Commitment
to Support and Assist Minority Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners"
(Note: HKCHcc have won the "Hawaii award" as well as the "Regional Award" –
topping the other Minority Small Business Champs in 50 States and Guam to
qualify to compete and winning the "national" award, the top honor in our
The award with be presented during the SBA National Business Week at the
Mandarin Oriental Washington
DC April 21 – 23
HKCHcc is probably the "first" Chamber of Commerce in the United States working
with minority owned businesses in the nation focusing on promoting business
between Hawaii, North America, Hong Kong and China wining the top honor.
We want to thank my sponsors; the First Hawaiian Bank and its Vice President
Naomi Masuno who helped guide me through the application process
We are going to Washington DC April 21 – 23 to receive the award. It will be held
at the Mandarin Oriental Washington DC.
- SBA will be webcasting all of the award events***
and the forums!! click on this link to log
onto the website the day and time of the event and you will see a link to the
Hawaii Women's Business Center hosts Small Business Awards Luncheon on April 30
2008 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Online Registrations:
Group of 10
- Return form with payment no later than
April 25, 2008 to The Hawai'i Women's Business Center is
located in downtown, Honolulu, in the Heart of Chinatown: 1041 Nu'uanu
Avenue, Suite A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Phone: 808.526.1001; FAX:
808.550.0724 Cost: $45.00 per person, $450 for table of 10 (Check
payable to Hawaii Women's Business Center)
We could not win the "top" honor in the nation without the support from all of
you, especially from our Officers, Directors and Members located on both sides
of the Pacific and Hawaii.
I am hoping to bring pride to the State of Hawaii, Business and Friendships
across the Pacific.
I wish my parents could be with me who had contributed so much and guided me
through advises, setting good examples, encourage us to give our time to public
services and providing the best education. My father (Saint Joseph alumni) (1900
- 1992) is my role model, representing Hong Kong in Soccer and Baseball competed
in Asia from 1918 - 1953 (retired from soccer due to serious injury) while
working full time in the Law Firm Hasting & Hasting raising 10 children, retired
in 1985 at the age of 85.
Many have asked why I seem to be always on time for appointments. My father (TSOI
Ping Fan) taught us when we are very young that being on time is a "promise" you
made to others. It may be a small promise. But if we cannot even keep a small
promise, how can anyone take you serious when we do bigger things!
My first employer Mrs. Carolyn Tong Chee (Narcissus Queen 1955), my mentor and
successful developer with her husband Doctor Percival Chee encouraged me to
start my own business in 1980 and said will hire me back if I failed.
My father has suggested my attending UH TIM School because of TIM Night, 800
hours of practical training requirements and Chuck Gee. Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee
of School of Travel Industry Management at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is
my mentor during my adult life in Hawaii, setting good examples, providing help
and opportunities to so many students from Asia
College of Business Administration (Shidler College of Business Administration)
has also played an important part of my education at the University of Hawaii
between 1974 and 1977. It has continued to play an important role with the
support from current Dean and Interim Associate Dean Vance Roley and David Yang
on National and International Businesses
After consulting with the Director of HKETO SF, Annie Tang in 2001, Dean
Emeritus Chuck Gee, Brenda Foster (AmCham Shanghai President), Paul Tang (GM and
VP of Hyatt Regency) and with the blessings of many executives in both public
and private sectors in Hawaii have supported forming the Hong.Kong.China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) to focus on doing business between Hawaii, North
America and Asia with special focus on Hong Kong and China
Father Xavier, Principle Emeritus of Rosaryhill High School (RHS) Hong Kong who
is always there for us. We are always your students and friends. RHS gave me 13
years of good solid education prepared us for higher education. I am proud to be
a Catholic and a friend for more than 40 years
My wife Carmen, who has to put up with me, working long hours doing non-profit
work sometimes jokes about it, "where is the beef"? Carmen has been tremendously
supportive. I owe her a lot for my continuous success to bring in new projects
and adding on new responsibilities.
Stephen and Susan Uemura of Commercial Insurance Agency Inc from 1983 until
merging into BISI 3 years ago
Ron Ota of Royal Alliance Associates Inc (AIG) for more than 10 years
Michael G Taylor and Gary Kimata of Manulife for the mentorship and supports
Quoting Mr. Stephen B. Metter, CEO and Principal, MW Group, Ltd. and MW
Commercial Realty, Inc with US$450 million of Real Estates Portfolio started his
Company 17 years ago has no money with his partners also with no money and knew
no one in Hawaii said at a meeting on Wednesday, Feb 27th, "You have to love
what you do and do it well with passions. If you do it only for money, it is not
the right way....you cannot work with your partners or associates that you have
to always watch your back, lack the integrity .......say or do things that could
do you harm" http://mwgroup.com/
I am bless to have the opportunity and continue to have the opportunity working
with all of you.
Johnson Choi, MBA, RFC.
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
"Hawaii-China Guan Xi, We Get Things Done™"
Offices in Honolulu, San Francisco, Hong Kong and China
Vice Chair - Hawaii Pacific Export Council (HPEC)
Survey by
U.S. Small Business Administration
-- News Release --
Release Date: March 12, 2008
Contact: Cecelia Taylor (202) 401-3059
Release Number: 08-24
Internet Address: http://www.sba.gov/news
SBA Salutes the Nation’s Best Entrepreneurs at National Small Business Week
April 21-25, 2008
SBA to Celebrate 55th Year with Women’s Business Centers, New Executive Panel
Forums, and the Naming of National Small Business Person of the Year
WASHINGTON – The nation’s top entrepreneurs will be hailed at the U.S. Small
Business Administration’s National Small Business Week events April 21-25, 2008,
in Washington, D.C., and New York City. This year marks the 55th anniversary of
the agency, and the 45th annual proclamation of Small Business Week.
Small business owners from across the country will be honored for their
accomplishments as the nation’s leading small businesses. The highlight of
events will be the announcement of the National Small Business Person of the
“Small businesses drive our economy, creating jobs and opportunities for
Americans in every community across the country,” said SBA Administrator Steve
Preston. “The SBA is very proud of the vital role it plays in enabling America’s
entrepreneurs, and we are excited to be able to recognize a few of these great
success stories during the week.”
National Small Business Week 2008 will begin with three days of events in
Washington, D.C., at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, where more than 100
outstanding business owners from across the country will be recognized. In
addition to the State Small Business Persons of the Year, men and women involved
in disaster recovery, government procurement, small business champions as well
as SBA partners in financial and entrepreneurial development will be honored.
A focal point this year will be a series of executive panel forums on Health
Care, International Trade, Energy, and Finance. In addition, there will be a
procurement session with corporate buyers and prime contractors who will discuss
small business partnering and mentoring opportunities for small businesses
seeking government contracts.
On April 24, Small Business Week moves to New York, where SBA will participate
in the closing bell ceremony at NASDAQ to commemorate the 20th anniversary of
the Women’s Business Center program. The program has served more than 650,000
new and growing small business owners in the past five years alone. An awards
event celebrating the top small business lenders and a financial forum on
community investment, cosponsored with the Initiative for a Competitive Inner
City, will culminate activities in New York.
Among the featured speakers
confirmed are Secretary Mike Leavitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services; Ambassador Susan C. Schwab, United States Trade Representative; Newt
Gingrich, former House Speaker; David Latimore of the Initiative for a
Competitive Inner City; John Bryant of Operation HOPE, and other prominent
business leaders, CEOs and politicos.
Small Business Week 2008 cosponsors include: Sam’s Club, Administaff,
Raytheon, IBM, Chevron, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Cisco, Lockheed
Martin, Salesforce.com, Lowe’s, Banco Popular, Minority Business Development
Agency, General Services Administration, MyBizHomepage, Dun & Bradstreet,
National Association of Development Companies, Direct Selling Education
Foundation, Association of Small Business Development Centers, National Small
Business Association, Federal Allies Institute, Initiative for a Competitive
Inner City, Consumer Energy Alliance, National Federation of Independent
Business, and SCORE
The 2008 National Small Business Week award events will include the following
individuals and groups:
• The National Small Business Person of the Year, selected from the 53 State
Small Business Persons of the Year.
• The Champion Awards, recognizing both individuals and organizations for their
achievements on behalf of small business, including minority, women and
veteran-owned small businesses.
• The Phoenix Awards, recognizing a public official, a business owner and a
volunteer whose efforts have helped their businesses or communities recover
successfully from a disaster.
• The Lender of the Year, honoring financial institutions, including those that
provide financing for small business exporters and inner city businesses.
• The Entrepreneurial Development Awards honoring Small Business Development
Centers, Women’s Business Centers and SCORE for their innovation and excellence
in assistance to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
• The Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence, recognizing large prime
contractors who have excelled in their utilization of small businesses as
suppliers and subcontractors.
• The Gold Star Award, recognizing exemplary performance of federal staff who
manage the aggressive goals and strategic initiatives that help ensure a role
for small business in the federal marketplace.
• The Frances Perkins Vanguard Award, honoring government and industry for
excellence in the use of women-owned small businesses as prime contractors and
• The Small Business Prime Contractor and Small Business Subcontractor of the
Year, honoring small businesses that have provided government and industry with
outstanding goods and services as prime or sub contractors.
Small Business Week award winners will meet with top agency officials,
congressional representatives and national business leaders. The State Small
Business Award Winners and recipients of the Champion and other Entrepreneurial
awards are nominated by local trade associations, chambers of commerce and
business organizations and government agencies.
Media outlets are encouraged to cover National Small Business Week events, and
can register online. Additional information on the Small Business Week 2008
events is available at www.sba.gov/sbw.
Small Business Week 2008 Schedule of Events (Note to Press: Seating is limited
at all events and the events schedule is subject to change.)
Monday, April 21, 2008
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Opening Reception & Entrepreneurial Development Awards
U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Reception Rooms
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Health Care Forum — Health Care Solutions for Small Business
Mandarin Oriental, Oriental Ballroom
Cosponsor: NFIB
12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
National Awards Honoring State Small Business Winners &
National Small Business Person of the Year
Mandarin Oriental, Grand Ballroom
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Technology Forum — Going Global: Leveraging Technology to Expand Markets,
Mandarin Oriental, Oriental Ballroom
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Phoenix Awards — Disaster Recovery Award Winners
Mandarin Oriental, Grand Ballroom
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Energy Forum — Going Green: A Practical Approach for Small Business
Mandarin Oriental, Oriental Ballroom
Cosponsor: Consumer Energy Alliance
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
National Procurement Award Winners
Mandarin Oriental, Grand Ballroom
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 pm
Alliance Partnerships with Prime Contractors
Mandarin Oriental, Hillwood Room
5:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Champion Award Winners
Mandarin Oriental, Grand Ballroom
Thursday, April 24, 2008
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
NASDAQ Closing & 20th Anniversary Celebration for Women’s Business Centers,
NASDAQ MarketSite,
New York City
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
OSDBU Procurement Matchmaking Event
Show Place Arena, Upper Marlboro, Md.
For information, please visit
SBA Administrator Steve Preston will be a guest speaker at this event.
Friday, April 25, 2008
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Lender Award Winners & Financial Forum: Achieving Returns on Community
The Westin New York at Times Square, New York City
Media Contacts:
Dennis Byrne
Cecelia Taylor
(202) 205-6567 (202) 401-3059
Small Business Week 2008 cosponsors include: Sam’s Club, Administaff, Raytheon,
IBM, Chevron, Cisco, Lockheed Martin, Lowe’s, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation,
Minority Business Development Agency, MyBizHomepage, Dun & Bradstreet,
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Consumer Energy, Alliance, National
Federation of Independent Business, and SCORE
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s participation in this cosponsored
activity does not constitute an express or implied endorsement of any
cosponsor’s, donor’s, grantee’s, contractor’s or participant’s opinions,
products, or services. All SBA programs and cosponsored programs are extended to
the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons
with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance, by
contacting sbw@sba.gov. Co-sponsorship
Authorization #SBW2008

September 26, 2007
Dear Honorable Governor George Ariyoshi and Jeanne Schultz-Afuvai, Hawaii
Institute for Public Affairs:
Thank you for asking us to submit comments to the
Sustainability Task Force.
We are rare minority that really thought can make a difference. I felt Hawaii
has already past the point of no return.
