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September 6 2011 Share
An Action Plan for Jobs—NOW
Write to your Senator &
Congressman with auto fill form: http://www.votervoice.net/core.aspx?APP=GAC&AID=1067&issueid=26138&SiteID=-1
By Thomas J. Donohue
President and CEO
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
It seems like everyone in Washington has a jobs plan these days. While the focus is welcome, the talk must translate into meaningful action. The 25 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, or have stopped looking for work want to hear specific ideas that will jump-start job creation—and they want to see Congress act on them.
We’ve put together a jobs plan, based on practical, private sector solutions that we’re sending to the president and Congress today:
Expand trade and global commerce—Pass the three pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama to save 380,000 jobs and add hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Completing export control forms, spurring exports to Europe and Asia, and protecting intellectual property through patent reform and shutting down rogue websites would create thousands of additional jobs.
Produce more American energy—Open offshore resources in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and create 244,700 new jobs. Expand access to federal lands for oil and gas exploration and add 530,000 new jobs. Approve the Keystone XL project, which would support 250,000 energy jobs.
Speed up infrastructure projects—Pass a multiyear highway bill, FAA reauthorization bill, and a water bill so states and communities can plan projects, hire employees, and prevent layoffs. Implement the Energy Savings Performance Contracts Program and create 35,000 jobs a year. Remove regulatory and permitting obstacles to 351 stalled energy projects and create 1.9 million jobs annually. Unlock $250 billion in global private capital for infrastructure projects here at home and create even more jobs.
Welcome tourists and business travelers to America—Create 1.3 million jobs by restoring the U.S. share of the travel market to 2000 levels by promoting tourism, expanding the visa waiver program, and reforming the visa application process without compromising security.
Streamline permits and provide regulatory certainty—Take up to $1 trillion in accumulated private capital off the sidelines and into business expansion by eliminating uncertainty caused by burdensome regulations. Expedite the permitting process to get job-creating projects moving.
Pass pro-growth tax incentives—Implement a repatriation holiday and generate up to 2.9 million jobs in two years, and temporarily reduce the capital gains tax rate to free up cash for hiring.
Timely action on these and other ideas could spur economic activity and create American jobs—without adding to the deficit. Now that Congress and the president are back in Washington, they must get to work so that 25 million Americans can find work.
Read more about the Chamber’s plan for jobs at www.uschamber.com/jobs.
April 11 2011
Guangdong Provincial People's Government Oversea Affair Office
(United Chinese of Hawaii) 宣告正式成立
夏威夷华人联合总会筹备委员会主席李子健(中华总商会前主席,夏威夷中国文化节庆组委会主席)主持了这次创会主席团全体会议。会议上通过了夏威夷华人联合总会章程,确认和通过了由60多位侨领组成的联合总会主席团(Board of Governors)。会议选出李子健为该联合总会会长。接着,由新当选的会长推举主席团执委会,经全体到会的主席团成员讨论审核,通过了执委会的组成人员为如下11人: 执委会主席由李子健兼任;副主席3人(不分排名次序):张荣(中国大陆同胞联谊会会长),罗镇澄(越棉寮华人联谊会卸任会长),陈富(四邑会馆主席);秘书长黄卓游(明伦学校校长);财务委员林文忠(中华总商会执行副会长);组织委员牛先民(夏威夷华人茶会会长);公关委员张嘉海(熊猫快餐店夏威夷总经理);文化委员黄秋莹(东莞同乡会副会长);教育委员李期铿(夏威夷大學孔子学院中方院長);宣传委员何庆任(五邑联谊会前会长)。
欧黄艳婷(世界六通拳夏威夷总会副会长),包黄慧英(女,夏威夷银行执行副总裁),陈富,陈衡(四邑会馆及以义堂元老),陈昌汉(夏威夷潮州同乡会及潮州商会前会长),陈融生(东莞同乡会创会会长),章培志(顾问,檀香山市参议会议员),郑华楫(谷都三乡同乡会会长),赵天成(五邑联谊会会长),Helen Char(檀香山华人妇女会会长), 陈锡林(隆都从善堂主席),陈燕(夏威夷孙中山基金会副会长),程爱莲(程族同宗会会长),蔡永强(中国夏威夷华商会会长),周照旺(黄梁都会馆主席),陈老寿(互助社主席),方显岳(中山纪念中学夏威夷校友会会长),龚玉玲(夏威夷太极健身会会长),古侯定锦(美中友协夏威夷分会主席),何庆任,何贵东(Classic Coins 总裁),黄秋莹,许允庄(潮州会馆主席),刘广义(中华总商会会长),刘建津(东莞同乡会前会长),罗镇成(潮州商会会长),罗镇澄,李冠球(Black Sand Capital 执行副总栽),李耀强(富都酒家东主),李期铿,李子健,林文忠,刘定权(著名国画家),骆健波(以义堂主席),龙勉(夏威夷中国大陆同胞联谊会前会长),雷博英(夏威夷中中同学会会长),路惟登(夏威夷华人联谊会会长),缪宁晋(夏威夷大学中国学生学者联谊会会长),牛先民,彭鹤云(隆都从善堂副主席),潘元芝(夏威夷香港商会会长),陈烈进(美国东西文化中心主席),佘贵人(顾问,夏威夷州众议院议长),萧敬修(萧氏宗亲会会长),谢锦辉(越棉寮华人联谊会会长),邓少芬(世界广东檀香山联谊会前会长),Violet Tam(檀香山华人妇女会前会长),邹锦荣(著名侨领和慈善家),刁杨玉琼(妇女界领袖),王镜平(夏威夷苏浙同乡会会长),王华松(夏威夷中国大陆同胞联谊会前会长),黄卓游,王新辉(著名华人律师),黄郑惠珍(崇正会会长),吴润华(华氏贸易有限公司经理),余张剑飞(广州同乡会会长),杨华洲(隆都从善堂及申明亭同乡会前主席),苑丹(夏威夷太平洋大学 中国学生会主席 ),阮葆绰(中华总工会主席),张嘉海,张圣日(夏威夷中国大陆同胞联谊会前会长),张荣。(夏威夷华人联合总会秘书处供稿)
(click on the picture for full view) additional comments by Qing Ren HE at Sing Tao Newspaper
View Microsoft Word format http://www.hkchcc.org/unitedchinesehawaiiathawaiichinesenews2.doc
View PDF format http://www.hkchcc.org/unitedchinesehawaiiathawaiichinesenews2.pdf
View PDF format http://www.hkchcc.org/unitedchineseofhawaii.pdf
View PDF format http://www.hkchcc.org/unitedchineseofhawaii1.pdf
Beijing China April 11 2011
Dr. Juanita Liu, Dean of School of Travel Industry Management (UH TIM)
at the University of Hawaii at Manoa appointed to Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) industry Council -
source - ETurboNews
Information about PATA http://www.pata.org/
L to R: Juanita Liu, Juergen Thomas Steinmetz and Walter Smith's
Three Hawaii execs appointed to PATA Industry Council - Professor Juanita Liu, Dean and Professor at the School of Travel Industry Management (UH TIM) at the University of Hawaii; Walter Smith, President of Smith’s Motor Boat Service on Kauai and Juergen Thomas Steinmetz, Publisher of global travel industry publication eTurboNews and president of the Hawaii Tourism Association (HiTA) headquartered in Haleiwa, Oahu
The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is currently holding its 60th Anniversary Conference at the China World Hotel in Beijing from April 9-12, 2011. Part of the conference program included the appointment of delegates to its Industry Council, of which three appointees are from Hawaii.
The Hawaii delegates named are:
- Professor Juanita Liu, Dean and Professor at the University of Hawaii.
- Walter Smith, President of Smith’s Motor Boat Service on Kauai
- Juergen Thomas Steinmetz, Publisher of global travel industry publication eTurboNews and president of the Hawaii Tourism Association (HiTA) headquartered in Haleiwa, Oahu
The Industry Council meeting took place in Beijing under the chairmanship of Luzi Matzig, CEO of Asian Trails Thailand. Discussion points included, among others, the China Consumer Confidence Index review in data for 2010, the China Outbound Travel Monitors 2011 key findings, outbound developing trends for China, the outbound leisure travel consumer behavior developing trend, and outbound key destination performance.
The delegates of the council also discussed PATA’s crisis support system and the importance of setting up a contingency plan to be ready to respond to crises, such the current situation in Japan.
The Pacific Asia Travel Association is the recognized authority on Asia Pacific travel and tourism. PATA provides leadership and advocacy to the collective efforts of government, state, and city tourism bodies; airlines; cruise lines; and travel industry companies. PATA’s mission is to enhance the growth, value, and quality of Asia Pacific travel and tourism. Thousands of travel professionals belong to PATA chapters worldwide.
Honolulu Hawaii USA March 25
Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
February 15 2011
World Journal Newspaper March 6 2011
獲馬英九頒終身成就獎 - 通訊記者高振華檀香山報導 - March 07, 2011 06:00 AM
為展現台灣觀光旅遊業與政府拚觀光的決心及企圖心,台灣交通部觀光局2月15日在台北圓山飯店舉辦「觀光節慶祝大會」,此次慶祝大會中並頒發「終身成就獎」給公益平台文化基金會董事長嚴長壽及夏威夷大學前旅遊學院院長、現任夏大校董的朱卓任(Chuck Gee)教授。
朱卓任的無私奉獻與專業知識讓他聲名遠播各地。現任北京國際機場Crowne Plaza旅館總經理的Eugene Ong、任凱悅酒店Grand Cypress副總及主任經理的Paul Tang、夏威夷美麗華酒店總經理Ted Sakai、香港城市大學教授Roberta Wong Leung等人,也都認為朱卓任獲獎實至名歸,認為他們今日的成就都是當年受教於他而打下的深厚基礎。朱卓任可謂亦師亦父,眾人均以曾身為其弟子而榮。
Testimony by UH TIM Alumni for the
above news article
Dean Gee has been my teacher, mentor and friend since 1974. He has always
treated his students, alumni and colleagues fairly. Dean Gee will always give
you full attention and treat you with respect whether you are a student or an
executive at high places. When seeking advises whether on a personal or
professional levels, he will always take his time to listen and offer advises
accordingly. His unselfish and professional approach working with people has
earned him respects in Asia, North America and Europe. Johnson Choi, President, Hong
Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
From the first day since I knew Dean Gee as a TIM freshman in 1973, I found him
to be someone with unselfish and genuine care for his students. I for one have
benefited from his kind deeds. Till today, he has not wavered and continues to
extend his wealth of knowledge and personal guidance to someone like myself. He
set the example of integrity and humility, dosed with a warm personality and
sharp of intellect. While I thank the TIM program for allowing me to have the
foundation for a successful career, the fact is that Dean Gee put life into TIM
and made me determined to make him feel proud of his students. I congratulate
Dean Gee on his well deserved award. Eugene
Ong, General Manager, Crowne Plaza Beijng International Airport
There are moments in your life that someone has made a significant impact that
forever changes your life. My professional success is due to Dean Gee who was my
mentor during my time in the UH TIM program. He sparked my passion to pursue a
life time career in the hotel industry. Paul
Tang, Vice President & Managing Director, Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress
Dean Gee inspired me as a student to get involved if you want to see change
happen. That lead me into service clubs on campus, and later into community
involvement. He always pushed students to be their best, and represent the
School of Travel Industry in a positive light. He was like a proud father when
it came to the School and students. We were all very proud to be associated with
the School of Travel Industry Management, and that carries through today. That
is why we have an active alumni board, and are quick to gather and support the
school whatever the need: fundraising, internships, participation in classroom.
Students have a huge benefit in meeting and networking with graduates in the
industry, thanks to the foundation built by Dean Gee. Ted Sakai, General Manager,
Miramar Hotel Hawaii
Who have thought that I would surpass my wildest dreams and become the first
foreign Dean of the Hotel and Tourism School at Shunde Polytechnic, Guangdong,
China and the first foreign Dean of any college in all of China? I have Dean
Emeritus Chuck Y Gee to thank for giving me the opportunities, guidance, and
recommendations to have such a fantastic career in both the hospitality industry
and in the educational arena. I have worked in top positions for over twenty
years in prestigious international hotel companies and have worked in over 16
universities and colleges around the world. A great big mahalo to Dean Emeritus
Gee for making it possible for me. He is my Guardian Angel and has made it
possible for me to have such dream careers. Professor
Roberta Wong Leung, City University of Hong Kong, Community College
2011年02月25日 08:22 星島日報
夏大旅遊學院 Chuck Gee 教授獲馬英九頒「終身成就奬」 (本報夏威夷訊)
據 Chuck Gee 教授得意門生中國香港夏威夷商會主席蔡永強指出,ChuckGee教授獲馬英九總統頒發終身成就奬
(LifeTime Achievement Award)對夏州居民是一件非常榮幸的事。因為在夏威夷州,夏威夷大學和其旅遊管理學系內,很少有人能獲得外國元首頒發如此榮譽的獎勵。台灣是亞洲的四條龍(台灣、香港、南韓、新加坡),在過去二十年之內曾投資一百萬億美元在中國大陸,Chuck Gee 教授是中國香港夏威夷商會的創會會員及董事,其門生遍佈亞洲各地。
他表示:未來産業與政府更應攜手合作,以「增加投資」,「提高品質」兩大方向,讓更多的國際旅客來台體驗友善的人情與安全的旅遊環境,並結合日前發布的台灣觀光新形象「Taiwan The Heart of Asia」將台灣打造成「亞洲之心」,再創台灣的新高峰!