When Communist China shifts much of the business to the private sector, in
Hawaii, the State and City Government still want to control all aspect of
business with ever increasing red-tape and taxes.
Few countries, except Singapore, allowing the Government to take the lead and
become successful. The main reason is senior Prime Minister Lee uphold high
morale standard with a virtue corruption free government.
It does not matter how good intention we have. The people in power lack the
knowledge or the will to make it happen. How many business round tables did we
go through during the past 2 decades? How many study groups did we have the past 2
decades? The interesting points was the same 30 – 40 people always became
members of the study group or advisory board due to their business and political
affiliation. When the last report failed to meet expectation, the same group of
people produced the last failed recommendation got called back to do another
study! When it failed again, the process kept repeating itself, each time use a
different name – we call it hawaii2050 this time, may be a different name next
time. The end result is the same – status quote.
The reason why mass transit is profitable and successful in Hong Kong is because
business takes the lead - no tax increase by giving development right of mass
transit system to developer in exchange for subsidizing the system. I have
shared my comment with a couple of city council members; they look at us with
strange faces. I asked my friends who are in the construction business later what
is the problem giving it free to Honolulu taxpayer - the reply was putting
developers into the long approve process ensure unlimited campaign contribution
not only from developers, but also from the entire building industry.
Hawaii need a State of the Art movie studio (see note #1).
Warner Bros strategic plan to shoot the next Batman movie could be having the
film qualified as a Hong Kong production for easy access to the China market and
to save 100s of thousand of potential tax levy against foreign films. The US$170 million State of the Art
Shaw's Studio in Hong Kong is the best in Asia funded by private sector money.
The latest Ang Lee award winning film "Lust" was partly produced in the Shaw's
While people unfamiliar with the Asia situation always focus on the copyright
issues on movie productions, especially in the China market. They are behind
time and missing the boat as there are ways to do it correctly not through
Shanghai or Beijing, but through Hong Kong.
Beijing new policy to allow domestic investment to go to Hong Kong expecting up
to US$100 billion will enter Hong Kong within the next 12 months looking for
investment inside and outside of Hong Kong. In business, especially the SME in
Hawaii, we must follow the money as most do not have the time and resources to
go to China to party, wine and dine with government officials to build the
relationship. U. S. Commercial Services Hawaii took 7 companies to Hong Kong (no
government officials) in May 2007, 3 companies already got orders from Hong Kong
representatives. I meant real orders and not those for news media consumptions
only. For the past 10 years, rather than helping Hawaii’s SME (Small Medium
Enterprise) to become successful to take advantage of the growing Asian market
lead by China, we choose to do a lot of wine and dine trade mission allowing
branches of the government official good time at taxpayers expenses producing
practically no business value for the State of Hawaii.
When we travel back to Hawaii, the Hawaii promotional film shown inside the
plane prior to our landing tell us not to bring back anything to affect our
natural beauties. It will be most helpful if our Governor will also tell our
visitors that besides tourist trade - we do have real business in Hawaii
"besides" tourism. I hope you will agree.
We still see quotes from top Hawaii government officials yesterday that
companies should come to Hawaii since we are the gateway to the Pacific because
we are in the middle of the Pacific. It is only true geographically, no longer
in business sense as we lost our advantages more than 15 years ago. We can
continue to say what we want to say, but the regular comments I received from
people knowledgeable in the Asia Pacific when they hear the out-of-date Hawaii
advantages comments were we are out of touch with reality. Do we have a Fortune
500 Company (may be except A&B) using Hawaii as a base to manage their Asia
I have visited the Hearst Castle in SF as a tourist. 1 week ago. The California
State National Park escort asked us to introduce ourselves prior to the tour. I
said I am from Hawaii and a consultant taking American Companies to China. Her
comment was "we know Hawaii is the 50th State, but is there business other than
tourism in Hawaii" It drew a few laugh (more than 45 people were in the group),
I felt a little offended. one day later, I was in the round table discussion in
SF on doing business in Hong Kong and Foshan China. The attitude towards the
Hawaii representatives, while more polite than the California Park Service
employee, yet you could feel that for serious business matters, we saw puzzles
in their eyes why we were there - sad, but true!
The Super ferry situation, whether it is right or wrong is projecting a negative
business image about Hawaii from the comments we have received during the past
few weeks. Most in the business community are in support of the Super ferry. It
will be helpful if the Chamber of Commerce from all islands can take a strong
business stand.
Hawaii business must take the lead, unlike the 70s; there is practically no
major Hawaii base business here. Mainland companies come to Hawaii to pay minimum wage
to the sons and daughters in Hawaii, few profits, if any stay in Hawaii.
The smartest and the best educated kids continue to leave Hawaii in thousands by
going to Universities in the mainland USA or stay to obtain their degree
courtesy of the University of Hawaii before relocating to the mainland USA or
Asia - talking about brain drain. Comparable jobs between Hawaii and San
Francisco (both places have similar standard of livings), Hawaii's job is at
least 40% less pay. In order to maintain same life style, many Hawaii employees
must take on a 2nd job to subsidize their income just to stay in par with their
San Francisco counterparts.
I am really hoping Hawaii2050 can make a difference - I meant real difference
not to allow the citizen of Hawaii to become the servants of the rich and
famous from here, USA and around the world. We are losing the battle.
Johnson Choi, MBA, RFC.
President - Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
15 Collaboration Porters, 20,000 Members Worldwide
USA: 1188 Bishop St, Ste 3403, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (from May 15, 2007)
China: 31-35 Yongjia Rd, #520, Shanghai 200030
Hong Kong SAR: 253 Des Voeux Rd #1305, Central
San Francisco USA (415) 691-6138; Hawaii USA:(808) 524-5738; China:(86)
1316-297-7837; HKSAR:(852) 8171-3118; USA Toll Free Fax (877) 852-8548
Company Affiliations:
(note #1) Warner Bros. has applied for local permits to shoot a portion of
Batman sequel "The Dark Knight" in Hong Kong this fall. In director Christopher
Nolan's follow-up to "Batman Begins," the caped crusader will leave Gotham for
the first time in the history of the film franchise to fight evil in another
city -- or cities -- although it's unclear whether Hong Kong will be called Hong
Kong or a fictional metropolis. As it stands, the Warner Bros. project is hoping
to touch down in the former British colony for a skedded nine days of shooting
in November. Warners wouldn't confirm the reports. Pic, whose plotline is being
kept under tight wraps, also is lensing in Chicago and London. "Dark Knight"
returns Christian Bale to the big screen as Batman. Heath Ledger and Michael
Caine also star. Hong Kong production services companies have been abuzz for
months with talk of what may be the highest profile foreign shoot for several
years. Warner has apparently applied for permits to shoot in the glossy business
district of Central and neighboring Western. And one sequence could include the
nightly Symphony of Lights laser show, a key tourist trademark for the city.
Local politicos have suggested that helicopters and night shooting could cause
traffic chaos and noise pollution. "We welcome the movie but want to ensure
arrangements are hassle free," said Kwok Ka-ki, a local legislator. It is not
clear whether the Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures production will
make use of the new Shaw Studios. State-of-the-art facility has lain unused for
best part of the two years since its skedded completion, though it has recently
been home to some commercials, including one shot by Ridley Scott's RSA, and is
hosting Josh Hartnett-starring movie "I Come with the Rain" by helmer Tran Anh
August 18, 2007
U. S. Administration Opposes On-going
Legislative Efforts on China Currency
Ever since President Bush was first sworn into office in January 2001, his
administration has favoured a distinctly conciliatory and collaborative approach
in its trade dealings with the Chinese government. Administration officials have
held the view that closer and continuous engagement with China would eventually
help resolve the various irritants that naturally develop between major economic
powers in an increasingly globalised world. The United States has sought to
address a range of critical issues in its bi-lateral economic relationship with
China through both formal and informal channels, well aware that the Chinese
government generally likes to implement reform in a gradual and cautious
In its February 2006 top-to-bottom review of U.S. trade policy towards China,
the administration clearly stated that the two countries had entered a new phase
of their economic relationship that demanded more balanced and equitable
treatment for U.S. exports. Washington suggested at the time that the U.S. would
continue to follow a conciliatory approach toward China but warned that it would
not hesitate to pursue targeted enforcement actions to ensure China's compliance
with its WTO obligations. The administration has in fact followed through on
that warning, extending the application of countervailing duty law to imports
from non-market economy countries and filing WTO dispute settlement actions on
such key issues as subsidies and intellectual property rights. These actions
should not be viewed as an overhaul of the administration's modus operandi but
rather as a gradual evolution toward a more multi-faceted approach similar to
the one the U.S. has taken over the years with respect to the European Union or
While it is clear that the Bush administration continues to base its trade
policy toward China on dialogue, the same cannot be said of Congress, which has
significantly hardened its stance in recent years on trade issues involving the
mainland. Irked by a widening trade gap and the relentless erosion of U.S.
manufacturing employment, lawmakers have engaged in a number of legislative
efforts aimed at penalising China for various perceived offences, including the
undervaluation of the yuan. While these efforts have not borne much fruit to
date, it strongly appears that may change this year and that Congress will pass
some sort of China-related legislation.
On the Senate side, the Finance and Banking committees recently approved bills
aimed at resolving contentious currency issues between the U.S. and other
countries. Among other things, the Finance Committee bill would require the
Treasury Department to identify fundamentally misaligned currencies to Congress
twice a year, classifying some countries for "priority action" if the
misalignment is clearly caused by a foreign government's economic policies.
Treasury would be required to consult with countries found to have fundamentally
misaligned currencies. The legislation also imposes a number of immediate
consequences for countries designated for "priority action," including
accounting for currency undervaluation in determining whether a country should
graduate from non-market economy status for purposes of U.S. antidumping rules.
If a country identified as a "priority" country does not adopt new currency
policies within 180 days, the Department of Commerce's calculations of dumping
margins for products produced or manufactured in that country would have to
reflect the currency undervaluation, which is expected to result in higher AD
For its part, the measure approved by the Senate Banking Committee on 1 August
would continue the current process of designating currency manipulators but
would eliminate the "intent" component, focusing only on those countries that
have both a material global current account surplus and a significant bi-lateral
trade surplus with the United States. Treasury would be required to submit
within 30 days of any such designation a detailed plan of action to remedy the
situation. The plan would include specific timeframes and benchmarks and
Treasury would be authorised to file a WTO case if they are not met within nine
Concerned that these legislative efforts could have a destabilising effect on
U.S.-China trade relations, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Commerce Secretary
Carlos Gutierrez and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab sent separate
letters to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat-Nevada), Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican-Kentucky) and the top Democrat and Republican
leadership at the Senate Finance and Banking committees warning that the bills
recently approved by these committees "would be counter-productive and undermine
the U.S. position as we continue to work with China on essential economic
reforms." The administration officials contended that these measures would
create a risk of broad trade disruption, as China could potentially impose
sanctions against U.S. exports or take other retaliatory measures and a vicious
global cycle of protectionist legislation could be set off. In addition, the
officials believe that certain provisions in the bills that are designed to
enhance trade litigation "appear to raise serious concerns under international
trade remedies rules and could invite WTO-sanctioned retaliation against U.S.
goods and services."
Instead, the officials said, "the best way to achieve results is through
continued intensive dialogue and engagement with China bilaterally and through
multilateral institutions, coupled with appropriate reliance on WTO litigation
and WTO-consistent trade remedies available under U.S. law." They pointed out
that efforts through mechanisms such as the Strategic Economic Dialogue and the
Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade have yielded results. For example, China
has taken steps to increase exchange rate flexibility, the yuan has appreciated
nearly 10 percent against the dollar and the pace of appreciation has tripled
since the SED was initiated last year.
The letters suggest that the administration will not substantially alter the way
it formulates and conducts trade policy toward China in the near-to-medium term.
Likewise, it is also apparent that President Bush is willing to veto any
congressional measure that undermines his administration's stated policy of
July 31, 2007
Positive Actions Taken by China to Address
Product Concerns

View KITV Channel 4 News Coverage on Aug 2 2007
5:00pm - Courtesy of YouTube
Hawaii Chinese News Coverage
(click on the picture for full view)
The China Food Safety issue has been a hot topic, the alleged problems can be
seen on major news media almost on a daily basis.