在慶祝大會上,與 Chuck Gee 教授同獲「終身成就奬」的尚有公益平台文化基金會嚴長壽董事長。
Chuck Gee 教授曾任亞太旅行協會榮譽理事,美國三任總統(卡特、列根、布殊)首席旅遊顧問,美國國務院和商務部駐世界旅遊組織理事會技術顧問,積極協助台灣建立星級旅館評鑑制度,提昇觀光産業行銷發展的國際視野及台灣美食的國際形象,並提供區域觀光規劃的具體方針。
News Coverage - view it on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAYD-7onC5c and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpHXvqaJZNQ
Video News Coverage on Vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/album/1531394
March 1 2010
Want to Expand? He’s
Your Man (Hawaii) By Jolyn Okimoto Rosa Photo: David
Johnson Choi, founder and president of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce, can tell right away if a business will be a good fit as a member.
He asks: Is your company only interested in doing business in Hawaii? “If you
want to expand your business, we are right for you,” Choi says.
Choi founded the chamber in 2001 and has built its membership to 350
http://www.hkchcc.org/endorsment-support.htm. Two-thirds
are in Hawaii and the rest in Asia and across North America. The chamber was
chosen as 2008 Minority Small Business Champion National Winner – a national award that
recognizes outstanding advocacy on behalf of minority-owned small businesses
Every month, the chamber gets about 12 new-member inquiries. Most come “the
old-fashioned way” – from referrals – but Choi says he also keeps in touch via
Facebook, Twitter and Skype. Choi does it all, working as president and
Webmaster, with the help of a part-time student employee.
Among the services provided by the chamber is what Choi calls business
matchmaking. The chamber helps local members send out business inquiries in
Asia. “Typically, unless the (Asian) company knows the (local) company, it might
not respond,” he says.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Choi graduated from the School of Travel Industry
Management http://www.uhtimalumni.org/, University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1977 and earned an MBA from Chaminade University
of Honolulu http://www.chaminade.edu/ the following year. He
divides his time between Hawaii, California and Hong Kong.
“We are not afraid to help, and we don’t charge initially,” he says. “And if we
can’t help you, we are very honest about it. Why waste time and money?”
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
January 12 2010
Hawaii’s BBB seeking entries
for the 2010 BBB Torch Awards.
The BBB Torch Awards program promotes trust in
the marketplace and recognizes local businesses and charities for their
outstanding commitment to fair, honest and ethical practices.
In 2010, Hawaii
’s BBB Torch Awards celebrate businesses applying
BBB Standards for Trust
in their operations and public charities with policies included in
BBB Wise Giving Alliance
Standards for Charity Accountability.
Along with the trophy that symbolizes trust,
BBB Torch Awards finalists and winners receive valuable publicity and
community recognition. All finalists are featured in Hawaii’s BBB
newsletter and Web site, related media announcements, and the printed program
and videos presented at the awards event. Winners and finalists can also use the
BBB Torch Award honors in their advertising, marketing and collateral material.
Torch Awards are open to all Hawaii businesses and 501(c)(3) public charities.
Details and entry guides
are available on
Hawaii’s BBB Web site.
The deadline for entries is
Feb. 26, 2010.
Contact Hawaii ’s
BBB Vice-President Bonnie Horibata with any questions about the BBB Torch Awards
program by
or phone at 628-3902 or
1-877-222-6551 x302 toll free from the Neighbor Islands
March 18 2008
We are informed by Mr. Steven C
Preston, Administrator of the United States Small business Administration (SBA)
Washington DC that Johnson Choi, President of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce (HKCHcc) has won the Top SBA Award in our category, the "2008
Minority Small Business Champion of the Year" as defined by the SBA is "To Honor
Individuals Who Have Fulfilled a Commitment to Support and Assist Minority
Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners" (Note: HKCHcc have won the "Hawaii
award" as well as the "Regional Award" – topping the other Minority Small
Business Champs in 50 States and Guam to qualify to compete and winning the
"national" award, the top honor in our category). The award with be presented during the SBA National
Business Week at the
Mandarin Oriental Washington
DC April 21 – 23.
The award with be presented during the SBA National
Business Week at the
Mandarin Oriental Washington
DC April 21 – 23.
Winners will be meeting with
President George Bush at the White House on April 23rd, 3 - 5pm
- SBA will be webcasting all of the award events***
and the forums!! click on this link to log
onto the website the day and time of the event and you will see a link to the
Among the featured speakers confirmed are
Secretary Mike Leavitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Ambassador
Susan C. Schwab, United States Trade Representative; Newt Gingrich, former House
Speaker; David Latimore of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City; John
Bryant of Operation HOPE, and other prominent business leaders, CEOs and
Small Business Week 2008 cosponsors include: Sam’s Club, Administaff,
Raytheon, IBM, Chevron, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Cisco, Lockheed
Martin, Salesforce.com, Lowe’s, Banco Popular, Minority Business Development
Agency, General Services Administration, MyBizHomepage, Dun & Bradstreet,
National Association of Development Companies, Direct Selling Education
Foundation, Association of Small Business Development Centers, National Small
Business Association, Federal Allies Institute, Initiative for a Competitive
Inner City, Consumer Energy Alliance, National Federation of Independent
Business, and SCORE
Honolulu man honored in D.C.
Honolulu businessman Johnson
Choi was honored by the Small Business Administration as 2008 Minority Champion
during a ceremony today in the nation's capital.
Choi was one of 10 small-business owners and
leaders of small-business support organizations nationwide recognized for their
support of entrepreneurs. The SBA Champion Awards were presented as part of the
annual observance of National Small Business Week.
Choi, president of the Hong Kong-China-Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce, works with
many Asian immigrants to start businesses, particularly in the area of
exporting. He won at the state and regional level before claiming the national
"The SBA is proud to honor these men and women as true champions of small
business, whose tireless efforts have provided tangible and significant support
to small businesses and to their communities," said SBA Administrator Steve
Video 1/3
Video 2/3
Video 3/3
CNN Shadow TV
Hawaii Women's Business Center hosts Small Business Awards Luncheon on April 30
2008 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Online Registrations:
Group of 10
- Return form with payment no later than
April 25, 2008 to The Hawai'i Women's Business Center is
located in downtown, Honolulu, in the Heart of Chinatown: 1041 Nu'uanu
Avenue, Suite A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Phone: 808.526.1001; FAX:
808.550.0724 Cost: $45.00 per person, $450 for table of 10 (Check
payable to Hawaii Women's Business Center)
click on the small picture for "full" view
June 2008
National Champion Johnson Choi wins one of the SBAs
top awards by supporting ethnic businesses
National Champion
Johnson Choi wins one of the SBAs top
awards by supporting ethnic businesses
Johnson Choi
is helping bridge the gap created by cultural and linguistic differences. |
As told to Kyle Galdeira
As president of the Hong Kong-China-Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, (HKCHCC) Choi
serves as a vital link between Hong Kong and Hawaii promoting economic
opportunity and a healthy business climate. In April, Choi received the Small
Business Association’s National Small Business Champion of the Year award for
his work with minority businesses. Choi shared his thoughts about Hawaii’s
ethnic small businesses:
On challenges faced by new
immigrant businesses:
Some challenges include a
lack of English-language skills as well as an inability to understand the
penalty for not complying with rules and regulations. Also, there is a risk of
being taken advantage of by other businesses, who know well that most ethnic
business owners are afraid to deal with the authority and laws, which they might
not fully understand.
On the most common opportunities for
ethnic small businesses:
Most ethnic businesses focus on food or art and crafts. As a result, you
have seen some of the fusion, merging the cooking and cultures of the East and
On what these businesses means for
They provide cultural diversity for the state, and the diversity could
provide a cultural experience for local Hawaii residents and visitors alike.
Also, it provides the opportunity to gain first-hand experience for Hawaii
companies by interacting with ethnic owners, i.e. from China, and learn how
business is conducted there before committing serious capital, time and
resources overseas.
On his long-term goals:
Hawaii has become a state so dependent on federal money. Travel-related
businesses have produced relatively low-paying jobs and the brain drain from
Hawaii has continued since 1990. We are hoping to make Hawaii a friendlier place
to do business.
On the most memorable challenge overseas:
For more than 20 years, the way trade promotion was conducted from Hawaii
was wine, dine and hula girls, even when the trade mission was not focused on
the tourist trade. The result is most businesses in Asia look at many of us, who
are serious about trade and business, as coming to Asia just to have a good
Click on the picture for full view
Direct link to online Hawaii Business Magazine
Hawaii Business Magazine online PDF format
Survey by
Wednesday, April 2 2008: U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Hawaii
State winners will be introduced at the Hawaii State Senate when they
convene at 11:30 a.m. An opportunity for an informal greeting the House Chambers
will follow. Please meet District Director Andrew Poepoe and me in the outdoor
Rotunda of the Capitol Building no later than 11:00 a.m. After brief
introductions, we will proceed to the reception area of the Senate Chamber to
meet Debbie from Senator Carol Fukunaga’s staff. She will arrange the seating
and escort the winners onto the floor. After the presentations, there will be
time for photos and greetings before moving to the House floor. Family members,
staff and nominators interested in attending will be able to join me in the
gallery above the chamber to observe the proceedings. From past experience, we
usually finish introductions around 12:30 p.m. or so. We were not able to make
any special arrangements for parking which can be at a premium when the
legislature is in session. Please allow sufficient time to park your vehicles
and meet us in the rotunda. Handicap parking is available in some metered stalls
in the garage below the capitol.
Governor Linda Lingle and Lieutenant
Governor James R Duke Aiona Jr of the State of Hawaii Recognition on April 30
2008 (click on the small picture for full view)
Hawaii State Senate Recognition on April 2
2008 (click on the small picture for full view)
Hawaii State House of Representative
Recognition on April 2 2008 (click
on the small picture for full view)
President George Bush "Proclaim" Small
Business Week 2008 (click
on the small picture for full view)
City and County of Honolulu Recognize
Johnson W. K. Choi (click
on the small picture for full view)
Certificate of Special Congressional
Recognition - Congresswoman Mazie Hirono (click
on the small picture for full view)
Monday, March
31, 2008 - 1:54 PM HAST
Hawaii exec gets top U.S. SBA
award Pacific Business
News (Honolulu) /Pittsburgh Business Times
The head of a local chamber of commerce that
helps Hawaii small businesses get into international trade with Asian nations
has been named the U.S. Small Business Administration's national minority
small-business champion.
Johnson W. K. Choi, president of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce, was the winner of the state's 2008 award, which recognizes
small-business advocates, and was also the regional winner.
"Johnson Choi is very deserving of this honor for his commitment to promote and
encourage economic opportunity for small businesses owned by representatives
from so many ethnic backgrounds," said First Hawaiian Bank Vice President
Naomi Masuno, who nominated Choi for the SBA Award. "He is always willing to
help small businesses in getting started, planning, and finding new customers
through exporting. He shares an amazing wealth of knowledge, particularly with
minority business owners interested in doing business in Asia."
Choi has assisted business owners for 20 years, helping to link import and
export resources, as well as organizing seminars and workshops and developing
Web sites and informational materials for small businesses.
Choi, who is also an active member of the Hawaii Pacific Export Council,
has led three trade missions to Asia. He will be honored, along with the state's
other top small-business winners, at the SBA's annual Small Business Awards
luncheon on April 30 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa.
蔡永強獲州參院少數族裔小企業首獎 (本報夏威夷訊)
夏威夷州參議院於4月2日(星期三)上午十一時半在其會期開始前頒發獎牌給2008年夏威夷州小型企業優秀獎得主。香港中國夏威夷商會(Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce)創會會長蔡永強 (Johnson W. K. Choi)
因獲得夏威夷州“2008年少數族裔小型企業年度首獎” (2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the
蔡永強表示非常感激此間第一夏威夷銀行及其副總裁 Naomi Masuno
蔡永強也感謝其父母的培養和典範,才有今日的成就。也對其移民夏威夷第一位雇主Mrs. Carolyn Tong
Chee(1955年水仙花皇后)和其夫婿Percival Chee醫生,鼓勵其自立創業表示感謝。
當然也不能忘了夏威夷大學旅遊學院前院長Chuck Gee做其良師,夏威夷大學商業管理學系的教授們授其有關國際貿易的知識。Hketo SF的Annie
Tang、美國上海商會會長 Brenda Foster, Chuck Gee 院長、Hyatt Regency 副總裁 Paul
Tang…等等的支持和鼓勵,蔡永強夫人Carmen 的諒解和支持,致上衷心的感謝。
4月2日夏州參議院的頒獎典禮,由參議會議長Hanabusa主持,挭陪arol Fukunaga提案,全部參議員通過決議,獎勵夏州小型企業優秀獎得主。夏州小型企業署長Andrew
Poepoe和Jane Sawyer等在旁觀禮。
蔡永強再獲檀市議會表揚 (本報夏威夷訊)
香港中國夏威夷商會創會會長蔡永強(Johnson W. K. Choi)
蔡永強和香港中國夏威夷商會是獲得聯邦、夏州和檀香山市的“2008年少數族裔小型企業首獎”頭銜(2008 Minority Small Business
Champion of the Year),他將於4月21日前往華盛頓首府領獎。
市議會頒獎當天,夏威夷州小型企業署署長Andrew Poepoe 和助理 Jane Saner 也在現場觀禮。
Helping build
Isles' trade with China By Curtis Lum, Advertiser Staff Writer
Johnson W. K. Choi, president of the Hong Kong-China Hawai'i Chamber of
Commerce, was recently honored as Minority Small Business Champion of the Year.