There were more than 90 different food products recalled by the FDA made in USA
and Canada for the past few months. But the product scares and recalls the US
media seems fixated on are the ones from China. It is the faulty tires,
toothpaste, pet food, seafood and toys with a China connection that are making
all the news, with cover stories, editorials and television programs harping on
how China's "substandard" manufacturing methods are putting American consumers
at risk, how the factory to the world is actually one big sham, and proffering
ways to keep off products with any trace of China.
The Bush Administration also formed a cabinet level panel to recommend how to
guarantee import food and products safety. The move seems to say that USA and
Canadian made product does not pose a threat.
There is a perception that China import cost American Jobs.
According to Cato Institute, at the most 150,000 jobs are lost in the US every
year because of imports from China, compared with 15 million jobs that disappear
annually in the US economy primarily as a result of technological changes and
the consequent increase in productivity.
Productivity gains have actually taken a bigger toll on employment in China than
the USA. A study by Alliance Capital Management LP in New York finds that while
the number of manufacturing workers in the USA dropped by 11 percent from 1995
through 2002, in China it dropped by 15 percent.
And in any case, Chinese imports in the US are mostly replacing imports from
other Asian countries, not American products themselves. And manufacturing is no
longer the foundation of the American economy as it begins to deindustrialize as
part of a global economic shift.
Therefore the American job argument is very weak at best.
Many of us who have lived through the rising of the Japan's economic power in
the 80s, the Japanese bashing, the killing of Vincent Chin (mistaken as
Japanese) by two layoff auto workers in 1982 resulted in no jail time. Many has
worried the entire scenario might replay itself with new target toward Chinese in
the USA and China.
Products from China are being held up at USA Customs for extensive period of
time, according to many importers, with no apparent good reasons. We have seen
news reports and through importers from China that American products are being
held up at China custom. The move could hurt importers and exports from both
sides of the Pacific.
In Hawaii, The Chinatown Merchants told us privately that the anti-China-Product
sentiment has cost many up to 40% of lost sales. While the merchants are
complaining privately, few are keen to tell the world about the bad news. In the
Asian culture is all about face, not to lose face to their family, colleagues,
customers and more important not to let their competitors to take advantage of
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Friday (July 27, 2007) that China would
strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries to cope with the issue
of food safety "in a responsible way" at a national work meeting in Beijing. The
following are measures the Chinese government has taken since China’s food
quality was called into question both locally and globally. (1) China and the
United States will hold a vice-ministerial-level talk on food security in August
and the two sides will sign a memorandum of understanding on food safety by the
end of this year to enable the two countries to resolve food safety issues more
effectively. (2) The U.S. Health and Human Services officials will visit China
at the end of July to exchange views with Chinese officials on the U.S.
detention of four categories of aquatic products (catfish, basa and dace, shrimp
and eel) that were alleged to contain banned substances. (3) China pledged on
July 25 to provide regular and detailed information about potentially dangerous
exports from China based on European complaints during the visit of Meglena
Kuneva, the European commissioner for consumer protection. (4) China has
established bilateral mechanisms and multi-lateral mechanisms on food safety
with its trade partners including the United States, the European Union, Japan
and the Republic of Korea.
The action taken by China is a positive step in the right direction. It is most
helpful if the Chamber of Commerce that represent Chinese business interest
throughout North America will spread the news that food products from China is
safe. Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) is working with our
Collaboration Partners in Hawaii, North America and Asia to get the words out.
China Export Scares Affect Local Stores By Lisa Kubota - By
Concerns about the safety of Chinese products prompted Gov. Linda Lingle to take
action. She hit the streets of Chinatown on Monday to find out if recent
negative publicity has slowed down sales. Chinese products have come under
scrutiny lately after pet food problems, toxic toothpaste and even a seafood
scare. The concerns started in March with poisonous pet food. Scientists said an
ingredient imported from China and used by Menu Foods led to pet deaths and a
massive recall. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also issued an import
alert on five species of contaminated seafood from the country, then warned
about toothpaste made in China.
Lingle walked around with several leaders of the local Chinese community. She
stopped at a few stores and spoke to the owners. Danny Au of Bo Wah Trading Co.
told the governor the negative news may have caused a 20 percent decline in his
sales. "It has been slow you know since the few incidents about Chinese
foodstuff happened few months ago. Everybody kinda skeptical," Au said.
Lingle wanted to know if customers were asking questions about food safety, and
if other merchants had noticed a drop in business. "All the merchants I spoke
with, except one, felt that any decrease in business was really tied to a
seasonal issue that they experience every summer at the end of June," Lingle
But some still believe this is more than just a seasonal issue. The president of
the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce said he spoke to more than a
dozen merchants who told him their companies are hurting due to the publicity.
He asked local business leaders to help the get the word out about what the
Chinese government is now doing to make sure exports are safe. The governor's
visit will likely help, but he said he is still worried about the future.
"It will help to maybe ease the concern of the local business and give them some
encouragement, but I think we need to do more than that," said Johnson Choi.
Feb 2 , 2007
Hawaii Travel Industry Annual Income has
declined from 13 (1989 dollar adjusted
for Inflation) to 11 Billion in 2006
and No Longer the Gateway to Asia by Planners in the 1970s
Writing from the 35/F of the Galaxy Starworld
Hotel (Executive Suite) Macau SAR (China)
Last visit to Macau was May 2006; a few more new hotels including this one, the
Wynn's and others are now opened. The Venetian will be open mid-summer adding
another 3,000+ rooms.
In 7 short years, with a pro-business Government Macau has transform with a mob
controlled city to a modern clean city took in more revenue from gambling (US$7
billion) than Las Vegas, more mainland China tourist than Hong Kong - 16 million
(total tourist count of 22 million) in 2006. It is also the premier location for
the Grand-Prix Car Racing in Asia for more than 50 year (largest and best in the
world since 2005).
By talking to people in both public and private sectors with strong ties to
Hawaii during the past 24 hours, we all hoped Hawaii could be different, but it
is not.
There is so much life and energy in the city, that also hold true in Hong Kong
and China.
Most no longer look at Hawaii as a place to do business, no direct flight from
most Asia Financial Center has also eliminated Hawaii as a convenient vacation
spot by most.
In 1970 / 1980 Hawaii was the premier place to train tourism executives and for
parents to send their children to. Today the landscape has completely changed
not to our favor. There are plenty of competition from many schools with many
more times resources, combined with low tax structure and a friendly
pro-business (Hawaii is consider as very anti-business in Asia) Government
dropped Hawaii from the choice list by many.
A reality check that Hawaii need, but ignored by both public and private sectors
executives and leaders.
We must also realize that the large Asian population in Hawaii meant we know
Asia is only a myth when promoted by many key policy makers for non-business
political reasons only.
December 27,
One of our members has written a letter to his
son last week. I have obtained their permission to share it with you.
"Daddy is so happy that you have
completed your Electric Engineering Degree at the Oregon State University.
I am a little disturb you might entertain returning to Hawaii after your Parents
put you through private school education in Hawaii and additional expenses to
send you to Oregon State University hoping you will consider your future career
in North America or Asia, not in Hawaii.
No Parents want to send their children away, like many Chinese immigrants came
to Hawaii and USA the past 200 years, we are all hoping to find a place to
provide the best future for our children.
Like our father before us who has wanted to find a place to provide the best
opportunities for their Children – HAWAII IS DEFINITELY NOT ON THE LIST, at
least not now.
I will try to explain to you why.
The Hawaii Mass Transit
Let me use the most recent event as an example, in a few days, the City and
County of Honolulu will decide on the largest project in the State History,
funding the Mass Transit at huge cost to Honolulu taxpayers. The proposed system
will cost US$6.2 billion and 15+ years. The entire proposal is put together by
the Government wanting to sell it to the taxpayers to justify further real
estates developments at the Ewa Plain. Hawaii taxpayers are to put up 80%+ of
the cost. Unlike Hong Kong or Tokyo, it will never breakeven or dream of making
any money. After talking to the experts, the real cost will probably US$10+
billion and take 20+ year to build.
Who is going to pay for the cost overrun – my son, it is going to be you and
your children!
I am for the Mass Transit run by the private sectors with little government
involvements. For projects costing 10s of billion, the money tree does not allow
the government to turn it over to the private sector as it is the source of fund
for 100s of legislators in the form of political campaign contributions for
decades to come.
The elevated Mass Transit is also ugly, ruin the natural beauty of Honolulu.
Source of Jobs
There are three major sources of jobs in Hawaii:
Travel related industry
Government (Federal, State and Government)
Travel related industry – Most of the job is low paying. Even if you can move to
the management level, your chance to promote severely limited due to the lack of
new hotel properties. To earn a promotion would mean your ability and
flexibility to relocate to outside of the State of Hawaii.
Government – Federal government probably provide you with the highest paying job
and the ability to get job assignments (promotion) outside of the State of
Hawaii. State and City jobs pay tends to be lower and offer little flexibility,
political consideration and connection could improve your prospect to promote
and not necessary your ability – but you must play ball. The major concern is
most private sectors employers do not want to hire former government employees.
Military – Washington DC need to find a made-to-believe (perceived) enemy in
order to continue to improve and build up the military infrastructure providing
100s of million of political contributions to elected officials. I do not know
whether it is a blessing or a curse that they choose China. With the help of our
senior Senator Dan Inouye, billions and billions are being pump into Hawaii as
the major staging ground for future military actions in Asia. If you must work
for a major military contractor, consider working for a contractor with offices
throughout North America and best around the world. Senator Dan Inouye is 82
years old. The next one will not have the seniority or the ability to continue
to bring the billions to Hawaii. The money train may probably stop within the
next 5 – 10 years when it is the time you may want to get marry and have
Other source of jobs
The other sources of jobs that we have much talk about in Hawaii are:
Film – it is fueled by Hawaii State Tax credit with limited contribution to
Hawaii State economy.
Technology/Bio-technology – it is fueled by Hawaii State Tax credit. If you have
a chance to visit the high-tech and bio-tech parks throughout Asia, it will be
difficult for us to be a real player. Most of the Tech/Bio-tech projects in
Hawaii are funded by Federal Government; many are military related projects not
open to everyone.
Aquaculture – it is promising, but small
Hawaii as the gateway to Asia?
We had our opportunity in the 70s to have an open sky policy for Hawaii when
most air planes must refuel in Hawaii. We had also an opportunity to ask for an
exemption to the Jones Act in the 70s, allowing better and competing non-USA
shipping companies to enter the Hawaii market. The challenges in the 70s and
today is neither the Union in Hawaii, nor our Congressional Delegation or most
people here understand that we are the only state that everything must be
shipped in/out of Hawaii by Air and Ship only. Hawaii has no natural resources.
We need to import almost everything from outside of Hawaii and cannot be treated
same as the other 49 States. 911 is a fresh example how valuable we are. Have we
learnt our lesson yet?
How Hawaii conduct ourselves in the international trade/business arena?
Hawaii has an excellent reputation in tourism and our natural beauty, rank top 5
worldwide. In terms of Hawaii as a business destination, we are nowhere to be
seen. It is so bad that both major corporations in North America and Asia does
not want to hold major conferences in Hawaii as shareholders have difficult
times believing that serious meetings will be conducted in Hawaii. When we
conduct serious business in Asia, the common joke is “Where is the hula girl”?
What about the 100s of trade/business delegations to Asia for the past 20+
Since working with major trade promotional units both in Asia and Hawaii since
1982, it has allowed me to draw a comparison.
Most of the trade/business delegations to Asia are politically motivated with
little or no intention to bring business home.
A typical trade/business delegation is conceived when a high ranking government
official want to go to a country to visit but lack legitimate reason to do so.
At such time, a trade/business delegation will put together using the necessary
political cards, in many situation, the big businesses in Hawaii with no
intention to do business in Asia must contribute staff and money to support such
trade/business delegation for political considerations in Hawaii in order to pay
to play to get their Hawaii business sail smoothly without any unnecessary
obstacles. Not to go along may have high price to pay affecting their local
After doing the smoke/mirror show by the Hawaii Trade Promotion Unit for so many
years, it has lost its purposes, increasingly becoming the travel office for
State Government Officials at all level. It is also difficult for the Hawaii
trade promotion unit to say no as funding came from various legislative
branches. If the legislators are not happy with the travel arrangement, they may
risk losing the funding for the following year. Trade Mission has become a perk
to many political figures.