Photos by REBECCA BREYER | The Honolulu Advertiser
Age: 52
Title: President
Organization: Hong Kong-China Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce
Born: Hong Kong
High School: Rosaryhill High School, Hong Kong
College: University of Hawai'i-Manoa, School of Travel Industry Management;
Chaminade University, MBA
Breakthrough job: Working for Carolyn Tong Chee to manage her hotel rental in
Mentor: Chuck Gee, emeritus dean, UH School of Travel Industry Management
Major challenge: Not knowing anyone in Hawai'i; most of my college classmates
left Hawai'i for Asia or the Mainland after graduation
Hobbies: Tennis, table tennis, good food
Books recently read: "Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market
Space and Make Competition Irrelevant," by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
Choi says his day usually starts at 4 a.m. and doesn't end until 6 or 7 p.m. —
and "that typically runs six days a week."
Q. What kinds of local companies do well in
A. It's an interesting question because Hawai'i has a very good brand worldwide.
But sometimes it's a bit more challenging for a Hawai'i company that has not
ventured out of Hawai'i. I know there is a lot of effort to try and go to places
like China. But China is a huge country and the other issues are the rule of law
and the language barrier, so it's a little difficult for Hawai'i companies to
use China as the first entry port into Asia. A good entry port would be both
Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong is a great entry point because it's smaller
than the island of Kaua'i, but its population is 7 million and it has a high per
capita income.
Q. Why are companies hesitant to do more exporting?
A. I think it has something to do with how the state has been conducting
business. Hong Kong is almost like doing business in New York. You come to Hong
Kong, you tell us what you have to offer, and if it matches we'll do business.
There is not a lot of wining and dining and sightseeing. They discourage
companies from bringing government officials. In a lot of ways a lot of small
companies in Hawai'i tend to follow government type of strategy and it doesn't
work in places like Hong Kong and Singapore.
Q. In what ways do you help local businesses?
A. We look at the type of products and services a Hawai'i company offers. If
they have something unique that the businesses or the government in Asia want,
and if the company is small but they have something unique, then we would try to
pair them up with a larger company on the West Coast of the United States and go
together to increase their size and also give more resources to the Hawai'i
Q. How long have you been with the chamber?
A. The chamber is seven years old and I'm one of the founding members. There are
a lot of chamber of commerces in Hawai'i. Our chamber is a little different than
the others. Our chamber's focus is to help Hawai'i companies to collaborate with
companies outside of Hawai'i, primarily on the West Coast and the East Coast of
the United States, to increase the size of Hawai'i companies and to look at Asia
Q. Is it more of a trade organization?
A. It's more or less a trade organization, so we don't have the usual
installation banquet and cocktail functions. We have events when there are
people from the community who can offer advice or people who can help the local
companies to expand their business.
Q. You and the other founding members have extensive backgrounds in Hong Kong
and China?
A. I was originally from Hong Kong. I came to Hawai'i when I was 18 years old
and went to the University of Hawai'i. I've been doing business with Asia since
1985, so I've been very active and we do have a small office in Hong Kong and
Shanghai, as well as in San Francisco.
Q. You're involved in other organizations, as well as your own business?
A. I run a business taking care of clients in terms of accounting, investment
and other things. We're doing business under First Hawaiian Capital. That is my
basic line of business. But for the last 13 years I've also helped clients from
Asia, so I find opportunities for them or they help me with different
opportunities in Asia. More and more of my business is connecting Hawai'i with
Q. How did you become an expert in exporting?
A. Back in 1984 I was with the first group of business people that went with the
City Council to Hainan Island, which is on the southern tip of China, and signed
a sister city agreement. From there on, I started to be exposed to more and more
people in Asia and most of my clients are Chinese from Asia. So I just slowly
increased my business exposure in Asia. It kind of fell into place for the last
15 to 20 years. No one is an expert in China. China is such a huge country.
Sometimes I joke with my clients that if anyone tells you they're an expert on
China the first thing you should do is pack up and leave. We only try to be good
in certain areas, like Shanghai, Beijing, Quanzhou, because those three big
cities have more than 78 million people, so for most Hawai'i companies that is a
big piece for them to swallow.
Q. How did you wind up at the University of Hawai'i?
A. In the ancient Chinese society, you listen to your parents. At that time, the
School of Travel Industry Management under the leadership of Dean Chuck Gee was
a very good program. The reputation both here and also in Asia started kicking
up some dust and people noticed it. My father said, "Maybe you should study
hotel and restaurant management." At age 18 I didn't know what I should be doing
Q. Why did you stay?
A. I graduated from the TIM school, but unfortunately the pay for the service
industry was not that great. After I finished college I got married and soon had
children and got a mortgage and a car loan. I found that the service industry is
a very tough business. So I decided, with the encouragement of my first boss,
Carolyn Tong Chee, she said, "Johnson, what do you have to lose? Start your own
business. If you fail, I'll hire you back."
With that assurance, I charged ahead, not knowing it was going to be very tough.
I stuck it out, but it was tough because I'm not from here and I didn't have a
lot of friends and family that I could go to. I basically had to start from
scratch, which was not easy.
Q. You have a business and run the chamber. How do you manage your time?
A. It's not easy. My typical day I wake up at 4 in the morning, in my office by
5. My day usually doesn't end until 6 or 7 at night and that typically runs six
days a week. I do enjoy a challenge. I go to work every day not knowing what to
expect. Sometimes I go to work and I'm on crisis management every day. It's
challenging, but interesting. I spend 40 percent of my time on nonprofit work.
Besides the chamber, I also spend time with the U.S. China Peoples Friendship
Association, as well as the Hawai'i Chinese Association and the School of Travel
Industry Management alumni board. I'm also with the Rotary Club of Honolulu. I
do believe in giving back to the community.
Q. You were recently honored by the Small Business Administration locally and
nationally as the Minority Small Business Champion of the Year. What do those
awards mean to you?
A. Of course it gives me some publicity and recognition, especially in the
Chinese community, because the SBA award was covered by the four major Chinese
news media in Hawai'i. It's a tremendous exposure for me. I didn't expect to go
all the way to the top. Sometimes when you don't expect it you get it. When I
got it, I did not believe it and I faxed the letter to the local SBA office to
verify that it wasn't a joke.
Breaking News/Updates Updated at 1:47 p.m., Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Choi honored with national small business award
Johnson Choi, president of the Hong Kong.China.Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce,
has been honored with a national award by the U.S. Small Business
Choi was named the SBA Hawai'i District's 2008 Minority Small Business Champion
and this week was selected as the SBA's national winner. He competed with
winners from nine SBA regions across the country.
For 20 years, Choi has provided advice to small business owners, organized
business seminars and workshops, linked export and import resources, and
developed Web sites and materials to disseminate to all types of small
Naomi Masuno, business banking officer with First Hawaiian Bank, nominated Choi
for the SBA award and said he is deserving of the honor.
"He is always willing to help small businesses in getting started, planning and
finding new customers through exporting," Masuno said. "He shares an amazing
wealth of knowledge, particularly with minority business owners interested in
doing business in Asia."
Choi and the other winners of the local SBA awards will be honored at the annual
luncheon April 30 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
Honolulu Hawaii USA March 24 2008
Bev Gannon, owner of Hali'imaile General
Store and Joe's Bar on Maui, has been chosen Hawai'i's Small Business Person of
the Year by the Small Business Administration. Gannon launched her
entrepreneurial career more than 20 years ago with a catering business run out
of her garage. She began with three workers in 1985, and now employs about 130.
One of the 12 founders of Hawaii Regional Cuisine, Gannon prepares her
award-winning dishes in an old plantation store in Makawao.
Johnson Choi, who was recognized as the state Minority Small Business
Champion, also won at the Western regional level and was named the national
award winner in the category.
Choi, president of the Hong Kong-China-Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce, works with
many Asian immigrants to start businesses, particularly in the area of
Hawai'i had three other regional winners.
Bill Spencer, head of the Hawaii Venture Capital Association, won in the
category of Financial Services.
Pam Tumpap, of the Maui Chamber of Commerce, won in the category of Small
Business Journalist.
David Fell, of Hawaiian Sunshine Nursery, won in the category of Small Business
Other state winners:
Rex Matsuno, president of the Hilo, Hawai'i-based seafood company Suisan Co.,
received the Entrepreneurial Success Award;
Thomas Park, owner of Leather Soul, was named Young Entrepreneur of the Year;
Joann Seery, owner of BNI Hawaii, was named Women in Business Champion;
Jonathan Ota, fourth-generation owner of Tip Top Care & Bakery in Lihu'e, Kaua'i,
won in the category of Family Owned Small Business.
Honolulu Hawaii USA March 24 2008: U.S. Small Business Administration Names
Hawaii’s Best Small Businesses for 2008
蔡永強榮獲少數族裔小企業獎 (本報夏威夷訊)
香港中國夏威夷商會 (Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc)) 創會會長蔡永強 (Johnson
W. K. Choi) 最近接獲美國小企業行政署(SBA)通知,他獲選為“2008年少數族裔小企業年度首獎”(2008 Minority Small
Business Champion Of The Year)。
(United States Small Business Administration (SBA))
December 13 2007 Foshan Guangzhou China
Roberta Wong Leung Awarded Foshan Government (Guangzhou China) "Friendship
Every three
years the Foshan Government awards a Friendship Award to outstanding foreign
experts who have contributed to the development of Foshan. For the first time,
an educator and woman from the University of Hawaii, USA, Dr Roberta Wong Leung,
Dean and Professor of Shunde Polytechnic, Department of Hotel, Tourism, and
Cuisine Management was awarded the Foshan Government Friendship Award on
December 13, 2007. Dr. Wong is the 1993 distinguished alumni of the School of
Travel Industry Management, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Member and Advisory
Board Member of Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) with more
than 15 collaboration partner and 20,000 members worldwide.
梁王巧云博士(美国) (顺德职业技术学院酒店与旅游管理系教授)
2006年7月,梁王巧云博士参与联系澳大利亚教育机构BOXHILL TAFE和美国饭店协会,促成顺德职业技术学院与澳大利亚教育机构
*我院外籍专家梁王巧云博士荣获"佛山友谊奖" ***
December 13, 2007
To: Communications Director/President,
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
From: Economic Census, U.S. Bureau of the Census
The time is upon us! Next week, starting December 17, more than 4 million
American businesses, including 14,000 businesses in Honolulu County, will
receive 2007 Economic Census forms. Businesses that do not receive a form
(typically very small) are not required to do anything, but those businesses
that receive a form are required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code) to complete and
return it. The due date is February 12, 2008.
Many businesses may not recall the last census 5 years ago, and the form may
come as a surprise. They may not realize how important their timely and accurate
responses are to effective public policy, to their industry, or to your chamber.
The Web site www.business.census.gov
tells your members about the Economic Census, and provides statistics they can
use to assess and grow their business operations. Added to the site today are
graphic "Industry Snapshots" for more than 1,000 industries.
suggests ways you can help get the word to your members - in your publications,
in your e-mails, on your website, even in your presentations. The page presents
resources for your communications in each month.
December 2007: Your Economic Census form is coming to your business in late
December. It's important.
January 2008: Complete your Economic Census form. Your community is counting on
February 2008: Economic Census forms are due February 12.
Many thanks if the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce has already sent a
notice about the Economic Census to your members. Now is a good time to send
another to reinforce the message.
If you need more information about the 2007 Economic Census, or would like to
arrange an interview, please contact Robert Marske, Laurie Torene, or Paul
Zeisset at 1-877-790-1876, or e-mail us at econ2007@census.gov
Thank you for helping your members get ready for the 2007 Economic Census.
November 12, 2007
嘉賓雲集 非常盛況 少年孫中山銅像揭幕典禮
慶祝與中山締結姐妹城市十周年 - 檀島孫中山誕辰141周年紀念
Ai,中華總會館主席陳明醫生伉儷,中華總商會會長貝英華,孫中山先生的曾孫孫國雄和Peggy Sun,少年孫中山銅像雕塑家朱達誠伉儷等。
晚宴菜餚非常豐富,眾皆大快朵頤,席間鋼琴家Colin Fong演奏樂曲娛眾。韓納曼市長、馮煜榮副市長和陸關琪主席一起逐席向賓客敬酒問候,隨和親切,氣氛融洽。
Friday, June 15, 2007 -
PRESS RELEASE: Representative Louise M. Slaughter, Chairwoman, House Committee
on Rules - Representing New York ’s 28th District
MEDIA CONTACT: Frank Benenati (202) 225-2888 or John Santore (202) 225-2888
House Votes to Delay Implementation of WHTI Until June 2009
Washington, DC – Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Chairwoman of the House
Rules Committee, today announced that the House overwhelmingly voted to prohibit
the implementation of Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) anytime before
June 2009. The FY 2008 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill passed by the House
of Representatives today by a vote of 268 to 150.
In addition to delaying WHTI, the bill also included language authored by Rep.
Slaughter to withhold $100 million from the funds required by the Department of
Homeland Security to implement WHTI until DHS has determined if driver's
licenses can be enhanced to meet the WHTI’s requirements. The Slaughter language
also requires DHS to fully test its proposed passport card before making it
publicly available and develop a plan for land implementation that will be
shared with the public. Finally, Rep. Slaughter's provision requires that DHS
submit a report to Congress on the success of the driver's license pilot
program, and reveal its overall WHTI roadmap before being allowed to put the
proposed WHTI documentary requirements into place.
“After over two and a half years of fighting against WHTI, I am pleased to see
that Congress overwhelmingly rebuked the Administration today by delaying the
implementation of the flawed program until mid-2009,” said Rep. Slaughter. “We
sent a clear signal that we don’t trust the Administration to get WHTI done
right.” “Travel and trade which cross the northern border every day between
America and Canada are critical to our economy and to northern economic
security, and we must never sacrifice our relationship with Canada in a
misguided attempt to increase border security. I have long said that economic
security and physical security are not mutually exclusive. We can, and must,
have both.”
United States House of Representatives, 2469 Rayburn House Office Building •
Washington , DC 20515; (202) 225-3615 phone • (202) 225-7822 fax •
John V. Santore, Communications Director, Rep. Louise M. Slaughter, 202-225-7300
(office), 202-580-9459 (mobile),
john.santore@mail.house.gov (email)
April 3, 2007
Asia's film hub shines with
Hong Kong movie star Tony Leung is excited by his home city's emerging creative
talent. Celebrated Hong Kong actor Tony Leung set the scene for the Hong Kong
Trade Development Council's (HKTDC) Entertainment Expo (EE) in March. Flushed
with pride after watching the Oscars success of The Departed – a remake of Hong
Kong's Infernal Affairs, a film in which he starred – the actor declared before
the EE began that the local film industry was entering a vibrant new age. Mr
Leung then met with local and international journalists in town to cover the
expo. He was quick to point out that, with a rash of Hollywood remakes now on
the cards, the world's focus had returned to Hong Kong as a regional hub of
creative talent. "We are entering an exciting time," Mr Leung said. "We are all
proud of Infernal Affairs and that it was picked up by Hollywood. People are
looking to Hong Kong for inspiration once again."
Movies in the making - Mr Leung's words ring true when you consider negotiations
are currently underway between Hong Kong studios and their Hollywood
counterparts for the remake rights to Andrew Lau and Alan Mak's Confessions of
Pain and Johnnie To's Exile. Oxide and Danny Pang's The Eye is currently being
reworked by an American studio into a blockbuster starring Jessica Alba. The
fact that Hong Kong has in recent years strengthened its position as the leading
force in the Asia entertainment world was reflected through a survey conducted
at both the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FILMART) and the Hong
Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF). Both events came under the umbrella of
HKTDC's Entertainment Expo and attracted thousands of entertainment industry
representatives from all over the world. A total of 332 industry reps were
interviewed during the course of the two events and were asked questions
relating to industry and market trends. The survey was carried out by an
independent research company commissioned by the HKTDC.
Rich source of content - Overall, over half of the respondents said they had
acquired entertainment content from Hong Kong during 2006. Trailing behind Hong
Kong were the Chinese mainland, Japan, Korea and Thailand. A walk through the
fairground at FILMART showed vendors were firm in the belief that Hong Kong was
the place to do business. "This is the third year we have attended FILMART. This
year, we had 10 sales companies on the stand, some of whom have attended in
previous years," said Lisa Tremble, Head of Communications for the UK Film
Council. "FILMART provides an ideal platform to meet new buyers and cement
existing relationships, and this year was no exception. All of the companies
feel they have made worthwhile contacts which will hopefully develop into long
standing business relationships over the coming months."
Partners found - The survey also showed Hong Kong was known as the best place
from which companies could explore co-productions with the mainland and other
regions of Asia, and it was also the best place to meet buyers. For exhibitors,
FILMART in particular gives overseas production houses a chance to share their
products – and introduce their upcoming productions – with the Asia region.
"We'll be back next year. FILMART offers a wonderful opportunity to show all
aspects of French films," said Christine Pernin, Unifrance's representative for
the greater China region, who brought acclaimed French director Luc Besson to
Hong Kong this year. Her thoughts were echoed by Kim Behrendt of the German Film
Service. "This is my second time at FILMART," she said. "It's a good opportunity
to display German films and to build contacts with Asian film-makers." Overall,
the FILMART survey reflected the growth of the burgeoning digital entertainment
sector with around 90 per cent of respondents saying digital entertainment had
the greatest growth potential, followed by television (78 per cent) and film (68
per cent). Lloyd Chao, Director of Business Development and Marketing for Hong
Kong's Shaw Studios, said that overall the Entertainment Expo reflected the
reputation the city had both throughout Asia and all over the world. "Hong Kong
has long been an industry leader," he said. "And you can see that industry
leaders are acknowledging the city as a centre for development in the region and
as a way they can break in and become part of the Asian entertainment industry
as a whole."
February 6, 2007
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce has been working with Hawaii State Legislators to support
the establishment of the "Asian Lunar New Year Commemoration Week". Right now it
is moving through the Legislative Process. The following is a sample of the
Report Title: Chinese New Year; Commemoration
Description: Establishes the Asian Lunar New Year Commemoration Week.
H.B. NO. 1103 and S.B. NO. 247
SECTION 1. Chinese New Year is the preeminent day of commemoration of culture
and arts for more than one quarter of the world's population. A special Chinese
calendar is used to determine festivals. Various Chinese communities around the
world use this calendar, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South East
Asian countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and
The beginnings of the Chinese calendar date back to the fourteenth century B.C.
The Chinese calendar is the exact astronomical observations of the longitude of
the sun and phases of the moon, which indicates that the Chinese calendar is
heavily influenced by the same principles of modern astronomy. Determining the
exact date of each Chinese New Year requires a number of astronomical
calculations. Historically, the Chinese New Year Day has practically been
regarded as the only day of the year when China's hard-working peasants allowed
themselves to rest. Although celebrations of the Chinese New Year vary, the
underlying message is one of peace and happiness for family members and friends.
The legislature finds that the prominence of Hawaii's Chinese population and the
emphasis on promoting tourism from China warrants an official commemoration of
Chinese New Year.
The purpose of this Act is to designate the Asian Lunar New Year as a week of
SECTION 2. Chapter 8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new
section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"Asian Lunar New Year Commemoration Week. The one week period following the day
of the Chinese New Year shall be known and designated as the "Asian Lunar New
Year Week of Commemoration in Hawaii". This week shall not be construed as a
state holiday."
SECTION 3. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
2/27/2007 - Hawaii State Senate - The
committee(s) on TSG recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
The votes in TSG were as follows: 3 Aye(s): Senator(s) Nishihara, Kim, Trimble;
Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 1 Excused: Senator(s)
2/28/2007 - Hawaii State House of Representative The committees on INT
recommend that the measure be PASSED, UNAMENDED. The votes were as follows: 7
Ayes: Representative(s) Cabanilla, Tokioka, Belatti, Mizuno, Rhoads, Shimabukuro,
Awana; Ayes with reservations: none; 0 Noes: none; and 4 Excused:
Representative(s) Bertram, Green, Takai, Ward.
Testimony by Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee
(Feb 16, 2007)
Representative Yamane, Representative
Cabanilla and House Speaker Say:
In view of the shortness of time before the hearing(s) of HB 1103 & SB 247,
I am writing to offer my individual support by email for these two House Bills
pertaining to the Observation of the Asian Lunar New Year.
As a Chinese-American who grew up in San Francisco with its large population of
Asian-Americans, I have experienced the importance of the Lunar New Year in that
city. Not only is the lunar new year period a significant part of the history
and cultural life of the diverse Asian-American community, but it makes a major
contribution to the economy of San Francisco itself.
Over the eight days of the celebration of the lunar new year, for example, San
Francisco's Chinatown--the largest of any city in the USA, the City of San
Francisco, the Chinatown Merchants' Association, Chinatown restaurants, grocery
stores, and retail outlets and many others contribute to the activities. The
entire community comes alive as flower vendors and food sellers set up street
stalls to serve the interest of locals and visitors alike who come to buy
branches of cherry blossoms, pots of red azaleas and sweetmeats for observing
the lunar new year at home. It is a happy time for everyone in the community as
the air is permeated with the sweet scent of narcissus and flavors of delicious
food. As in the old country, the lunar new year is a time to settle debts
honorably and of promise and hope for a good year ahead, for success personally
and in business ventures.
The culmination of the Chinese new year ends with a major parade, which is
televised on a mainstream channel. Once with only local participants in the
parade, today there are floats and marchers from other parts of the USA and
outside of the USA as well. Visitors travel to San Francisco from everywhere to
join in the lunar new year celebration, and the economic benefits extend beyond
Chinatown to San Francisco's downtown hotels and businesses in other districts.
While neither HB 1103 and SB 247 provides funding for the lunar new year
celebration, unlike the City of San Francisco which provides significant
financial support for Chinese New Year as part of its tourism promotion, I
believe that these bills do provide useful symbolic support and can encourage or
spur action on the part of the various Honolulu Chinese cultural and business
organizations, as well as interested individuals, that may result in a weeklong
event to nearly rival San Francisco's Chinese New Year celebration and to help
further diversify our tourism attractions in Hawaii. I, therefore, strongly
support the HB 1103 and SB 247.
Chuck Yim Gee
Dean Emeritus
School of Travel Industry Management
University of Hawaii-Manoa
Testimony by Judy Liu, Past President,
Hawaii Chinese Association
Dear Chairman Yamane:
Asian communities in Hawaii would very much appreciate an official state
observance of the Asian Lunar New Year. It is a centuries-old major cultural
tradition that we celebrate every year with re-dedication, special foods and
ceremonies. Your favorable consideration would be most appreciated.
Judy Liu
1114 Punahou St Ste 2B Honolulu HI 96826
Past President - Hawaii Chinese Association
Testimony in favor of HB 1103 and SB
247, Director, TIM International Inc - Alumni Association of UH School of Travel
Industry Management
I strongly support HB 1103 and SB 247 and Observing the Asian Lunar New Year in
Hawaii. Your favorable consideration would be most appreciated.
Laszlo Ravasz
1053 Maunanani Street
Honolulu, HI 96825
Testimony by Clyde G. Min, CHA,
Vice President, Asset Management, Host Hotel and Resorts
Aloha Kalani,
Hawaii is a great place to be from and to yearn to return some day, because of
our great cultural diversity and the cultural/social benchmark we set for the
rest of our country. My career has given me the opportunity of living in many
Asian countries and in several states on the Continent. I first learned and
experienced my Chinese ancestry thru my “Apo” or maternal grandmother in Hawaii,
but did not fully understand or appreciated what she gave us as celebration food
items until I actually lived in Southeast Asia and experienced similar foods by
the Chinese communities celebrating various festivals and especially Lunar new
year. I was able to better learn and understand my Chinese ancestry and to now
share that by celebrating the Lunar new year while I was living in Florida ,
Virginia , and now Maryland . We always gather friends together during that time
of the year and celebrate! When I visit home I can now appreciate the shops in
Chinatown Honolulu and be a better shopper of Asian food products, but I am also
a better “neighbor” because I understand more of the cultures of Vietnam ,
Singapore , Hong Kong , Korea , Taiwan , etc. These are just some of the Asian
cultures that celebrate the Luna New Year.
I hope to catch up with you again … perhaps in Hana…
All the best,
Clyde G. Min, CHA
Vice President, Asset Management
Host Hotels and Resorts
6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 1500
Bethesda, MD 20817
T 240.744.5295
C 301.370.8432
F 240.744.5795
Testimony in favor of HB 1103, Barbara
Marumoto, Hawaii State House of Representative
on March 6 2007
According to testimony there are about 100,000 people in Hawaii that celebrate
the Asian Lunar New Year. That is why I support this measure and why I
introduced a similar bill. For 3500 years Asian families have gathered for
traditional ceremonies and cuisine, first in China, then in all of Asia and
throughout the world.
Favorable testimony on this measure arrived from Johnson Choi of the
China-Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong-Hawaii Chamber, as well as the
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber.
It is well that we observe this important cultural holiday and a testament to
the many Asian people who have worked to build a better Hawaii. From the Chinese
who were one of the first immigrant groups brought over to work the sugar
plantations to the more recent Southeast Asian ethnic immigrants, all have added
to the rich tapestry that is contemporary Hawaii. We owe much to these vibrant,
productive peoples, and this official observance of the Asian New Year is a
great way to say "mahalo" to each and all of them.
January 16, 2007
Hong Kong's economy
still the world's freest: survey
Hong Kong has remained the world's freest economy for 13 consecutive years,
according to a new study released on Tuesday. Among 10 areas assessed in the
2007 Index of Economic Freedom, the territory ranked first in four: trade
freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom and property rights.