If is obvious after 100s of Memorandum of Understanding signed between State of
Hawaii and 100s of private and public sectors in Asia for the past 20 years, we
should have foreign companies setting up offices from Fort St to Bishop St, from
the Airport to Waikiki. But where are they?
The cost of doing business?
We rank top 5 in terms of cost of doing business; top 3 on highest tax burden
and at the bottom of the list in terms of pay forcing many families to take
multiple jobs. It is not unusual for parents to have 2 full time job and 2 – 4
part time jobs to pay for housing and sending their children to private schools
(30% of our families send our children to private school – the highest in the
nation – a broken Hawaii public school system)
Where Hawaii is going for the next 20 years?
If you have rich parents or politically connected, Hawaii is for you, just don’t
do any stupid things and get into business that could lose it all.
If you are rich, Hawaii is a beautiful place to retire.
If you are not rich and not well educated, expect to serve the rich for the rest
of your life.
My Dear Son, like many Chinese immigrants that came to Hawaii and USA 200 years
ago hoping for a better life for their Children. I am asking you that now you
are in America, you have the other 49 States and the World to choose from. I am
asking you to do the right thing…Do not come home to Hawaii, it will put your
future in serious peril.
Unless Hawaii are serious about business or your becoming very successful, the
pasture is definitely much greener in Mainland USA and Asia. More than 100,000
former Hawaii Residents on both sides of the Pacific can share with you their
thoughts and network that might help you there."
January 17, 2006
Re: Annual Membership Meeting on January 17,
May I wish everyone a Happy New Year; Chinese New Year will be on January 29th,
the Year of the Dog!
Congressman Ed Case; Lawrence Tang, Head - Investment Promotion and Yue Mei Chow,
Senior Manager of InvestHK from the HK Economic and
Trade Office in SF; Paul Tambakis – Honolulu Director of the United States
Department of Commerce; Donne Dawson, Film Commission of the Hawaii DBEDT; Benita Brazier, Film Commissioner of the Maui Economic Development
Office; Lisa Miruyama, Executive Director of the Pacific & Asian Affair Council,
Sharon Narimatsu – former Deputy Director of Hawaii DBEDT and current President
of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce; Carol Tsai, President of the Hawaii Chinese
Association; Piia Aarma, Chairman of the Hawaii Pacific District Export Council;
Vernon Ching, President, U.S.-China People Friendship Association; D J Halcro,
Chairman of SCORE; Lori Wang,
President of the Hawaii Mainland China Oversea Association, Our many friends
from DBEDT, Emogene, Richard, Alex, Marlene, and Milton, Journalist Sunny Xie
from China Daily, Tina Quan from Xinhwa News Agency, Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce’s Members Officers and Directors:
It is my duty as President to provide you with an annual report on how we did
for the past year and what is planning for 2006?
We will be 5 years old in June. During the past 5 years, we have continued to
focus on helping Hawaii businesses taking their business to Asia with special
focus in Hong Kong and China. Most of the Hawaiian Companies are small to go to
Asia alone. We have therefore built relationships with more than 16
collaboration partners throughout Asia, North America and Europe to provide us
with additional resources. The collaboration has allowed us to have overseas
offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong run by people in private sectors where
tangible results is the only way to measure success.
We are very proud to share with you that our Vice President, Brenda Foster has
become the President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. AmCham
Shanghai is the largest American Chamber of Commerce in Asia. There is a special
message from Brenda included on the program in front of you.
During the past year, we have partner with the Shanghai TV station, Hawaii
DBEDT, United States Dept of Commerce Honolulu Office, Office of Economic
Development, City and County of Honolulu, CMC Consulting and Many Distinguished
Businesses in Hawaii to produced 4 Episodes of “Hawaii’s China Connection” shown
in Shanghai and Major Cities around China viewed by more than 100 million
people. It was also featured at PBS Hawaii just a few months ago.
In April, a Hawaii’s China Connection seminar was presented at the East West
Center, attending by more than 100 people.
In May, Members of our Chamber of Commerce joined a Special High-Tech Business
Delegation from Chicago, New York, California, Oklahoma and Hawaii attended a
week long meeting with Canton Venture Capital and Guangzhou Venture Capital
Association, Guangzhou, China - The technology park there covers an area larger
than our downtown Honolulu. The Universities in China are graduating 600,000
engineers each year, compared to less than 70,000 in the United States.
In May, we have a members’ business networking cocktail reception at my home in
Hawaii Kai.
In June, in partnership with the UH School of Travel Industry Management and TIM
International Inc, the alumni association of School of TIM, we traveled to
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong with special focus on education and
travel related businesses.
In October, we participated at the China National Day Celebration.
In November we have attended the Strategic Energy Forum in Hong Kong. We have
learnt China is requiring all power companies that 5% of their electricity will
have to come from renewable energy sources by 2010, less than 5 years away.
Total installed capacity of all of China’s power plant in 2005 reached 508
gigawatts, expecting to reach 1,000 gigawatts by 2020. It has presented
excellent opportunities for Hawaii companies willing to partner with major
companies outside of Hawaii.
Also in November, we have participated in the Small Medium Enterprises Trade
Show in Hong Kong.
In December we have co-sponsored a Major Tourism Summit partnered with TIM
International Inc, the alumni association of the School of Travel Industry
Management and Shunde Polytechnic School of Travel, Tourism and Hotel Management
in Shunde, Guangzhou China attended by more than 250 executives from around the
world. It has lead to serious discussion on business opportunities for our
members both in Hawaii and around the world. China is experiencing labor
shortage in many sectors. Let me just focus on the China’s Hotel sector. One
major hotel need to hire 29,000 new employees between now and 2008 and they are
have difficulties. It may force them to slow down on their expansion plan as
they do not want to hire untrained employees that will affect their services.
When you multiple it by more than 20 major hotel chains are expanding rapidly in
China. The demand for qualify new hired estimated at 600,000 by 2008.
Fast forward to 2006, Chinese New Year Celebration party with our Collaboration
Partners is scheduled for Sunday, Jan 22nd at the McCoy Pavilion of the Ala
Moana Park next to the tennis courts. Food and Performances are planned for your
Next month, on Feb 24th, Friday Luncheon, our topic will be “From Aloha to China
Guanxi”. The keynote speaker will be Mike Rowse, Director General – InvestHK of
the HKSAR Government. All the guests attending the luncheon today will be our
guest next month. Hosted by the organizers and sponsors – we are buying you
lunch, it is free, but RSVP is required. You can find the information flyer on
your table. It will be an excellent and practical follow up talk after listening
to our Distinguished Congressman Ed Case after lunch today.
I want to share a few things about Hong Kong with you:
1) Hong Kong is smaller than the Island of Kauai with 7 million people
2) More than 40% of the Direct investments into China go through Hong Kong
3) Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta growth rate for the past 5 years exceeds
13% compared to China’s National Average of 9%
4) Many of the Hawaii Company’s China projects are funded by the Hong Kong
investors or Money from Asian Countries through Hong Kong
5) Many Hong Kong Companies has offices in China
6) Hong Kong has more than 30 years of experiences working in the China market
7) Hong Kong legal system is British Common Law and the Court of Final Appeal is
in Hong Kong and NOT Beijing
8) Many good projects in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta are funded locally. In
other words, you could leave your check book at home.
9) If you have a good projects or ideas, you can do all of your sourcing and
research in Hong Kong before going into China –The ICAC, Independent Commission
Against Corruption was in place since 1972 to ensure Hong Kong a clean and
corrupt free city to do business!
Mr. Mike Rowse will tell you more when he speaks to you on the Feb 24th!
In December, we are planning to partner with Shunde Polytechnic again to do the
2nd in Shunde Guangzhou China. International Movie Star Jackie Chan will be one
of the keynote speakers.
Our mission is simple.
– Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce is your answer – may we help you?
Johnson W. K. Choi
President & Executive Director
August 13, 2005
Hawaii is ranked #1 again!
Milken Institute has ranked Hawai'i once again as the most expensive state in
the nation when it comes to doing business, according to the 2005 Milken
Institute Cost-of-Doing-Business Index.
University of Hawaii Center on the Family release a report as part of a study
for Aloha United Way (AUW) that the gap between rich and poor has long been
apparent in Hawai'i, and despite improvements in the state's economy, the two
groups are growing more distant.
The poorest 20 percent of the state's population lost 7 percent of their income
since the 1970s and the richest 20 percent saw a 31 percent increase in theirs,
said Sylvia Yuen, director of the Center on the Family, the organization that
collected the data for AUW's study.
We have draw the same response from the usual people shifting the blame to
Workman Compensation, shipping cost, fuel cost, land cost, none of the
stakeholders seems to take responsibility. It is the same "I am not responsible"
attitude turn Hawaii into the most expensive place to do business and continue
the brain drain.
Hawaii will turn increasing for the playground for the "rich" controlling both
the wealth and political establishments.
Meanwhile we may want to ask those could make a difference on the followings:
1) Why does it take up to 12 years to develop a real estates project adding 10s
of thousands of dollar to each housing unit?
2) Why can't we allow foreign airline to pick up and drop off passenger to and
from mainland USA?
3) Why can't we allow foreign container ship to pick up and drop off cargo to
and from mainland USA reducing the shipping cost by up to 70%?
4) Why does the minimum wage earning family has to work for another 40 - 72
hours/year to pay for the Mass Transit currently used by less than 8% of the Honolulu
Residents? Many has already working 2 - 3 jobs!
It will not be surprise that some may suggest to do more studies, more reports,
more round table discussions and to tell the world we are trying to do
something, but in fact nothing.
Increasing the majority of the Hawaii resident has to tell their children to
leave Hawaii for a better life. For the 100,000 small businesses in Hawaii, the
struggle continues......
July 21,
Direct Link
PDF format
Unpeg of China's Yuan (RMB) and Moving to
Currency Basket
After years of speculation dated back to as early as the late 2000s by bankers,
traders, importers, exporters and speculators, The People's Bank of China
announced today that the Chinese Yuan will no longer PEG with the U. S. Dollar
but rather with a basket of currencies. It will allow the RMB exchange rate
regime greater flexibility.
Many believe the basket of currencies may include U. S. dollar, euro, Japanese
yen and British pound.
Politically, it will also ward off accusation by Washington politicians that
China deliberately keeps it currency low to fuels its exports.
We do not expect the RMB to moving beyond the trading range of 2 - 4%, beyond
that only if the dollar falls against other currencies too.
China's decision may also raise the cost of the mega retailer such as Wal-Marts
that purchase inexpensive clothing from China.
China's central bank will announce the Yuan's exchange rate against currencies
such as the dollar at the close of each trading day in China.
A gradual appreciation of the RMB without giving current China's financial
system shock waves will be of great interest to Beijing.
Depending on the how soon and how much RMB goes up in value, it may impact
China's current 9%+ growth rate and slow down its export. International
Companies and exporters may be able to offset the increase cost by moving their
facilities to the Western regions of China with savings up to 20 - 40% compared
to those cities located near the coastal regions.
Feb 28, 2005
Does Honolulu Need a New
Mass Transit System?
Almost everyone agreed that
Honolulu need some form of Mass Transit System (MTS). The political
establishments from all levels are favors a brand new MTS. Others have argued to
upgrade and improved on current Bus System.
I think it is fair to say we
need some form of public transportation to supplement or upgrade current
Honolulu Bus System.
It is no doubt that the
commuters using the MTS will benefit with the cost pick up by all Honolulu
residents, military families and tourist alike.
The biggest benefactors will
be the landowners and developers. Depending where the MTS began and end, it is
quite safe to assume all landowners on the Ewa Side and land along the MTS route
will benefit the most.
There is vested interest at
all levels wanting the MTS to move forward, not to abort it for the 3rd
We feel the MTS if done
correctly may benefit Honolulu both in short and long run. It will help ease the
grid lock if enough drivers switch from their car to use the MTS.
There is a possible downside
since the MTS will be managed by current or future government entity. When you
look at the MTS run by governmental agencies both in the United States and
around the world, all of them are losing money. With the deepening of United
States Federal deficit and the aging of United State Population, Hawaii cannot
assume the Federal government will bail us out. Any future increase of operation
deficit will probably assumed by Hawaii taxpayers.