The study, compiled by the Washington DC-based Heritage foundation and The Wall
Street Journal, assessed the degree of economic freedom of 157 world economies.
Hong Kong has topped the list every year since it was published in 1995.
In the 2007 list, Singapore ranked second and Australia third.
The report said Hong Kong had low tax rates, simple business regulations, a
flexible labour market, and few restrictions on foreign capital.
It also praised Hong Kong for having an extensive, transparent banking and
services industry; and an independent judiciary that could protect property
Welcoming the results, Financial Secretary Henry Tang Yen-yang said: "We will
study the report carefully and will strive to preserve fervently those strong
aspects of our economic freedom, whilst enhancing those other aspects where
there is room for further improvement."
He said the government remained committed to maintaining Hong Kong as a free
economy, with maximum scope being accorded to the private sector.
"We see the role of the government as that of a facilitator. We provide a
business-friendly environment where all firms can compete on a level-playing
field and establish an appropriate regulatory regime to ensure integrity and
smooth functioning of a free market," Mr Tang said.
According to the foundation, the methodology for this year's assessment had been
substantially changed.
December 22,
Hong Kong: Our Advantage is
You and the ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption), says ICAC chief
ICAC Commissioner Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun says in her web column that the ICAC
and the community must continue to adopt a "zero tolerance" attitude towards
corruption so as to maintain Hong Kong's reputation as a corruption-free city
and a level playing field for businesses, and to preserve Hong Kong's
competitive edge internationally.
In her first article in the Commissioner Online column uploaded onto the ICAC
website, Mrs Law says over the past weeks since joining the ICAC as the
Commissioner, she has visited colleagues at various departments.
"What impressed me most are their professionalism and intense commitment to
fighting corruption," says Mrs Law.
In her article entitled "Hong Kong: Our Advantage is You and the ICAC", the
Commissioner notes that ICAC staff has unfailingly displayed exceptional
enthusiasm toward their duties, and achieved remarkable results.
"Braving difficulties and challenges, they strive to safeguard justice and
uphold the rule of law in Hong Kong."
Mrs Law says while Hong Kong is recognized worldwide as a clean metropolitan
city, the ICAC must continue its sustained efforts in investigation, corruption
prevention and education.
"Despite a continual decline in corruption reports, rapid advancement in
information technology and accelerated globalization have made corruption crimes
increasingly complex in nature, posing more difficulties for our investigators,"
she says.
She looks forward to the completion of the new ICAC headquarters building next
fall, which will provide a better working environment and improved training
facilities for ICAC staff and help enhance operational efficiency.
On the law enforcement front, Mrs. Law says this year turns out to be fruitful
and rewarding for the Operations Department, with a case-based conviction rate
reaching a record 88% in the first eleven months.
"Corruption is inherently a secretive crime and difficult to investigate.
Successful prosecutions require that investigators must be able to collect solid
and strong evidence through meticulous planning and in full compliance with
stringent procedures. On top of all these, they must be able to withstand the
rigorous challenges in court," she says.
The Corruption Prevention Department has provided professional advice to
government departments to improve operational procedures and plug possible
loopholes to corrupt practices or misconduct. Its work covers a wide spectrum of
functional areas, including tendering, procurement, allocation of funds and
other work procedures.
Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with
the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. Mrs
Law also reveals that the Department is now making a new television drama series
"ICAC Investigators", to present to the public the "human face" of
investigators. The new series is expected to be broadcast next fall.
In the past two months, Mrs Law has also attended meetings of advisory
committees established to oversee all aspects of ICAC's work, and affirms that
the Commission is subject to very stringent monitoring both in letter and
"The committee system ensures the ICAC conducts all its work in the interest of
the community.
"Under such a meticulous and stringent system of checks and balances, there is
absolutely no leeway for any individual to exert undue influence over the
outcome of ICAC investigations," she adds.
Mrs. Law's first Commissioner Online article has been posted onto the ICAC
website www.icac.org.hk for public access.
December 19,
Triple Film Attractions for Hong
Kong - Industry Who's Who to Attend - Tony Leung, the internationally acclaimed
film star, will once again be Entertainment Expo's ambassador.
Hong Kong, December 15, 2006 - Film
entrepreneurs and movie fans are in for a treat. Next year, three mega events -
the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF), the Hong Kong International
Film & TV Market (FILMART) and the Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF)
will, for the first time, open on the same day in Hong Kong.
The triple-header will kick off March 20, 2007, featuring the latest films from
around the world, along with a who's who of the international movie industry.
Peter Tsi, Executive Director of the Hong Kong International Film Festival
Society and organiser of HAF, points out that HKIFF formerly catered only to
Asian film fans and Hong Kong people, and was not regarded as a global event.
"Next year will be different," he says. "Heavyweight titles that will appeal to
international audiences will make their debut here, boosting Hong Kong's status
as a film-trade and film financing platform."
Raymond Yip, Assistant Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development
Council (TDC), FILMART's organiser, says: "We expect to attract about 450
exhibitors from 30 countries and some 4,000 international industry players to
the mega shows.
"With HKIFF, FILMART and HAF kicking off at the same time, visitors can view and
source a wider variety of films for distribution. At the same time, they can
also consider investing or participating in the film projects on offer."
The three mega events are part of Hong Kong Entertainment Expo, which takes
place March 20 to April 15 next year. International film star Tony Leung Chiu-wai
will, for the third time, serve as Entertainment Expo's ambassador.
December 2,
HK firms warned against
complacency With regional competitors catching up fast, Exco member says
'drifting with the tide' is not an option by AMBROSE
Hongkongers cannot afford to indulge in escapism in today's highly competitive
world, a business leader and executive councillor warned yesterday. Doing so
would distract them from achieving their goals, said Leung Chun-ying. He also
said critics should not seek to discredit the government by airing conspiracy
Addressing a business leaders' forum, "Economic Summit 2007: Road Map to Hong
Kong Success", Mr Leung warned that major industries in Hong Kong were in danger
of being marginalised and overtaken by competitors. "We should never be
intoxicated by the short-term scene of prosperity in front of us," he said,
pointing to the relatively small size of Hong Kong's economy and the closeness
of its links to that of the mainland.
Mr Leung said hidden problems remained and now was the time to seek solutions to
them. "If we adopt a mentality of escapism, or drift with the tides, we will
become bystanders, not stakeholders. We will lose the reference of Hong Kong
people solving problems for Hong Kong."
Mr Leung said one danger was Hong Kong's relatively high wages, which were not
competitive with those over the border. Unemployment threatened to erode
people's standard of living, he said. If the government could not usher in full
employment, "all economic theories and government visions would become empty
talk". Although the quality of its products and services was a strength, the
city would face midterm and long-term competition from the mainland's container
ports, catering and financial services sectors, he said.
Pointing to Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's recent comment that
"positive non-interventionism" was no longer the guiding principle of government
economic policy, Mr Leung said the government should play a more proactive role
in the economy. "Market forces can result in both good and evil," Mr Leung said.
He also said no government could address all the viewpoints in society.
"If [people], including opinion leaders, hold stubbornly to their views or seek
to discredit the government with conspiracy theories, it will only result in
failure of the entire society." Addressing the same forum, Mr Tsang warned that
Hong Kong's logistics industry faced challenges. "The rise of Shanghai, and
especially Shenzhen - which is on course to overtake Hong Kong and Singapore in
the next few years - poses a big challenge to Hong Kong's leading position," Mr
Tsang said.
The city's position as Asia's financial centre was also under threat, with
Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and other cities putting up stiff challenges. "We
cannot take it for granted that mainland corporations will use Hong Kong as a
platform to raise capital, because other financial centres in the region are
rising fast," Mr Tsang said.
He said Hong Kong had to maintain its role as a bridge between the mainland and
other regions. Mr Tsang said the airport and other infrastructure should be
improved to raise competitiveness, and investor-friendly policies, including an
expansion in renminbi business, introduced.
November 29, 2006 Hong Kong SAR
Official Opening: International Business Convention "New
Strategies for a Borderless World" - Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center
Presentation by Mr. Peter Woo, Chairman, HKTDC
Presentation by Honorable Donald Tsang, Chief Executive, Hong Kong SAR
click on the
picture to view picture/video
International Business Convention "New
Strategies for a Borderless World" - Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center
Keynote Speaker, Mr. Peter Woo, Chairman of
Mr. Stuart Harbinson - Special Advisor,
Office of the Director-General WTO - Global Markets: The World Trade
Organization Dimension
Ms. Viveca Chan, Founder, WE Worldwide Partners - Building Brands in China
November 28, 2006 Hong Kong SAR
Pan-Pearl River Delta - Connecting the
World's SMEs by Professor Pui King LAU, Mr. Anthony Lau - Executive Chairman of
BALtrans Holding Ltd and Mr. Ronnie Chan - Chairman of Hang Lung Group (Hang
Lung Properties reported net profit of US$586 millions in 2006, Owned and
Operate Plaza 66 in Shanghai, Mr. Chan among others things was member of Board
of Governors of the East West Center in Honolulu Hawaii).
Mr. Ronnie Chan Discussed and Shared with
us if you are NOT an International Well Known Brand, not launching your products/services
and established name recognition in Hong Kong FIRST will have
little chance of success in the China Market. Hang Lung Group operate the Plaza
66 in Shanghai occupied by ALL major World Famous brand has 600,000 of foot
traffic per week. US$4 billion to build another 12 world-class commercial
complexes like the Plaza 66 in Shanghai will be completed in the coming few
years. All major anchor tenants have committed to go where the new world-class
commercial complex will be located. Mr. Ronnie Chan is a frequent visitor to
click on the
picture to view picture/video
Mr. Henry Tang, Financial Secretary of
the Hong Kong SAR shared with us the success formula as the financial center
recognized by Beijing and its continue success. Hong Kong Stock Exchange has raised almost US$60 billion
in 2006 placed Hong Kong the 2nd largest IPO Center, overtook the New York Stock
click on the
picture to view picture/video
An Ancient Feast in Modern Hong Kong - A
Night of "Poon Choi Delights" Special 20+ entrees dinner including the
"Jumbo Pot also known as Poon Choi" hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) at the
Super Star Seafood Restaurant, Time Square, well attended by more than 500
November 27, 2006 Hong Kong SAR
AmCham Hong Kong Energy Committee met
Chaired by Mr. Colin Tam to discuss various business opportunities in China,
Hong Kong and Macau. Presentation was made regarding to the challenges and
opportunities current presented in Macau and how to take advantage of it.
click on the small picture for full
November 27, 2006
Asia banks move into film financing by
John Travolta with Rene Russo in the 1995 movie Get Shorty about the trials of a
loan-shark who finds Hollywood's cutthroat world too much to handle. Bank loan
financing has long been used by independent movie producers in Europe and the
United States and is taking off in Asia. `Rough business, this movie business,"
says John Travolta in Get Shorty. "I'm gonna have to go back to loan-sharking
just to take a rest." Only a banker would rush in where loan sharks fear to
And bankers see there is money to be made in Asia's movie business, with
Standard Chartered (US$333 Billions in Assets) leading the way.
The bank has begun offering loans to film producers who are tired of begging
from rich uncles and investors who think they understand the celluloid business.
Asian film producers have traditionally relied on equity finance, where
investors effectively buy a share of the movie. In return, they get a slice of
any potential profit, and more often than not they expect their money to give
them a voice in how the movie is made. "If you work with equity finance, you
have to use certain assets to convince your investors in your vision of the
film, where the bank is more neutral. It's just business," said Nansun Shi,
producer of films such as Seven Swords and Dragon Tiger Gate.
Bank loan financing is new to the Asian film industry and has a long way to go
before it displaces equity financing. Standard Chartered, which opened a
separate entertainment banking unit just under a year ago, has so far financed
only one major project, Curse of the Golden Flower, a Bill Kong production. The
movie, starring Chow Yun-fat, Gong Li, Jay Chou and Ye Liu, is set for release
at the end of the year. "The fact that it's available demonstrates that the
industry is becoming more mature. It's an important part of [independent]
filmmaking in all the big markets around the world," Ms Shi said.
While Standard Chartered is thought to be the first bank in Asia to offer a pure
loan to a filmmaker, other banks are testing the waters with different types of
film financing deals. China Merchants Bank recently became the first mainland
bank to finance a local film. The bank provided 50 per cent of the money for
director Feng Xiaogang's latest project, a US$10 million war story named The
Assembly, now shooting in northeast China. Asia's film industry has come under
pressure of late even as the region produces some of the world's top
non-American stars and plots. "You hear a lot about how the film industry is not
doing so well here, with poor sales and piracy issues, but with China opening up
we see a lot of opportunity for filmmakers," said Michael Leow, a solicitor at
law firm Deacons, which created a dedicated entertainment practice four years
ago. Governments across the region, including South Korea, Singapore and Hong
Kong, have stepped in to offer financial perks to film producers in the hopes of
creating Asia's version of Hollywood.
Hong Kong chief executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen used his policy address to
promise help for the film industry, including a new Hong Kong Film Development
Council and the possibility of more help for smaller filmmakers.