Why don’t we turn over the
Honolulu Mass Transit system to experience private operators to build and run it
without adding new tax burden to Hawaii taxpayers? The operator will assume the
risk of any deficits? Union workers, Architects, Engineers and Suppliers have
plenty of work to do. The Hawaii taxpayers do not have to take on the huge tax
bills and passed it on to our Children and Grandchildren. Hawaii has one the
highest tax in the nation, additional taxes will give us the credit we do not
want and drive more businesses away.
Have we leant from our own
Hawaii convention center? One of the smallest in the world and continue to lose
money year after year?
We can invite mainland or
foreign experience Mass Transit operators to bid on the project in return for
development rights to be worked out between Federal, State, City and the qualify
How the proposed Honolulu
MTS will be financed and run may be a good indication on future business climate
of Hawaii? Instead of defending ourselves as an expensive place to do business,
this is our chance and opportunity to demonstrate to the business world that
Hawaii is serious about business and taking the first step to proof it!
Feb 18, 2005
Stung by Our (Hawaii)
Reputation (Letter to Pacific Business News - Honolulu, Hawaii USA)
PDF Format
When I left Hong Kong to attend the
UH School of Travel Industry Management in 1973, friends and family questioned
whether I was in Hawaii for fun, hula girl, beaches or really getting a college
degree? I have proved them wrong that I got my BBA and MBA in 5 1/2 years.
32 years later, Hawaii as a tourist destination associated with fun, hula girl,
sun and beaches has not changed. Hawaii as a serious place to do business still
questioned by many.
If you live in Hawaii long enough, it is rather confusing who promote trade,
business, tourism and film festival. After doing business with Asia for more
than 25 years, almost any group going to Asia from Hawaii involved a lot of
parties. Parties is an important element of networking and business, but should
not be the chief component. Few, if any serious business actually get done.
Many of the decision makers who had enjoyed the Hawaiian parties during the past
25 years are decision makers today. For the same decision makers, the table is
now turned that decisions must be made whether to go to the Hawaiian parties or
to talk business with serious business delegations from throughout USA and
around the world. Post Enron era and with Company's interest first, it has
become an easy choice not to engage Hawaii or to stay away from Hawaii.
It is really regretful that many of us that are serious about doing business in
Hawaii and in Asia continue to face questions on our real intension - business
or pleasure in the name of businesses!? It may be a wake up call for some, but
probably business as usual for many.
February 4,
Administration Expected to Pursue Dynamic Trade Agenda During its Second Term
Reinforced by a relatively comfortable victory at the polls in November 2004 and
significant Republican gains in both the House of Representatives and the
Senate, the Bush Administration is gearing up to pursue an active and widely
diverse trade agenda during its second term. President Bush has long affirmed
his commitment to trade liberalization and its importance to US prosperity, and
is expected to support a broad range of free trade policies in the next four
years. A few protectionist hiccoughs may emerge from time to time, however,
particularly in the area of textiles.
One of the
principal trade priorities of the Bush Administration during the second term
will be the advancement of economic integration in the western hemisphere. This
will be pursued in two fundamental ways, by achieving (i) Congressional passage
of the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) and
(ii) the successful conclusion of FTA negotiations with Panama and four Andean
countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru). Congressional consideration of
the DR-CAFTA will likely begin in the spring of 2005 and is expected to be a
very tough fight for the Administration. Proponents of the deal face stern
opposition from a coalition which includes labor and environmental groups, sugar
and textile interests, and an amalgamation of Democrats and Republicans that
tend to favor protectionist policies.
If the DR-CAFTA and the FTAs with the Andean region and Panama are ultimately
approved and implemented, this may convince the Brazilian government to expedite
the negotiation of the hemisphere-wide Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),
which had originally been scheduled to be concluded by 1 January 2005. Although
not forgotten, it is undeniable that the FTAA has taken a back seat to bilateral
and multilateral (i.e., Doha Development Round (DDR)) trade negotiations in the
minds of US officials.
The Administration is expected to devote substantial time and human assets in
the next two years to ensure the successful conclusion of the DDR. The DDR
negotiations came to a halt after the acrimonious collapse of the September 2003
World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial meeting held in Cancún, Mexico, but
have gradually gathered momentum ever since. Nonetheless, there are several
outstanding areas where progress in the coming months is imperative in order for
the DDR to be concluded by the end of 2006, which is the generally accepted
current deadline. For example, members have agreed to use a non-linear formula
to reduce tariffs in non-agricultural products, which would force countries with
higher tariff rates to implement larger cuts, but there is still no consensus on
the particulars of the formula itself. Some countries, including the US, are
also pushing for reciprocal duty elimination on a sectoral basis to complement
the formula cuts.
As regards trade in agricultural goods, perhaps the most politically sensitive
area in the entire DDR, negotiating chairman Tim Groser has stated that members
must produce a "first approximation" or rough draft of the negotiating
modalities for agricultural liberalization by August 2005. This working document
would be the basis to achieve a firm commitment on modalities at the Hong Kong
ministerial meeting planned for December 2005. Urgent progress is also needed in
other critical areas, most notably services.
The concept of "free and fair trade," which has traditionally been embraced more
by Democrats than Republicans, was featured prominently in the Republican
platform for the presidential elections and is expected to play a more visible
role in the Administration's trade policy. The Bush team has warned in the past
that it will not tolerate "foreign practices, rules, and subsidization that put
our exports and manufacturers on an unequal footing." Free and fair trade will
generally be advanced through bilateral/regional FTAs and, perhaps to a lesser
extent, the DDR. A judicious application of US trade remedy laws is also
expected from the Administration, which is also likely to seek resolution of
various disputes through the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. In this regard,
it is very possible that China will be the target of one or more dispute
settlement cases in the next four years.
Speaking of China, Sino-US trade relations will certainly remain a focal point
in the Administration's trade policy, and a number of outstanding bilateral
issues are likely to be resolved during President Bush's second term. An
increasingly larger number of legislators and domestic industry groups have
blamed the ever-growing trade deficit with China for the steady decline in US
manufacturing employment and have urged the Administration to be "tough on
China." The Administration has been relatively immune to these protectionist
cries and has managed to avoid thorny confrontations with China, developing a
rather fluid working relationship with Chinese officials instead. In fact, this
cooperative approach has produced concrete results in the areas of intellectual
property rights (IPR) and market access and is expected to yield more dividends
in the future.
The trade priorities of the Administration vis-?vis China are unlikely to change
during the second term. The US will seek to enhance IPR protections for US
products and copyrights in China and will closely monitor the commitments made
by the Chinese government within the framework of the US-China Joint Commission
on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), the WTO, and the US-China bilateral intellectual
property agreement of 1995. The US is particularly concerned with China's
enforcement efforts in this area. Other issues that will capture the spotlight
during 2005-2008 include the alleged undervaluation of the yuan, China's
compliance with its WTO commitments, and textile-related issues.
China has proclaimed its commitment to move towards a market-based system on
several occasions, most recently during last year's celebration of the 16th
US-China Joint Economic Committee meeting in Washington, DC. Some studies in the
US have suggested that the yuan may be undervalued by as much as 40%, and the
Administration has worked diligently with the Chinese government to achieve
greater exchange rate flexibility in the relatively near future. Most experts
agree, however, that China's banking system is far too fragile at the present
time to handle the demands of a floating exchange rate. The Bush Administration
understands that the introduction of a floating exchange rate should take place
only after the Chinese government has taken all the necessary steps to
strengthen its banks and bank supervision, so that these institutions can
withstand the demands of exchange rate flexibility. This careful treading on the
part of the Administration should not be mistaken for passivity, however. US
officials are expected to continue to urge their Chinese counterparts to
implement a market-based system as soon as possible.
As regards textile trade, a recent injunction by the US Court of International
Trade prevents the Bush Administration from taking any action on the
threat-based safeguard petitions filed in the fall and winter of 2004 against a
host of Chinese-origin textile and apparel products. The Administration has
taken a rather protectionist stance in textiles and it seems that this
injunction will only serve to delay what increasingly appears inevitable, that
is, the invocation of the textile safeguard on a broad range of products
sometime in 2005.
China is by no means the only priority in Asia for the Administration. The US is
currently negotiating an FTA with Thailand and may pursue FTA talks with such
countries as Malaysia and Sri Lanka. The Administration may also support a bill
to provide preferential duty treatment to certain developing countries stricken
by last December's tsunami. Such relief may include duty relief for textile and
apparel imports, as well as other key products not covered by the Generalized
System of Preferences. The US may also conceivably remove the anti-dumping
duties currently in place on such products as shrimp and canned pineapple from
The Bush Administration is also expected to conclude a WTO accession deal with
Vietnam as early as the spring or summer of this year. Although it is much too
early to tell at the present time, that agreement may ultimately include a
textile safeguard clause similar to the one included in China's Protocol of
Accession to the WTO. The EU struck an accession deal with Vietnam in October
2004 where it was able to secure significant market access commitments in
industrial goods, agricultural goods, financial and business services,
transportation, telecommunications, and tourism. Once all interested parties
have signed bilateral agreements with Vietnam, the WTO Working Party will
incorporate the various negotiated terms into Vietnam's Protocol of Accession.
Renewal of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which allows the President to
negotiate trade agreements that may not be amended by Congress, is scheduled to
take place during the first half of 2005. The President must request a renewal
by 1 March, which will be granted automatically unless the House or Senate
adopts a resolution of disapproval before 1 June. According to various sources,
any such resolution would be killed at the committee level (i.e., House Ways and
Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee) where trade proponents have strong
numbers. The renewal would extend TPA only for two years, until 2007.
There are a host of other issues that the Administration will consider during
2005-2008, including: (i) the successful conclusion of FTA negotiations with
Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the Southern African Customs Union, and possibly
Egypt, Kuwait, and New Zealand; and (ii) achieving a smoother trade relationship
with the EU and resolving outstanding disputes concerning anti-dumping relief in
the form of the Byrd Amendment, the subsidization of the commercial aircraft
sector, customs procedures, and the food-related provisions of the US
Bioterrorism Act.
November 28,

A forum for Hawaii's business community to
discuss current events and issues Sunday, November 28, 2004 -
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- North American Airlines’ bid for China route deserves isle support The airline
promises routes that stop in Honolulu if it wins the flights next year By
Johnson W. K. Choi
When Singapore Airlines
stopped its direct flight service from Hong Kong to Hawaii in 1989, it created
great inconveniences for both business and leisure travelers to come to Hawaii.
You can see a drop of Hong Kong visitors, including business executives,
visiting Hawaii.
During the past 10 years, trade between United States and China has
substantially increased.
Many businesses doing business with China preferred to set up their offices in
California, which has the comfort of many choices of daily direct flights to and
from all major cities in Asia.
During the past few years, we have had discussions with many accounting firms
and found that more Chinese businesses left Hawaii, especially after 9/11, due
to the difficulties traveling to and from Asia (except Japan).
The required stopovers at one or more connection points is a common complaint by
business travelers.
I have received a solicitation for support from North American Airlines to fly
directly to Shanghai and Guangzhou. I do not know too much about the airline.
But I've heard about direct flights from Hawaii to China for more than 10 years
with almost annual discussion with foreign carriers planning to start direct
flights from China/Hong Kong to Hawaii.
It has become old news.
We believe an American airline willing to fly to Shanghai and Guangzhou direct
from Hawaii makes more economic sense as domestic carriers are allowed to pick
up and drop off passenger between U.S. cities (foreign carriers are not allowed
to do so).
It is great news that Hawaiian Airlines intends to fly direct to China from
Hawaii in 2006 -- but it is two years away. It is not as desirable since it
planning to do the direct flights four times per week.
If North American Airlines is able to fly daily directly to Shanghai in 2005 and
Guangzhou in 2006 it should be good news for Hawaii. It will also give business
travelers better choices and cut down their travel time to/from Hawaii.
I am asking you to take a look at it and see if you can support their efforts.
Johnson Choi is president and executive director of the China.Hawaii Chamber of
China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
November 26,
China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
form Alliances -
Agreement in PDF
Pacific Business News -
Direct Link
PDF format
China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
agree to enhance the liaison and cooperation in the area of import and export,
investment, business information and other commerce related activities for the
benefit of the members of both organizations. Under the agreement of mutual
cooperation, both organizations agree as follows:
That the two
organizations will cooperate on all such measures that in the opinion of the
respective parties would be beneficial in creating trade and economic
cooperation between the two countries.
To take as
many steps as resources allow and feasible to promote trade and economic
cooperation between the two organizations.
To notify each
other of plans for trade exhibitions and fairs in the two countries, and where
possible and applicable to help each other in the holding of trade exhibitions
and fairs for the promotion of products and services offered by members of the
two organizations.
To exchange
trade and market information and to disseminate information available on the
goods and service to the members of both organizations respectively.
To encourage
exchange visits for the expansion of bilateral trade between the two
countries. To provide the assistance of corresponding business activities for
the visiting members and businessmen.
Johnson W. K. Choi, President of HKCHcc and
Arturo Vasquez, President of BCCI
August 16,
Business Open Doors for American Firms
Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) is part of the International Business
Delegation from Hawaii, California, Oklahoma, Hong Kong and Guangzhou visited
Urumqi, Xinjiang China between Aug 10 - 15 to explore multi-million business
opportunities in Real Estates, Wine, Meat Operation and Water Park worth RMB$400
millions. This successful business mission was lead by private sectors business
leaders. There was no government official accompany the business delegation.
During the 5 days visit, we have met with Honorable Wang Lequan - Full Politburo
Members and Secretary of CCP Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Honorable Yang Gang -
Secretary of CCP Wulumuqi
City of Xinjiang Province, Honorable Shokrat Zakir - Mayor of Urumqi City of
Xinjiang Province and Honorable Ms. Wang Jian Ling - Vice Major Urumqi City of
Xinjiang Province. It was rare and exception for the top Officials from the
Provincial and City level to receive the small but powerful business
delegation to work on projects benefiting the City of Urumqi and the Province of
When we first
visited China to sign the Sister-City Agreement between the City of Honolulu and
the Hainan Island in 1984. The entire visit must be handled by the 2
governments including all business meetings. Businesses in Hawaii were playing a minor role
during the visit there. Increasingly the
1980 government/business model does not work for the modern China. More and more
businesses in China want to engage Western businesses on the front line, prefer
to have governments on both sides to play an important, but supportive role.
China Government does not want to be in the way of business. In fact China has
turned most of its State Owned Enterprises (SOE) into the hands of private
business owners. They have further encouraged business enterprises to contact
individual business directly.
Executives in China has been instrumental to set up meetings with Government
Official when needed, rather than a requirement to do business there. Many
preferred no Government Official to tag along with a business delegation as they
must schedule meetings with local Governmental Officials even when there is no
need to do so, thus taking away valuable time on serious business dealings and
The Western
Regions of China has presented exceptional opportunities for Hawaii and Smaller
Companies. The impression by most Americans never visited Western China thought
the area to be backward and difficult to do business there. But many upon their
first visit were surprised on the ease to do business there
without facing fierce competitions from the big Enterprises around the world.
Most of the modern amenities are there. Internet and the tools of doing business
are readily available at a very reasonable price. If the business delegation
wish to schedule meetings with local government official, support letter from
your own Federal, City and State Government Official is more than sufficient
therefore saving the taxpayer 1,000s of dollars of travel expenses.
For a small
State like Hawaii, Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) has been
very successful working with businesses in Mainland USA and Asia to
increase Hawaiian Companies' financial resources and diversities.
We are expecting
to undertake more similar business mission and initiative in the future focusing
on tangible and measurable results.
July 24,
輿 “美國商業部少數族裔商業發展署”
火奴魯魯辦公室成立聯盟共同發展商機Strategic Partnership between Minority Business Development
Center (MBDC) of Honolulu operated by Jean Williams, Inc. and Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce formed strategic partnership to help minority owned
business to achieve tangible and measurable results.
Award - PDF
Sing Tao -
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World Journal - PDF
March 31,
"China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "China Chamber of
International Commerce Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce (CCPIT)" agree to enhance
the liaison and cooperation in the area of import and export, investment,
business information and other commerce related activities for the benefit of
the members of both organizations have decided to extend their agreement signed
on September 30, 2001 indefinitely. The business relationship has resulted in
more than US$10,000,000.00 of trade and business between Guangzhou, Hawaii and
California. We are expecting the agreement will take further advantage of the
CEPA arrangement between Hong Kong and Pearl Delta Region.
Click on the small picture for the full view
February 26,
"Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "City of Chengde,
Hebei, China" agree to enhance the liaison and
cooperation in the area of import and export, investment, business information
and other commerce related activities for the benefit of the members of both
organizations signed Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation in Honolulu Hawaii on
February 26, 2004.
Tao Chinese Newspaper Web Coverage in PDF Format
Coverage in PDF Format
Chinese News Coverage in PDF Format
Journal Newspaper Coverage in PDF Format
Speech by
Johnson Choi, President & Executive Director of Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce
Honorable Wang Ke 王克, Deputy Mayor, Chengde People’s Municipal Government;
(王克承德市人民政府副市长); Mr. Liu Jiafu
刘家福, Director General, Chengde Urban Planning
Bureau (刘家福承德市规划局局长); Mr. Gao Zhongwei
高中卫, Chairman, Chengde Planning &
Landscaping Institute (高中卫承德市建筑规划设计院院长); Mr. Chen Zhanwen
陈占文, Senior Engineer,
Chengde Planning & Landscaping Institute; (陈占文承德市建筑规划设计院高级工程师); Ms.Liu Yinong
刘艺农, Deputy General Manager of World Trade Center Shijiazhuang, CCPIT Hebei (刘艺农
河北省贸促会石家庄世界贸易中心副总经理); Director Liu, (Director for International Liaison &
Business, WTC Shijiazhuang), Chief Editor – ZHU Xian Liang, Senior Editor – FENG
Qiao, Producer – WANG Wen Yu, Assistant Producer – DING Jian Xin and Art
Director – ZHANG Shao Jun of the Shanghai TV Station – Documentary Channel,
Director Tambakis, Director Paul Tambakis, (Area Director of United States
Department of Commerce), President Terrill Chock, 卓少华会长
(President of The
Chinese Chamber of Commerce), President Michael Zhang, 张 少 炯 会长
(President of
the China Club), Ms. Yen Chun, Director of the Sun Yat Sin Foundation – Hawaii,
Officers, Directors and Members of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce, Honor Guest, Ladies and Gentleman. Aloha.
On behalf of China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, I would like to extend our warm
welcome to our friends from Chengde 承德, Hebei, China. We appreciate your making
a stop in Hawaii to strengthen our ties between our two organizations.
We have a very distinguish group of business leaders in the room who are friends
of China for many years. Many of them have business ties with China.
It was back in 1985 when Yen Chun, a few of our Chamber members, and I visited
Hainan Island representing the City and County of Honolulu to sign our Sister
City Agreement. Now as you all may know that Hainan is a province of China and
has extended the Sister State Agreement with Hawaii.
In 1991 China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce signed a collaboration business
agreement with CCPIT Guangzhou. It resulted in more than 10 million of trade and
business between Hawaii, California and China. Last year we signed a
collaboration business agreement with CCPIT Hebei. In a few minutes, we will
signing a collaboration business agreement with the City of Chengde, Hebei.
Our Chamber of Commerce has more than 15 collaboration business partners in
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore, Hawaii, Mainland USA and
Canada focusing on doing business and getting things done.
Our collaboration business partners have continued to provide valuable
information on the ground level to us helping us to navigate through the maze of
information. We have continued to reach out to those that are willing to do
Since our Chamber is 100% supported by our members and receive no funding from
government. It enables us to focus on projects that make business sense
benefiting our members.
The city of Chengde (河北省承德市) in
northeastern Hebei Province is the site of the summer resort of the Qing
emperors. It is about 200 kilometers from Beijing and is easily accessible by
either train or long-distance bus.
The magnificent Mountain Resort and the 12 Buddhist temples at its periphery
were built during the Qing Dynasty, the last feudal Chinese dynasty. It served
as the second political center of the Qing imperial court and the emperors of
the early Qing Dynasty often spent their summers there, conducting state affairs
and engaging in important political activities. The Mountain Resort and its
temples and palaces have made chengde a famous historical and cultural city, and
one of china's leading scenic spots. The imperial Resort was listed in the
directory of the world's cultural heritages in 1994.
The construction of the Mountain Resort took place over a period of 90
years-starting from the 42nd year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1703), rebuilt and
expanded during the reign of Emperor Qianlong, and completed in the 57th year of
Emperor Qianlong's reign (1792). It is China's largest existing imperial garden,
covering an area of 5.64 million sq. m., double that of the Summer Palace, and
eight times that of Beihai Park in Beijing. The 1O-km. wall around It winds its
way through plains and high mountains like the Great Wall. There are more than
90 towers and pavilions scattered around the Mountain Resort as well as small
bridges, inscriptions on precipices, rockeries of various sizes, many gates,
horizontal inscribed boards, palaces, terraces and other buildings.
The agreement we are about to sign is only the first step on a long-term
relationship. How the relation will grow depends on the efforts of our esteemed
organizations, members and its leaders. We feel the agreement with Chengde is a
good one and present excellent opportunities for Hawaii Companies.
We are looking forward to report back to you in 12 months and share with you
many successful stories.
Thank you very much.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
January 18,
Happy New Year Song by 12 Smart Monkeys - New Year Day on Jan 22nd!
On behalf of our Chamber
of Commerce, we would like to wish everyone a Happy, Prosperous, Safe New Year -
the Year of the Monkey.
People born in
the year of Monkey are intelligent, well read and always extremely eager to
learn. They have an extremely good memory and there are many Monkeys who have
made particularly good linguists. The Monkey is also a convincing talker and
enjoys taking part in discussions and debates. Their friendly, self-assured
manner can be very persuasive and they usually have little trouble in winning
people round to their way of thinking - it is the reason that the Monkey often
excels in politics and public speaking. They are also particularly adept in PR
work, teaching and any job which involves selling.
They can,
however, be crafty, cunning and occasionally dishonest and they will seize on
any opportunity to make some quick gain or outsmart their opponents.
They have so much charm and guile that people don't realize what they are up to
until it is too late. But despite their resourceful nature, they do run the risk
of outsmarting even themselves. They have so much confidence in their abilities
that they rarely listen to advice or are prepared to accept help from anyone.
The Monkey likes to help others but prefers to rely on their own judgment when
dealing with their own affairs.
With so many diverse talents, the Monkey is able to make considerable sums of
money, but they do like to enjoy life and will think nothing of spending their
money on some exotic holiday or luxury which they have had their eye on. They
can, however, become very envious if someone else has got what they want.
The Monkey is an original thinker, and despite their love of company they
cherish their independence. They have to have the freedom to act as they want
and any Monkey who feels hemmed in or bound by too many restrictions can soon
become unhappy. Likewise, if anything becomes too boring or monotonous they soon
lose interest and turn their attention to something else. The Monkey often lacks
persistence and this can often hamper their progress. They are also easily
distracted and it is a tendency which all Monkeys should try to overcome. They
should concentrate on one thing at a time and by doing so will almost certainly
achieve more in the long run.
The Monkey is a
good organizer and even though they may behave slightly erratically at times
they will invariably have some plan at the back of their minds. On the odd
occasion when their plans do not quite work out, they are usually quite happy to
shrug shoulders and put it down to experience. They will rarely make the same
mistake twice and throughout their lives they will try their hand at many
The Monkey likes to impress and is rarely without followers or admirers. There
are many who are attracted to them by their good sense of humor, or simply
because they instill so much confidence.
Monkeys usually
marry young and to be a success with their partner must allow them time to
pursue their many interests and the opportunity to indulge in their love of
travel. The Monkey also has to have a variety in his life and is especially well
suited to those born under the signs of the Rat, Dragon, Pig, Snake and Goat.
The Ox, Rabbit, Snake and Dog will also be enchanted by the Monkey's resourceful
and outgoing nature, but the Monkey is likely to exasperate the Rooster and
Horse and the Tiger will have little patience for the Monkey's tricks. A
relationship between two Monkeys will also work well - they both understand each
other and are able to assist each other in their various little enterprises.