"With appropriate assistance from the government, the industry is poised to
scale new heights," Mr Tsang said. The government in 2003 launched the Film
Guarantee Fund, a HK$30 million pot of money to serve as a guarantee to banks
lending to budding young filmmakers. A handful of the region's top banks are
working with the fund, including HSBC, Bank of China, Bank of East Asia and DBS
Bank. However, the fund can only commit about HK$2.5 million per film, putting
it out of the running for bigger productions with A-list actors and directors.
So, while Mr Tsang's government may help pave the way, it is banks such as
Standard Chartered that are opening up new roads for the film industry. They are
offering financing while leaving the creative decisions in the hands of
"All we're interested in is getting the principal back with interest, whereas an
equity investor is going to ask for profit sharing and possibly want a say in
the creative process," said Susan Ho, head of the creative industries group at
Standard Chartered. Bank loan financing has long been in existence in Europe and
the United States, with hedge funds also beginning to play a role. Banks there
are also beginning to strike deals involving a combination of debt and equity, a
natural progression for the Asian industry.
Given the legal and financing costs associated with a large bank loan, Standard
Chartered is unlikely to do deals for less than US$1.5 million, which is quickly
becoming the cheap end of the budget for Asian film productions. And they are
looking for producers who already have a few successful films to their name.
One of the biggest issues for banks is what they can claim for security, making
the film industry more challenging and more interesting than lending to
cross-border factories. There are no production lines or property to back a
filmmaker's idea. Common collateral options include presales, the contract to
sell the film to a distributor, and completion guarantees, a type of bond that
promises the film will be finished on time and on budget.
"The first hurdle is to understand what the risks ... are because the industry
has always given the impression that it's a high-risk industry compared with the
more traditional manufacturing businesses," Ms Ho said. Like any business, the
more you understand it the less risky it becomes. For bankers, this may mean
learning the language of the film industry or asking for a production budget and
schedule or other documentation. "When Hong Kong producers [made] movies, they
never had a script. They possibly signed an agreement on a piece of tissue paper
or a shake of hands ... this is part of the evolution, the commercialisation of
the industry," Ms Ho said.
She would not disclose how much business the entertainment unit has produced but
says it has brought about 20 new clients to the bank so far and is focusing on
Japan, South Korea, Singapore and India, Hong Kong and China. "The goal is to
become a banker to the company, to the media industry. It's not just financing
films," she said.
Ms Ho joined the bank's consumer banking business seven years ago from the
advertising and marketing world and is now applying that media knowledge to the
bank's new wholesale banking unit. The bank has also hired Lee Beasley from
Royal Bank of Scotland in London. Mr Beasley, who had experience lending money
to Asian filmmakers who came to London in search of financing, brings 12 years
of television and film financing knowledge to the bank.
Many of the region's top banks are thought to be in the planning stages of
entering the entertainment financing space, and with an increasing number of
large co-productions between producers in South Korea, China, Hong Kong and
Japan, demand for large-scale financing will grow. "As you see more pan-Asian
co-productions, which call for bigger budgets, that strategy suits bank
financing and using presales for collateral," said Fred Milstein, president of
US-based completion guarantor cineFinance, which is building its business in
"It is no longer limited in terms of financial strategy to what you can raise in
pure equity or what one person or company can raise."
November 20, 2006
Yen Chun (2nd from Left) is the Founding
Members of Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce 孙中山亲属及台湾知名人士拜谒中山陵[组图]
韩瑜庆 摄
Family Members of the Dr. Sun Yat Sin
November 15, 2006
Hong Kong as an IPO Centre
The continuing growth of the Mainland economy augurs well for Hong Kong as a
centre for IPOs and other fund-raising activities by Mainland enterprises. Large
initial public offerings are always welcomed in Hong Kong, particularly when
they are successful, whether measured by the degree of over-subscription or the
extent of the increase in the prices of the shares on their debuts. It is also a
clear confirmation of the status of Hong Kong as an international financial
centre. Last week we had the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) IPO,
which is, so far, the largest IPO in the world. The fact that this IPO and
several other large IPOs were organized so successfully in Hong Kong and not in
London or New York, or any other international financial centre is something
that those involved in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the investment banks, the
banking system, and the interbank payment system can justifiably be proud of. I
hope this is something that the Hong Kong community, including all the
investors, will be proud of too. Having watched these events closely, I think
the lack of excessive volatility in the interbank rates over the course of the
IPO and the absence of any hiccup in the interbank payment system on the payment
and refund days are quite an achievement.
One interesting phenomenon observed during the course of the large IPO
activities in Hong Kong is that, with global financial markets awash with
liquidity, whenever there is new supply of quality financial instruments in a
market of international standing, attracting international investment funds is
not a problem. There seems no longer to be any need, for example, to organize
primary or secondary listing in Europe and America in order to attract
investment funds from those areas. International road shows are of course still
essential to stimulate investor interest, but advanced information technology is
increasingly making this easier. So I hope these large IPOs serve to consolidate
the status of Hong Kong as the preferred IPO centre for Mainland enterprises.
As China becomes increasingly integrated with the rest of the world, with its
economy growing at a brisk pace, made possible by reform and liberalization, and
the associated rapid increases in productivity, there will be more and more
Mainland enterprises achieving success in their own fields and attaining
international status. This augurs well for Hong Kong as a centre for IPOs and
other fund-raising activities by Mainland enterprises, particularly those
intending to go international. But, as I have mentioned before, while we are
gladly playing the important role of channeling foreign funds into the hands of
fund raisers on the Mainland, we must recognize the fact that the savings rate
on the Mainland is still very high and therefore there is great investor demand
there that needs to be satisfied. The sustainability of Hong Kong as the IPO
centre for Mainland enterprises depends, I think, on whether we can satisfy
investor demand on the Mainland.
The sale of quality assets by the State only to overseas investors might
understandably lead to objections from Mainland investors. The dual listing of
H-shares and A-shares in the ICBC IPO is a very good arrangement to address this
concern, although the price differential between the H-shares and the A-shares
remains and needs to be addressed. Some say the price differential reflects
different supply and demand conditions. While this obviously is true, the
partitioning of a market trading essentially the same financial instrument with
the same shareholders' rights undermines the efficiency of the market. I
understand that foreign exchange controls on the Mainland play a part in this
process, but it still seems desirable for the healthy development of the market
to remove artificial market partitioning. This can be done by special
arrangements that would not undermine the foreign exchange controls. The two
classes of shares can be made directly fungible, or indirectly fungible by
trading depository certificates evidencing the holding of shares in the other
market. An arbitrage arrangement, perhaps with special approval by the
authorities for conducting the associated foreign exchange transactions, can be
established to facilitate price equalization. This may require the involvement
of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and could be conducted by
a specially established public organization on a non-profit basis, conducting
arbitrage whenever a significant exchange-rate-adjusted price differential
appears. It could also be opened up on a freely competitive basis, under close
monitoring by SAFE as far as foreign exchange transactions are concerned.
Some have pointed out to me the possibility of a migration of secondary market
activity away from Hong Kong when H-shares and A-shares are made fungible. They
have also argued that an arbitrage mechanism to facilitate price equalisation
would not be in the interest of Hong Kong. But I suspect that if an effective
mechanism for arbitrage appears, market expectation would then be strong enough
to help bring about price equalization, lessening the need for actual arbitrage
Joseph Yam
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
August 21, 2006
Congressman Ed Case visited
Merchants and Businesses in Chinatown to explore ways to improve Hawaii Business
Direct link
to Sing Tao Newspaper
選期近 選情急 拜票忙 - 國會議員凱詩走訪華埠
August 14, 2006
Congress Approves
Suspension of New Shipper Bonding Privileges; Prospects for Additional
China-Related Legislation Uncertain
After a very busy couple of weeks, legislators left Washington for their annual
month-long summer vacation with plenty of legislative work left on the table.
Congress is not scheduled to reconvene until 5 September and will have about a
month from that date to address the most pressing of matters before having to
close its doors again on 6 October to prepare for the 7 November mid-term
congressional elections. Lawmakers are expected to meet again after the
elections in a so-called "lame duck" session to consider several items of
unfinished business, including legislation that may have an impact on trade with
mainland China and/or Hong Kong. The status of the most relevant legislative
initiatives that were either recently approved or may be taken up later this
year is outlined below.
Elimination of New Shipper Bonding Privileges
Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have approved a pension reform
bill (H.R. 4), which is expected to be signed into law by President Bush on 18
August, that includes a number of trade-related measures. One of these
provisions will suspend new shipper bonding privileges within the context of
anti-dumping and countervailing duty proceedings from 1 April 2006 through 30
June 2009. The legislation suspends language in the AD/CV provisions of the
Tariff Act of 1930 that allows new shippers of products subject to AD/CV duty
orders to post a bond in lieu of a cash deposit to cover estimated AD or CV
duties. New shippers will thus be obliged to post cash deposits in all cases. In
addition, the legislation requires the Department of Commerce to submit, by 31
December 2008, a report to the House Committee on Ways and Means containing:
recommendations on whether the bonding privilege suspension should be extended
beyond 30 June 2009; and an assessment of the effectiveness of any
administrative measure implemented to address the difficulties posed by the
bonding privilege, including problems in the collection of AD duties on imports
from new shippers and any burden imposed on legitimate trade and commerce by the
suspension. This new shipper bonding suspension was approved by both chambers of
Congress last year as part of larger legislative efforts but was ultimately not
enacted into law.
The pension legislation also includes a number of amendments regarding the
U.S.-Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement, as well as
provisions to suspend temporarily (through 31 December 2009) the duties on
imports of a wide range of products, including certain chemicals, consumer
products, footwear and textile inputs. The textile items and consumer products
that will benefit from these duty suspensions include certain non-knitted
mechanics' work gloves, certain microphones for use in automotive interiors,
carded or combed acrylic/modacrylic staple fibres, certain acrylic fibre tow,
certain cases for toys, certain camel hair, certain basketballs and volleyballs,
certain music boxes, certain footwear, and liquid crystal device panel
assemblies for use in LCD direct view televisions.
Currency-Related Legislation - Senators Chuck Schumer (Democrat-New York) and
Lindsey Graham (Republican-South Carolina) announced on 26 July that they would
seek a vote by 30 September on legislation to impose punitive 27.5% duties on
all imports from China unless they see an acceleration in the pace of the yuan's
appreciation by that time. The yuan has continued to appreciate at a slow but
steady pace and President Hu Jintao reiterated at the recent G8 summit in Russia
that China is committed to pushing ahead with exchange rate reform "in an active
and steady manner." The dollar was valued at 7.9759 yuan on 4 August, a decline
of 0.2% from a month ago, 0.4% from two months ago and 1.0% from six months ago.
This appreciation, while significant from the standpoint of the Chinese
government, is unlikely to satisfy the demands of Schumer and Graham, who may
well try to force a vote on their measure should the yuan not appreciate by at
least one to two percentage points in the next two months.
Even if the two senators make good on their promise, Senate Finance Committee
Chairman Chuck Grassley (Republican-Iowa) and Ranking Member Max Baucus
(Democrat-Montana) would be expected to offer an alternative China-related
legislative package (S. 2467) to draw away support from the Schumer-Graham bill.
The Grassley-Baucus legislation contains the following provisions.
Identification of Currencies in Fundamental Misalignment. The legislation would
repeal the 1988 Exchange Rates and International Economic Policy Coordination
Act and provide a new mechanism to address fundamentally mis-aligned currencies
that adversely affect the U.S. economy. These new provisions would require the
Secretary of the Treasury to issue a semi-annual report that identifies such
currencies and to take action to address the imbalance.
New Mechanisms to Promote Currency Adjustment. For any fundamentally mis-aligned
currency that adversely affects the U.S. economy, the bill would require the
U.S. to negotiate with the country concerned. Should these negotiations fail,
the bill would authorise the appropriate U.S. agency to oppose multi-lateral
bank financing, disapprove loans from the Overseas Private Investment
Corporation, refuse to increase an offending country's voting share in the
International Monetary Fund, and consider such currency in determining whether
to grant the relevant country market economy status under U.S. trade remedy
laws. The bill would also create a new assistant secretary position at the
Treasury Department to improve oversight of currency issues and exchange
imbalances. Identification of Priority Foreign Country Trade Practices. The bill
would require the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to work more closely
with Congress to annually identify and resolve the most significant market
access and investment barriers to U.S. companies.
Other Miscellaneous Provisions. The bill would also: (i) elevate the USTR
general counsel to a Senate-confirmed position, with statutory authority to
investigate and resolve trade enforcement cases; (ii) require the USTR to create
a new inter-agency Trade Enforcement Working Group; and (iii) increase the
fiscal year 2007 and 2008 funding authorizations for the USTR.
Grassley and Baucus wield considerable power in the Senate and their legislation
would be expected to attract the necessary votes for passage, to the detriment
of the far more controversial Schumer-Graham measure.
Miscellaneous Tariff Bill - Congress typically considers and approves during
each two-year session a miscellaneous tariff bill that contains a fairly large
number of provisions to eliminate or reduce duties on a wide range of products
imported into the United States. MTBs also include various other provisions
designed to increase the competitiveness of U.S. products and companies. A
fundamental requirement of MTBs is that their provisions cannot be
controversial; i.e., they cannot be opposed by a domestic producer of the
product for which special treatment is being sought. Additionally, the cost for
each MTB provision must amount to less than US$500,000 of lost revenue per year.
The House passed its version of the MTB last year and the Senate is finalizing
the compilation of its bill. As is generally the case, both the House and Senate
MTB packages focus primarily on duty suspensions for chemical products. The
Senate version will also include duty suspensions or reductions for numerous
other products, including certain apparel and textile goods, footwear, household
goods, electronic goods, and industrial inputs and machinery, as well as
provisions to remove certain woven fibreglass fabric and certain performance
outerwear trousers from quota.
Roughly 300 MTB provisions were approved by Congress in late July/early August
as part of a legislative package to reform the U.S. pension system (see above).
Provisions were only included in this package if they had been in the
House-passed MTB and had a companion bill introduced in the Senate.
The Senate Finance Committee is expected to craft a final MTB package with all
remaining provisions in September with hopes of holding a vote before the
November elections. MTB consideration may slip until after the elections,
however, especially if any legislators decide to attach controversial provisions
to the final package.
Reform of Foreign Investment Review Process - Legislators have been engaged in
an effort to reform the mechanisms for reviewing foreign investment in the U.S.
ever since the widespread controversy generated by the failed acquisition
attempts of Unocal by China National Offshore Oil Corporation and of terminal
operations at various U.S. ports by Dubai Ports World. Lawmakers introduced a
large number of bills on this matter over the past year but have finally
narrowed their choices to two of them. Legislation sponsored by House Majority
Whip Roy Blunt (Republican-Missouri) passed the House on 26 July by a vote of
424 to 0. The National Security FIRST (Foreign Investment Reform and
Strengthened Transparency) Act of 2006, H.R. 5337, would:
maintain the Treasury secretary as chairman of the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the U.S. and establish the secretaries of Homeland Security and
Commerce as vice chairpersons;
require that the secretaries of the Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce
agree on any CFIUS approval and sign the final CFIUS report;
reaffirm congressional intent relating to the "Byrd Rule," which mandates a
45-day CFIUS investigation for companies controlled by foreign governments, by
strengthening current law and requiring investigations for transactions
involving any foreign government;
require twice-yearly notice of all transactions by CFIUS to the bipartisan
congressional leadership and relevant committees, as well as special notice each
time there is an extensive investigation or deal with a foreign government
create a formal method for tracking and enforcing post-transaction compliance
with mitigation agreements and for tracking any post-transaction changes in such
agreement; and
maintain an objective role for the director of national intelligence (who does
not have a vote in CFIUS transactions) while establishing a formal independent
analysis by the DNI for every transaction.
The Senate CFIUS reform bill, sponsored by Senator Richard Shelby
(Republican-Alabama), passed the Senate the same day. However, U.S. business
groups are generally backing the House version due to concerns that certain
provisions in the Senate bill could deter foreign investment in the U.S. A
conference is expected to take place during the autumn to reconcile the two
Port Security Legislation - On 4 May, the House approved the Security and
Accountability for Every (SAFE) Port Act (H.R. 4954), a bill designed to
strengthen supply chain security and codify existing supply chain security
program. This legislation attracted a great deal of attention during its
consideration because several lawmakers had favored an amendment to require 100%
scanning of all inbound cargo containers within three years for larger ports and
five years for smaller ports. However, this proposal was strongly opposed by
business groups and was ultimately defeated.
The main provisions of the SAFE Port Act are outlined below.
require the DHS to develop a strategic plan to enhance international supply
chain security for all modes of transportation by which containers arrive in,
depart from or move through U.S. seaports
require the DHS to develop, within six months after enactment of the
legislation, protocols for the resumption of trade in the event of a
transportation security incident, to include preferences associated with
participation in current supply chain security programs
require the DHS to collect entry data, in addition to manifest data, from
importers before a container is loaded at a foreign port
establish, within six months after enactment of the legislation, a pilot project
at an overseas port similar to the Integrated Container Inspection System being
tested at the port of Hong Kong
evaluate the development of nuclear and radiological detection systems and other
emerging inspection technologies for use at foreign ports, including
battery-powered portable neutron and gamma-ray detection devices that can be
inexpensively produced, and, within one year after enactment of the legislation,
determine whether such technology can be adequately deployed at foreign ports
(if the U.S. determines that this technology meets all the necessary requisites
for deployment, U.S. Customs and Border Protection would be able to reject
containerized cargo from ports whose foreign governments refuse to co-operate in
the phased deployment)
codify the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program, establish
minimum participation standards and divide program membership into tiered
categories based on the level of each company's security co-operation
formally establish the Container Security Initiative and require the DHS to
conduct security assessments for foreign ports interested in participating in
this program
define a cargo container security device as
"a mechanical or electronic device designed to, at a minimum, positively
identify containers and detect and record unauthorised intrusion of containers"
(such devices would have to have false alarm rates demonstrated to be below 1%)
establish or enhance lorry inspection stations for seaports, communities and
trade corridors where there is a high volume of lorry container traffic
establish within the DHS the positions of
director of cargo security policy and director of trade policy
require the DHS to seek the advice and recommendations of the Departmental
Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of CBP and Related Functions on any
proposed DHS policies, initiatives, actions or organization reforms that will
have a major impact on trade and customs revenue functions
require a DHS study on the specific challenges faced by land ports when calling
for greater security
require the DHS to assess the National Targeting Center and make recommendations
to strengthen it
provide, through a dedicated grant program, risk-based funding for hardening
U.S. ports against attacks and enhancing capabilities to respond to attacks and
resume operations
begin issuing transportation security cards
by 15 May 2007 to individuals at the first 25 seaport facilities listed on the
DHS facility vulnerability assessment (the deadline would be 15 November 2007
for the next 30 seaports and 15 November 2008 for all other seaport facilities)
Further, the House approved a funding bill on 6 June that would mandate a
strategy to double the amount of cargo currently inspected, screen 100% of cargo
through the Automated Targeting System and establish minimum security standards
for cargo containers. The legislation would also require the DHS to maintain a
100% manifest review rate at all CSI ports and a 100% validation rate for all C-TPAT
participants, and to double the amount of cargo entering the U.S. that is
screened for radiation.
For its part, the Senate is considering legislation that mirrors the SAFE Port
Act but has a few differences that would eventually have to be reconciled in a
bi-cameral conference. The so-called GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Act (S.
2459) was approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Committee on 2 May and is awaiting consideration by the full Senate. The
legislation may be taken up sometime in the autumn.
Among other things, the GreenLane legislation would require the DHS to set up
within one year a pilot screening program at three as-yet unnamed foreign ports.
After analyzing the results of this test, the DHS would be required to implement
"as soon as practicable and possible" a system in which 100% of U.S.-bound cargo
from foreign ports is screened.
Other provisions included in the bill would establish:
the GreenLane, which is comprised of supply chain participants who voluntarily
meet the highest level of security and provides real incentives to importers to
enhance their supply chain security measures;
minimum security standards for all cargo containers entering the U.S. and
requirements that strengthen current cargo security programs;
the Office of Cargo Security Policy within the DHS to ensure accountability and
co-ordination of cargo security policies, procedures and regulations among
federal agencies;
Joint Operations Centers to ensure a co-ordinated,
measured response and the resumption and flow of commerce in the event of an
incident or heightened national security threat level; and
US$835 million for port security grants, CSI and C-TPAT, which would be
generated through the collection of customs fees.
Separately, Senators Grassley and Baucus introduced legislation (S. 3658) on 13
July that would, among other things:
require, within one year of enactment, an assessment of non-intrusive container
scanning in foreign ports;
require enhanced cargo targeting and analysis to facilitate trade and restart
the movement of cargo following a transportation disruption; and
require the CBP commissioner to develop a trade resumption plan, which must be
routinely exercised with federal, state and local officials and private
The Senate will have a full work schedule both during 5 September-6 October and
in a potential lame duck session, which will likely be devoted in large part to
the approval of various budgetary provisions. Congressional approval of
comprehensive port security legislation by the end of the year is therefore
July 21, 2006
- Proposed by Johnson Choi, President of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce, Introduced by Honolulu City Councilman Charles D'jou and PASSED by the
Full Council on July 19, 2006
Honolulu will join more than 1.5 billion
of the World Population, with almost all major economies in Asia, Major Cities
in North America and Europe recognizing the significant of the Asian Lunar New
Year to enhance and promote cultural ties and business collaborations
CITY COUNCIL No 0 6 2 1 5
WHEREAS, a lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon, with a lunar month
being measured as the time between new moons and a lunar year consisting of
twelve lunar months; and
WHEREAS, the new year on the Asian lunar calendar begins with the second new
moon following the winter solstice, the day in December with the fewest daylight
hours when the Northern Hemisphere is the most inclined away from the sun; and
WHEREAS, the new year marks the beginning ofthe Asian Lunar New Year
celebration, also known as Spring Festival or Chinese New Year, which lasts 15
days and ends with the arrival of the full moon; and
WHEREAS, for example, the Asian Lunar New Year in 2006 took place between
January29 and February 13; and
WHEREAS, the lunar new year is a time of commemoration and celebration for more
than a billion people in Asia and of Asian ancestry worldwide, including more
than 12 million Asian-Americans; and
WHEREAS, other jurisdictions, including New York State, New York City, and
Maryland, have adopted measures recognizing the Asian Lunar New Year; and
WHEREAS, forty-six percent of the city population is of Asian descent, the
highest percentage of Asian residents out of all U.S. counties; and
WHEREAS, the council recognizes the special significance of the Asian Lunar New
Year for these residents; now, therefore,
OCS/060606/03:521CT 1
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City and County of Honolulu that it hereby
declares February 18, 2007 and the second new moon following the winter solstice
thereafter as “Asian Lunar New Year Day” for the City and County of Honolulu.
JUN 09 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii Council Members
I hereby certify that the above is a true record of action by the Council of the
City and County of Honolulu on this RESOLUTION.
Introduced: 6/9/06 By: CHARLES DJOU (BR) Committee: EXECUTIVE MATTERS
Links: RES06-215
Y = Yes Vote
Page 1 of 2 CITY COUNCIL
Related Communications:
No. M-1124
From: Johnson Choi, China-Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce; Hong Kong-Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce – Support Res.
Page 2 of 2 CITY COUNCIL
July 21, 2006
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) join Organization of Chinese
American (OCA) applauds the action of Congress to renew the Voting Rights Act
Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006.
Background: Despite the 15th Amendment’s guarantee of the right to vote,
communities of color encountered discrimination, harassment, and intimidation
while trying to exercise that right. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 provided
concrete mechanisms to enforce the 15th Amendment. In 1982, the Voting Rights
Act of 1965 was amended to address the needs of limited English proficient
citizens. However, several key provisions were temporary, due to expire in
August 2007.
This year, We encouraged the Asian Pacific American community to make their
voices heard with lawmakers to support the renewal of those temporary
provisions. The House of Representatives finally passed the bill on July 13TH.
Yesterday the Senate unanimously passed the bill. The nation is one step closer
to the realization of a more just society. “This is a tremendous victory for
civil rights advocates and all Americans
July 14, 2006
Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle Signs Bill to
Improve Language Access for Immigrants with Limited English Proficiency - "The
state has taken a long-awaited and critical first step toward narrowing a
civil-rights gap that has separated our immigrant population from the government
help it deserves and needs." - Honolulu Advertiser editorial, "Language-access
law sets key agenda." Governor Lingle signed into law a key bill designed to
improve state and state-funded services to immigrants with limited English
proficiency. The Language Access Law requires the state, as well as state-funded
programs, to develop plans to provide interpretation services and translated
documents to immigrants and residents who have limited ability to read or speak
English. "This bill will help a silent minority in our community - those who are
not getting services they are entitled to," Governor Lingle said. "Language
should not be a barrier to basic needs such as housing, food and health care."
May 22-24, 2006
Click on the
pictures below to view live video
Pamela Young Interview Johnson Choi
of CMC Consulting Group Inc and Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce on
business and tourism training opportunities
Pamela Young Interview Yen Chun of
CMC Consulting Group Inc on business and tourism training opportunities
Mixplate - By Pamela Young - Special
Segment on China
Monday - May 22nd; Tuesday - May 23rd and Wednesday - May 24, 2006 5:00pm
(rebroadcast on the following mornings 5-7am)
Stories focus on building of business connections between Hawaii and China,
especially in Guangdong Province; Olympics preparations; cultural connections to
promote tourism and Sister Village relationship between Polynesian Culture
Center and Yunnan Nationalities Village.
Special footage from China with Special
Guests interview such as Ms. Yen Chun of CMC Consulting Group Inc and Sun Yat-Sin
Hawaii Foundation and Johnson Choi of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of
April 12, 2006
Surging ahead of the competition
Hong Kong's mid-size companies surged ahead of competitors around the world, and
the city has overtaken Shanghai as China's most competitive city, according to
two recent surveys. The Grant Thornton International Business Survey 2006 found
that over 82 per cent of mid-sized business in Hong Kong recorded growth at
above the global average this year - a world leading score. Grant Thornton
partner Gary James said an upturn in tourism arrivals, buoyant consumer spending
and strong export sales proved beneficial to a wide range of businesses. The
survey polled 7,000 mid-sized business owners in 30 countries last year.