Provided the Monkey can curb their desire to take part in all that is going on
around them and concentrate on one thing at a time, they can usually achieve
what they want in life and should not suffer any disappointments, the Monkey is
bound to bounce back. The Monkey is a survivor and their life is usually both
colorful and very eventful.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
October 20,
"China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "China Council for the Promotion of
International Trade (CCPIT) Hebei Sub-Council" agree to enhance the liaison and
cooperation in the area of import and export, investment, business information
and other commerce related activities for the benefit of the members of both
organizations signed Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation in Honolulu Hawaii on Oct
20, 2003.
Governor Linda Lingle's
Commendation (PDF File)
Cooperative Agreement
(PDF File)
Sing Tao
Newspaper Website Coverage (PDF File)
Sing Tao Newspaper
Print Version Coverage
World Journal Newspaper
Print Version Coverage (PDF file)
Pacific Business
Newspaper Coverage (PDF file)
Hawaii Chinese News
Coverage (PDF file)
by Johnson Choi, President & Executive Director of China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce 10/20/03
Chairman Wang
of CCPIT Hebei),
Meng (President
of Hebei Jinguang Yuan Group), President
Liu (President
of Hebei Qianxibe Group),
General Manager Chang (General
Manager of Industry Co, Hebei Construction Investment Group),
Director Liu, (Director for International Liaison & Business, WTC Shijiazhuang),
Director Liu,
Director Ted Liu,
刘恩博 主任
(Director of Hawaii Department Business Economic Development & Tourism ),
Manny Menendez,
( Director of the Office of Economic Development,
City & County of Honolulu), President Tollefson
(President of The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii), President
Terrill Chock,
(President of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce), President
Vernon Ching,
陈惠昌 会长
(President of the U. S. China People Friendship Association - Honolulu Chapter),
Michael Zhang,
张 少 炯 会长
(President of the China Club),
Emeritus Chuck Gee (Dean Emeritus of the School of Travel Industry
Management, University of Hawaii at Manoa),
Vice President
Su (Vice President of the China Student and Scholar
Association, University of Hawaii at Manoa), Honor Guest, Ladies and
Gentleman. Aloha.
On behalf of China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, I
would like to extend our warm welcome to our friends from Hebei, China. We
appreciate your making a stop in Hawaii to strengthen our ties between our two
We have a very distinguish group of business leaders in the room
who are friends of China for many years. Many of them have business
with China.
It was back in 1985 when Yen Chun,
a few other Chamber members,
and I visited Hainan
Island representing the City and County
of Honolulu to sign our Sister City Agreement. Now as you all may know that
Hainan is a province of
China and has extended the
Sister State Agreement with Hawaii. The State is planning a visit to Hainan in December. The seeds we helped planted
are showing results.
In 1991 China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce signed a collaboration
business agreement with CCPIT Guangzhou.
It resulted in more
than 10 million of trade and business between Hawaii, California and China.
Our Chamber of Commerce has more than 15 collaboration business
partners in Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Hong Kong, Singapore, Hawaii,
Mainland USA and Canada focusing on doing business and getting things done.
Our collaboration business partners have continued to provide
valuable information on the ground level to us helping us to navigate through
the maze of information. We have continued to reach out to those that are
willing to do business.
Since our Chamber is 100% supported by our members and receive no
funding from government. It enables us to focus on projects that make business
sense benefiting our members.
is located in the
Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) Economic Region
(京津冀經濟圈)and the Bohai Bay
Economic region (環渤海經濟圈).
It is a
major producer of iron and
steel. In 2001, Hebei's
output of iron and steel ranked the first and third in
In 2001, Hebei's industrial output totaled Rmb376.7 billion or
US$46 billion (+9.9%). Heavy industry amounted to RMB 246.2 billion or
US$30.02, i.e. 65% of the province’s total industrial output.
The North China Pharmaceutical Plant, locates in
is the major antibiotic producer in China with its output of penicillin ranking
the highest in the world.
In coming years, Hebei will actively attract foreign funds and
introduce advanced technology in all production sectors. The province aims to
upgrade the overall productivity and product quality of its industrial
enterprises and raise market competitiveness. Meanwhile, Hebei also targets to
boost the tertiary sector such as finance, banking, information services and
Hebei is a popular tourist spot in Northern China with many
historical sites such as the Chengde Summer Resort(承德避暑山莊),
the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall(山海關), the Beidaihe(北戴河)Summer
Resort, the Eastern Tombs and Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. Beidaihe is
the Camp David of China and the place has hosted many important politburo
The agreement we are about to sign is only the first step on a
long-term relationship. How the relation will grow depends on the efforts of our
esteemed organizations,
members and its leaders. We feel the
agreement with Hebei is a good one and present excellent opportunities for
Hawaii Companies.
We are looking forward to report back to you in
12 months and share with you many successful stories.
Thank you very much.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
October 10,
VISA: Increase Visitors from China to Hawaii
requires Multi-State Efforts
Direct link to Pacific Business News
It is rather interesting
to see China VISA issues kept coming up. Many have came up with creative ways to
make Hawaii unique that somehow visitors to Hawaii will have a easier time to
obtain VISA from the U. S. Consulate in China. Prior to 911 and the Homeland
Security Act came on line, creative way to do the "Hawaii only" type VISA had
limited success.
The biggest challenge and few want to talk about to settle the VISA questions
and allowing more China travellers to come to United States including Hawaii is
to have "Destination Country Agreement" between China and the United States.
The "Destination Country Agreement" must be in place before China visitors are
allowed to visit Hawaii without forcing many of them to cook up with a business
reason to come here.
Hawaii is not known to be a business destination in China and as a matter of
fact throughout Asia. Once the "Destination Country Agreement" is in place,
wealthy Chinese tourists will be able to come to Hawaii. Based on the statistic
obtained from Hong Kong, Chinese tourist outspent Japanese & American tourist by
more than 50%. Rather than looking "quantity", we should look at the "quality"
of tourist we are attracting.
The "Destination Country Agreement" is between two countries. Therefore USA and
China government must negiotiate for a workeable agreement. In order for Hawaii
to benefit from the "Destination Country Agreement", we must work with other
States sharing our vision to convince the Federal Government to began the
negiotiation. California, Nevada and New York States are natural partners due to
their business, gaming and diverse ethnics appeals.
According to Madam Shen Huirong, Director General, International Liaison, China
National Tourism Administration & Mr. Shen Jianxiang, Executive General Manager,
China Merchants International Travel Company. In order for USA (Hawaii) to take
advantage of the Chinese outbound tourist. A destination country agreement must
be in place. There are 20 countries, most of them are in the Southeast Asia have
agreements with China. United States of America does not have an agreement with
China. Hawaii cannot cut a separate agreement with China! The latest agreement
was signed with Germany in 2002. Therefore, news reporting about Chinese
Airlines coming to Hawaii will probably not materialized as China travel agents
are not allowed to promote a destination like Hawaii that China does not have an
agreement with. Destination like Hainan trying to promote themselves as “Mirror
of Hawaii” will probably not wanting to send their people to Hawaii. Business
people travel between Hawaii and Shanghai will not book on charter flight that
offers service only twice weekly.
The most popular destinations for China outbound tourists are Hong Kong, Macau
and Thailand. Travel package cost is a major factor. But on the other hand,
after reaching their destinations, China tourists outspent any tourist groups
including the Japanese and the Americans.
Japan, Australia and New Zealand are destination countries open to Chinese
citizens from Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. If and when an agreement is
signed between USA and China, Australia model to handle Chinese inbound tourist
has been successful with less than .05% of Chinese visitors overstay their VISA.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
19, 2003
from Mr. Ted Liu, Director, Hawaii DBEDT:
Johnson Choi
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
Dear Johnson:
I am pleased to invite you and the members
of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce to attend the Inaugural
Asia-Pacific Homeland Security Summit & Exposition to be held in Honolulu,
Hawaii, from November 19-21, 2003 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
Tom Ridge is scheduled to deliver the opening keynote address.
Other confirmed speakers include:
Admiral Thomas Fargo, Commander
of U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM);
Ambassador Cresencio Arcos,
Director of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Security,
James Woolsey, former head of
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);
General William Lennox,
Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point;
Lt. General (Ret.) Henry Stackpole,
President, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
Dr. Rohan Gunaratna,
world renown Al-Qaeda and terrorism expert.
Other invited speakers include:
U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Norman Mineta,
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce
Sam Bodman,
U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce,
International Trade Administration, Grant Aldonas,
Governor Ishihara of Tokyo,
Governor Ohta of Osaka, as
well as Ministers with responsibility for national security or commerce from
Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South
Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.
The Summit is being organized in
collaboration with the East-West Center, the Asia-Pacific Center for Security
Studies and the Pacific Basin Economic Council and will be the region's
premier homeland security conference. It will include the participation of
several hundred heads of governments and NGOs, senior corporate executives,
technology experts, world-renowned scholars and other distinguished leaders,
through a special, invitation-only track. This track will be limited to fewer
than 200 participants. We expect 750 attendees in total.
The Summit is designed to maximize
participant interaction and will stimulate new ideas and innovative approaches
through a combination of roundtable and panel discussions, plenary sessions,
three in-depth tracks and an exhibit hall. Hawaii's unique homeland security
resources, training and technology exports will also be presented.
With its rich agenda of timely reports and
discussions, provocative debates, and networking opportunities, this Summit will
be the most effective venue for leaders from all sectors to engage on this
mission critical topic. One objective of the Summit is to provide information
so that government and corporate leaders can develop tailored, individual
strategies and methods to meet the new security challenges they each face.
These challenges include physical, chemical and biological, and infectious
diseases threats. We will also address shared regional security challenges and
This year's inaugural meeting could not be
timelier as historic changes continue to unfold in this region of the world.
The theme of the meeting is "Homeland Security: Developing Public and
Private Sector Solutions for the Asia Pacific Region.." This Summit promises
to be the ideal forum for developing collective solutions to public and private
sector security threats in the Asia Pacific region.
We would appreciate the Chambers's
assistance in helping us publicize the Summit to your membership. Please
encourage your members to visit our website at
for the most up-to-date information.
Should you have any questions, please
contact my Deputy Director Ray Jefferson at (808) 586-3035 or email:
I look forward to seeing you at this
important event.
Ted Liu
August 10,
Hawaii’s Reality Check
In 1980 when I did my exit
interview with my last employer before starting my own business, my former boss
told me that Hawaii will be the place for the rich, famous and the established
few. Most of our children will have to leave Hawaii for better opportunities.
That was 23 years ago. The reality has spoken for itself!
The multi-billion dollars
contract for the housing redevelopment brought in by the military is indeed good
news for those that are in the A/E/C/S (Architect/Engineer/Contractor/Suppliers)
businesses. After making more than 20 phone calls to many former Hawaii
residents and Chamber members outside of the State of Hawaii. Hawaii need to
have a more diversify business base and offer more friendly transportation
options, unless they are in the A/E/C/S businesses, it has offer little comfort
for them or any good reason for them to come home.
While many parts of the world
have become more connected to make face to face meeting easy, Hawaii is becoming
more isolated. Except for Japan, traveling to Hawaii from any financial centers
in Asia takes longer than going to California, Nevada, Washington State or
Western Canada even though the actual distance is shorter. Most airlines must
stop over Hawaii for refuel in the 1970s find it more economical to fly over
Hawaii with the new long distance fuel-efficient jets. Airlines are continuing
to reduce their airlift coming into Hawaii making visiting Hawaii even more
difficult, less choices and much more expensive.
One of our chamber’s members
recently ordered two new cars from a local auto dealership. The car arrived into
California port on May 15th, took those 2 weeks to leave California
port and after dropping off the cars in Honolulu, took those cars 10 days to
allow the local auto dealership to pick it up. The customer is naturally very
upset. The local auto dealership said that 2 companies are controlling shipping
of automobile. Neither is offering better services since they control the
Hawaii has one of the most
recognized name brand, mostly associated with tourism and its natural beauties.
After one or two visits to Hawaii, many tourists found Hawaii rather boring and
lack of attractions. It is a frustration commonly shared by many inbound tours
operators here.
Have Hawaii done our own
reality check? Other than offering Sun, Sea, Surf, Sand, Hula Girls and Natural
Beauties of Hawaii, what else is Hawaii offering to the tourist? Who are the
purchasers of our business ideas, education/training, technology and
biotechnology? Who are our competitors? And most importantly, are they willing
to pay for it? I have seen focus group and business round tables formed to
envision what we can sell – have we ever found out from the perceived buyers’
requirements? And are they willing to pay for it?
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
July 2, 2003
Hawaii Investment Survey
is being conducted through a Social Enterprise Endowment of Harvard Business School, with the support
of the China-Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, and
Enterprise Honolulu, an economic development organization.
The purpose
of the survey is to collect aggregate data on the current and potential
investment capital flows into the state of
Hawaii. This research is being conducted to
identify investment trends and make recommendations to improve the future
investment climate in
All data
collected in the survey is strictly confidential and will be reported only in
aggregate form (with all company-specific information withheld). It is
important to note that your response is greatly appreciated, whether or not your
company has made past investments in
Participants will receive a free copy of the
Investment Survey
research findings upon conclusion of the project in September 2003.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
April 29,
We thank all of
you who have called to show concern and support for Hong Kong at this difficult
time. I can report that the situation there is stabilising. Daily, Hong
Kong government and heroic medical teams are gaining
experience and winning ground in the battle against severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS). Over the recent holiday period, the number of SARs patients
who went home from hospital after successful treatment outnumbered new
admissions, which has lifted spirits.
Some friends
have asked if they can confidently conduct trade with Hong Kong at this time.
The answer is a resounding “yes” for the following reasons:
Imports and mail
from Hong Kong do not pose a health risk. That is a World Health Organisation
Production is going on as usual
in Hong Kong’s widespread network of factories in the
Chinese mainland and elsewhere.
Goods are flowing
to overseas markets with minimum disruption.
Trade fairs are going ahead
in Hong Kong for an extended spring buying season, with stringent health
protection measures in place. At Hong Kong Trade Development Council's (HKTDC’s)
consolidated fairs for gifts and houseware (April and July) more than one third
of reconfirmed exhibitors are from overseas. Hong Kong
also look forward to welcoming overseas buyers with open arms, VIP treatment and
attractive travel packages.
Life is going on in Hong Kong,
with people going to work every day and schools re-opening on a phased basis.
Nimble and innovative Hong Kong firms
are finding new ways to connect with customers, including setting up of
temporary showrooms overseas.
The HKTDC, too,
has stepped forward with special initiatives such as web conferencing, virtual
exhibitions and catalogue shows in your markets to broaden your business
communication channels with Hong Kong,
Details are listed on our Resource
Center page.
The entire Hong
Kong community is united to overcome this problem. It is also the top priority
for leaders on the Chinese mainland. Temperature checks and health screening at
Hong Kong’s airport are restoring confidence in air travel. High-tech screening
will soon be installed at Hong Kong’s land crossings with the mainland, in close
co-operation with health authorities there.
would be a tremendous help if you would help us pass these messages on.
Meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to call us
at 808-222-8183
you have any questions.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
April 17,
Many of the businesses are facing
serious challenges in the Far East on the outbreak of the SARS. While progress
is being made, solution to solve the problem and cure are not close in sight. It
is disturbing to see SARS rumors being spread throughout major cities in North
America including Honolulu where major Chinese population is located. While
there are various theories and speculations on where the rumors came from. It is
important that we do not use this occasion to add fuel to the fire. We are
hoping that millions of Chinese live in the North America will stand up to
ensure that Chinese are responsible citizen. Chinese establishments inside and
outside of Chinatown are safe place to visit and to do business with.
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) is encouraging our members
to use our influences and relationship to build bridges, take away the
opportunity for those using the SARS to profit from people's miseries.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
February 22, 2003
Go to Hawaii Reporter for complete story
If you are involved with
trade and businesses outside our geographic boundaries during the past decade
working with entities representing various government interests, the easy first
step has been sending/receiving high profile speakers telling you “how the
pasture is greener on the other side”! Most of the speakers have brought with
them years of experiences. Their job is to provide a convincing message to the
audience. Many of them did an excellent job sharing their success stories. Most
audience will leave the meeting or dinner on a high note. Most of the time, the
bus stops here just with a good feeling. It is usually difficult for the
attendees to follow up with out of town speakers. Getting additional
information from the local sponsors can be very difficult in time.
Have you attended one of the
meetings described above in the past?
If you are interested to
expand your business outside of Hawaii, what is the value to you attending a
presentation by an expert for example in China trade showing you the
opportunities to take advantage of the trade worth billions of dollar? If your
interest is to increase knowledge of general trade and business, most of
you will probably satisfy with the information provided! For many of us wanting
to take the newly acquired knowledge to the next level to implement
what we learnt into practice, you will find major obstacles.
Where are some of the
Sponsoring organizations may not have extensive
knowledge on the subject matter presented.
Event use as mean for public relations only
Unable to obtain additional information and
follow ups
A recent meeting with one of
the Federal agency, the retired Director said the major challenge is their
advisors inability to provide complete and satisfy answers to businesses wanting to
expand their business overseas. Information is presented in piece meal and
seldom complete. People try to obtain information find themselves going around
in circle.
What to look for if you are
really interested to expand your business overseas?
Seek out local entities focus on promoting and
actually doing business locally and internationally
Look beyond the name – it could be misleading
Get connected with the local Chamber of
Commerce in the region of your interest
For Americans, get connected with the local
American Chamber of Commerce
Call the organization you have in mind, find
out how much do their Officers and Directors know anything about business
overseas (if that is your target market) – the number of trade missions
attended is not an accurate gauge for experiences as many are paid for by
government as a mean to reward loyalty. It has nothing to do with trade.
Who are their collaboration partners?
Once you have located a
credible entity to work with you. You are required also to do your homework.
Find out if there is a market for your products
and/or services
Consider working with a reputable partner
Observe local rules and customs
Invest some money and time
Do not lose your focus – it is so often when
you hear business executives came back from a foreign trip impressed, if you
look closer, they were impressed by things other than business and for the
wrong reasons!
Like marriage, a lasting
relationship takes time to know each others before taking the dive. The wine and
dine during courting are fun things. But it is by no mean a measurement for
successful relation.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director

February 1, 2003
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce (HKCHcc) expresses our condolences to the family and friends of the
crew members on space shuttle Columbia.
Shuttle commander Rick D. Husband; pilot William C.
McCool; payload commander Michael P. Anderson; mission specialists David M.
Brown, Kalpana Chawla and
Laurel Clark; and Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, died when the shuttle
came apart during re-entry.
The loss of Columbia this morning
brings back painful memories of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger as
it took off from Cape Canaveral on January 28, 1986, also killing all seven
people on board. One of the crew members on the Challenger was mission
specialist Ellison S. Onizuka, a Japanese American from Hawaii.
The following information is being provided for
those who would like to personally send their condolences to the families of the
Columbia crewmembers.
Written condolences can be sent to the following address:
Astronaut Office
NASA Johnson Space Center
Mail Code: CB
2101 NASA Road 1
Houston, TX 77058
The following web page is available also to send condolences:
The following address is for sending messages to Israeli astronaut Ilan
Ramon's family:
The Hawaii community is saddened by the
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director

December 7, 2002
Enter to View Unedited Readers' Comments
On behalf of the Hong Kong China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc), we would like to wish our members and friends
happy, healthy and safe holiday seasons.
2002 has been a very exciting year for
us. Our Board of Directors have just completed a focus business initiative for
year 2003. HKCHcc goal continues to be helping Hawaii to broaden it's economic
and business base by assisting Hawaii Companies to take a practical approach to
explore business outside of Hawaii. At the same time, encourage firms outside of
Hawaii to look beyond the Sun, Sea, Surf and Hula girls to find out what our
business community can offer them.
HKCHcc is proud to be the Ambassador
for the State of Hawaii and Advocacy of Business without spending $1 of State
Government money.
It is very exciting to look at
opportunities in Hong Kong and China, the 2008 Olympic game in Beijing, 2010
World Expo at Shanghai and the 2003 FIFA Women World Cup Soccer in China. The
cultural differences and expectations have sometimes make closing a business
deal difficult. News media tends to focus on either failed business deals or
news release put out by government agency as the headliners to sell newspaper.
Many successful stories like the Motorola, Emerson Electric and hundreds of
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who took their time to learn the market is
reaping huge financial success. The fact that you see 100s if not 1,000s of
products at stores like Wal-mart is solid example.
The Government of China will continue
to play an important role in many business dealings. China's membership in the
WTO and Beijing's efforts for a more cleaner government will create a more level
playing field for the SMEs. HKCHcc Collaboration Partners in the Pacific Rim
Countries have continued to provide us with valuable information and partnership
for our current and future projects. We are encouraging our members to take
advantage of our Collaboration Partners experiences
(Collaboration Partners).
We take great efforts to provide
business news and information daily with special focus in Hong Kong and China
(Hong Kong China & Hawaii Biz),
highlights of many of our business activities
(Photo Album),
doing business with China information from
resource center
business links.
I am asking
you to bookmark it and visit with us frequently.
Feel free to contact us at
or 808-222-8183 if you have any questions.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director

September 10, 2002
Re: A Statewide Moment of Silence to Pay Tribute to
Those Who Lost Their Lives on September 11, 2001.
On September 11, 2002 we invite you to honor the
victims of this National tragedy, and the families and friends they left behind.
If you can, please step outside your home, school or workplace and join hands
with your friends, families and co-workers. Or if you prefer, you might choose
to reflect on your own. Together, we can observe this moment of silence in a
show of support and unity.
10:05am Statewide Bell Ringing
10:06am Moment of Silence

June 17, 2002
On June 20th HKCHcc will be leading a business
delegation visiting Shanghai and Beijing. We are very exciting and looking
forward to the meetings lined up expecting to yield positive results. Our focus
will be beyond education, high-tech, training and tourism.
When the meetings were planned, we were worried since no government entities is
involved (I was involved with 5 government funded business/trade mission), the
reception from the China will be cool. To our surprise, our counterpart and
collaboration partners welcome a pure business mission to focus only on the
business agenda.
This trade mission is entirely funded by private sectors. It is also an
indication that business going on this trip are very serious about doing
business with no government subsidies. We are not only representing Hawaii
Companies, but in partnership with Companies located outside of Hawaii.
We are planning to meet with our Chambers members in Shanghai and Beijing and to
spend time with our private sectors collaboration partners there.
Our Directors and Founding members have determined to make HKCHcc a true
business organization to shy away from window dressing to yield positive
results. We are getting there and our membership is growing attracting
Executives and Owners of Companies inside and outside of Hawaii.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director

February 11, 2002

I would like to take this opportunity to wish
members of HKCHcc, our Collaboration Partners and Friends a healthy, Cheerful
and Profitable "Year of the Horse".
The New Year will bring fresh opportunities. HKCHcc
will continue to build bridges and explore opportunities for our members,
collaboration partners and friends.
I have received phone calls that callers were
informed that to do business in Hong Kong & China. Entities will get
favorable treatment if he/she belong to certain "Federation" and/or
"Business Association".
Hong Kong Government (HKETO) and Organizations like
the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) welcomes all business interested
to do business in Hong Kong. They are NOT requiring any entity to belong to any
"Federation" and/or "Business Association" to obtain
favorable treatments.
If you have come across the same misinformation,
feel free to contact our office.
Be sure to check out many exciting events located on
our "Event" page.
I am
sharing a "Chinese New Year" Song with you (click on this link). It
is fun, upbeat and with well wishes. I am sure you will enjoy it.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director

September 15, 2001
Attack on America - Sept 11, 2001
The tragedy we witnessed in New York and Washington, D.C., on September
11th is cause for tremendous sorrow. It has affected individuals and
organizations worldwide. The imminent prospect of war and further terrorist
attacks has increased the emotional and economic turmoil. It is also a source of
pride in how the people of America have come together to care for the victims,
to mourn, and to begin the process of moving forward as the strong nation we
As we continue to hear news on the horrific attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, let us send our prayers to the survivors and the
relatives and friends of the deceased who are suffering from the physical and/or
emotional trauma of this event.
For our members looking for ways to help in the rescue, recovery, and
rebuilding process, here are two
1) To arrange to give blood, the American Red Cross has established a
clearing house for information about locations and scheduling. Their toll free
number is 1-800-448-3543. Their web site is http://www.redcross.org/
2) To contribute financial support for the American Red Cross relief and
recovery efforts, send your donation to American Red Cross, 15751 Street NW,
Washington, DC 20005
Please contact our Office if you have further questions.
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC.
President & Executive Director