In a separate survey, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences put Hong Kong top
of the list of 200 cities in its 2005 annual report on urban competitiveness.
The assessment was based on human resources, corporate management, social
ability and public service standards. This was the first time that Hong Kong,
Macau and Taiwanese cities were included in the report.
Hong Kong was tops in five of the eight categories. In global terms, the academy
ranked Hong Kong 11th in competitiveness out of 100 countries and regions with
the US first and China 34th.
Long-term outlook strong - The robust economic scene continues with reports of
strong profits from Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx), which manages
Asia's second-biggest stock market. It registered a 27 percent increase in net
profit last year on soaring trading volumes, a record wave of mainland listings,
continued economic recovery, influx of foreign funds and upbeat market
sentiment. HKEx earned HK$1.34 billion (US$172 million) last year, compared with
HK$1.06 billion (US$136 million) in 2004.
"We remain optimistic about the long-term prospects of our business and the
market," said HKEx Chairman Charles Lee.
Most economists remain upbeat about Hong Kong's economic performance. The most
positive was from Standard Chartered Bank which expects Hong Kong's export
driven economic growth to be at 6 per cent fuelled by robust private
consumption, active job and property markets. The forecast is more optimistic
than the official Government estimate of between 4 to 5 per cent of real growth.
April 3, 2006
China Vice Premier Wu Yi lead a business
delegation of over 100 members representing the Major Agriculture Sectors,
Aerospace, Automobile, Electronics, Petroleum, Petro-chemical and Heavy Machinery, stopped by Hawaii for 2
days to meet with Hawaii Business Leaders and Government Representatives. A
Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation was signed between Hawaii Governor
Linda Lingle and Chairman Shao Qiwei of the China National Tourism
Administration at a reception hosted by Governor Lingle at the Washington Place.
Beijing is to seal agreements to purchase US
agricultural products, software, passenger aircraft, cars, automotive spare
parts and electrical products ahead of President Hu Jintao's US visit later this
month, Xinhua reported yesterday. Representatives of 111 mainland companies
would soon begin negotiations with authorities, commerce associations and
companies in 13 US states, it said. It is the first time the official media has
confirmed widespread speculation about the likelihood of big-ticket purchases.
In recent years, Beijing has usually sent a delegation of businessmen to place
orders for US goods worth billions of US dollars ahead of a Chinese leader's
visit to Washington. Although the size and other details of Beijing's planned
purchases remain unclear, the cost could easily run into billions of US dollars,
judging from the shopping list. It has agreed to purchase 80 Boeing passenger
aircraft, and earlier reports indicate officials plan to lift the ban on imports
of US beef and have agreed to buy more American soya beans. President Hu is due
to visit the United States from April 18 to April 22. At his first stop, in
Seattle, he is scheduled to visit the Boeing company and have dinner with
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates at his palatial home. As computer software is on
the shopping list, it is possible that Beijing could promise to purchase more
Microsoft Windows operating systems and other US-made software as part of
efforts to crack down on the widespread use of pirated computer software on the
mainland, which costs US software makers billions of dollars in lost revenue
each year.
Vice-Premier Wu Yi who paid a stopover visit to Hawaii on Monday, is responsible
for overseeing the purchases in the United States. She was on her way to
Washington for the China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade. While in
Hawaii, she oversaw the signing of an agreement that will boost the number of
mainland visitors to the island. The agreement "helps us to continue to spread
the word in China about Hawaii", the Pacific state's Governor Linda Lingle said.
The number of mainland visitors to Hawaii has been rising - up 34.5 per cent in
2004 from the year earlier to 34,216 travelers. But it captured just a tiny
fraction of the about 27 million mainlanders who traveled to overseas
destinations that year. Ms Wu said Hawaii had expertise in tourism planning,
management and personnel training which could "serve as a valuable reference for
the Chinese tourism industry".
March 9, 2006
"Hong Kong and Hawaii : Countable Islands,
Unlimited Opportunities"
Miss Jacqueline Ann Willis, JP
- Hong Kong Commissioner for Economic and Trade Affairs has spoken to more than
160 business executives at the Mauna Kea Ballroom of the Hawaii Prince Hotel
Hawaii State Senate Resolution by Senator
Gordon Trimble
PDF format
February 24, 2006
Aloha to China Guanxi" -
MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a
completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at
the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii
click on the small picture for full
Message from Congressman Ed Case
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
Spring Business Luncheon
February 24, 2006
I am most pleased to extend my best wishes and warmest aloha to all gathered at
the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) Spring Business
For the past five years, HKCHcc has worked diligently and effectively to ensure
that the concerns of Chinese-Americans and our Asian Pacific American
communities are acted upon. Your mission to serve as a permanent link to promote
business, trade, transfer of professional knowledge and technologies between
Hong Kong, China and Hawaii, is truly invaluable, not just to our Hawaii, but to
our country and to better international relations between two great nations.
Please accept my very best wishes for a successful gathering. I think each and
all of your members for your efforts, and genuinely look forward to your
continued success and progress in the years to come.
With aloha,
United States Congressman
Hawaii, Second District
Aloha to China Guanxi" -
MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a
completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at
the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii
Honorable Mayor of Honolulu, Mufi Hannemann has proclaimed Feb 24, 2006 as
"Aloha to China Guanxi Day" honoring Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
(HKCHcc) and Its Collaboration Partners.
Office of the Mayor
City and County of Honolulu
WHEREAS, 2006 marks the fifth anniversary of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce, under the leadership of Johnson Choi, through the Aloha to China
Guanxi Program, with 17 collaboration partners in North America, Asia and
Europe; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber serves as a permanent link to promote business, trade,
transfer of professional knowledge and technologies, and strengthen economic and
cultural ties between Hong Kong, China, their neighboring regions and Hawaii;
WHEREAS, this dynamic organization facilitates networking among professionals in
various disciplines who have a common interest in Hong Kong and China; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber; Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, San Francisco;
Enterprise Honolulu; Hawaii S&T Council; High Technology Development
Corporation; and the Pacific and Asian Affair Council will present a special
event for Hawaii's business community on the fast-growing China phenomenon on
Feb 24th,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MUFI HANNEMANN, Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, do
hereby proclaim February 24, 2006, as
in the City and county of Honolulu to promote understanding of Hong Kong and
China in the United States and among the international business community.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City
and County of Honolulu to be affixed.
Done this 12th day of February 2006, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Aloha to China Guanxi" -
MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a
completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at
the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii
The House of Representative
State of Hawaii
WHEREAS, the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2001,
under the leadership of Johnson W. K. Choi, throught the Aloha to China Guanxi
Program, with 17 collaboration partners in North America, Asia and Europe; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber serves as a dynamic player and permanent link by promoting
business, trade, and the transfer of professional knowledge and technologies
between Hawaii, China, Hong Kong, and its neighboring regions; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber strengthens cultural, econo,ic, and historic ties between
Hawaii, China, Hong Kong, and its neighboring regions; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu has officially proclaimed
February 24, 2006 as "Aloha to China Guanxi Day" to promote understanding of
Hong Kong and China in the United States and among the international business
community; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-third Legislature
of the State of Hawaii, that this body congratulates the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce on the proclamation of "Aloha to China Guanxi Day" in the
City and County of Honolulu.
Calvin Say, Speaker of the House
Corinne Ching, Sponsoring Representative
Aloha to China Guanxi" -
MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a
completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at
the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii
The House of Representative
State of Hawaii
WHEREAS, Mike Rowse serves as the Director General of Invest Hong Kong, the Hong
Kong SAR Government Department that is dedicated to attracting foreign direct
investments to Hong Kong; and
WHEREAS, the Hong Kong SAR Government Department provides free information,
advice and support services to help U.S. Companies capitalize on the Hong Kong
advantage; and
WHEREAS, the Hong Kong SAR Government Department plays an important role in
assisting the U.S. and Hong Kong in building relationships; now, therefore,
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu has officially proclaimed
February 24, 2006 as "Aloha to China Guanxi Day" to promote understanding of
Hong Kong and China in the United States and among the international business
community; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-third Legislature
of the State of Hawaii, that this body recognizes Mike Rowse, Director General
of Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government Department on behalf of the Department for
its continuous work and efforts in promoting business relationships between U.S.
and Hong Kong.
Calvin Say, Speaker of the House
Corinne Ching, Sponsoring Representative
Aloha to China Guanxi" -
MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a
completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at
the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii
Council of the City and County of Honolulu
The year 2006 will mark the fifth Anniversary of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce under the leadership of the Founding President, Johnson
Choi, through the "Aloha to China Guanxi" with seventeen Collaboration Partners
in North America, Asia and Europe.
The Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce serves as a permanent link to
promote Business, Trade, Transfer of Professional Knowledge and Technologies
between Hong Kong, China, its neighboring region and Hawaii.
The Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce continues to facilitate
networking among professionals in various disciplines who have a common interest
in Hong Kong and China in the United States and the international business
community, and focuses on getting business done with results.
The Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce has invited Mr. Mike Rowse,
Director General of Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government to share with the People
of the City and County of Honolulu to capitalize on the Hong Kong Advantage to
achieve success in the Pacific Century spearheaded by the fast growing China
The longevity and the great accomplishment of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce is attribute to the collective leadership, perseverance, and
commendable efforts of President Johnson Choi, its officers, and staff members
in their commitment to further enhance the culture, heritage, and its
international business community.
Therefore, the Council, on behalf of the people of the City and County of
Honolulu, joins the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce and President
Johnson Choi in recoginzing and congratulating them on the celebration of their
fifth anniversary, and extends to them its aloha and best wishes for continued
goodwill and success in all of their endeavors.
Councilman Rod Tam, Introducer
Councilman Donovan M. Dela Cruz, Chair
Councilman Todd K. Apo
Councilman Barbara Marshall
Councilman Charles K. Djou
Councilman Ann H. Kobayashi
Councilman Romy M. Cachola
Councilman Gary H. Okino
Councilman Nestor R. Garcia
January 22, 2006
State rewards trip sponsors
PDF Format Sunday, January 22, 2006
Sean Hao
Advertiser Staff Writer
The Lingle administration promised special
benefits to private companies willing to donate up to $50,000 to help pay for
overseas trade missions. In a letter dated Dec. 5, Ted Liu, the director of the
state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, asked a local
business to become a "Title Sponsor" of this year's trade missions by donating
$50,000. The money would go to a nonprofit organization that would help finance
the trade mission. The sponsor would get access to foreign government leaders
and "VIP events (such as backstage or after-show parties)," according to the
The issue of government officials' providing
special service or access in exchange for large sponsorships raises ethical
questions, according to the executive director of the state Ethics Commission.
The practice also has drawn fire from a key lawmaker.
"My concern is there is a state law that says we
can't charge to do things that are under our government duties," said Senate
Vice President Donna Mercado Kim, D-14th (Halawa, Moanalua, Kamehameha Heights).
"I can't charge for my services."
Kim raised the issue with Liu last week in a
Senate committee meeting. The Dec. 5 letter was sent to Kim by a constituent,
whom Kim declined to identify.........
The benefits offered in exchange for donations
raise questions about whether state officials are providing special services to
those able to afford to donate.
"Soliciting with the notion that you might get
something — that might be seen as an opportunity to participate in government
solely based on that — that does raise an ethics issue for us," said Dan Mollway,
executive director of the state Ethics Commission. "Sen. Kim raised this issue
with us and did send us a letter, and we will review the situation to see
whether there were problems or not."........
"To be fair is to be equal to everybody," said
Johnson Choi, president of the Hong Kong-China-Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce.
"You cannot say because you paid $50,000, you get
the exclusive business contacts, and if you pay $500, you only get to sit
outside the door. That's not right."
"Obviously the state is trying to be creative,
but I'm not sure that's the right thing to do."
Reach Sean Hao at
December 27, 2005
(本報夏威夷訊) 以宋慶齡名字命名的中國宋慶齡基金會是一個國家級非牟利的人民團體,其工作的突出特點就是以弘揚偉人精神為主題,全方位、多角度地開展各項活動。現以該會專職副主席俞貴麟率領的代表團一行三人於十二月廿七日早從北京飛到夏威夷作為期三天的訪問,獲夏威夷多個友好團體熱情接待,於當天晚上假座哈羅霞塔的香港海鮮酒家設宴歡迎代表團。
October 18, 2005
HKTDC launches e-sourcing service
(From left to
right) TDC's Executive Director, Mr Fred Lam, HKSAR Acting Financial Secretary,
Mr Frederick Ma and Chairman of TDC's Electronics/ Electrical Appliances
Industry Advisory Committee, Mr Allan Wong officiated at the launching ceremony
of tdctrade.com sourcing.
TDC's Head of
Publications and E-Commerce, Ms Clare Wong introduced the enhanced functions of
tdctrade.com sourcing, with a more user-friendly interface, accurate and
efficient search engine.
The Hong Kong Trade
Development Council (TDC) launched an enhanced e-sourcing service on the
Internet today.
www.tdctrade.com sourcing
http://sourcing.tdctrade.com is an
enhanced version of TDC's online sourcing service. It enables Hong Kong
companies and their potential trading partners around the world to align their
business with the rapid development of e-commerce.
TDC's Head of Publications and E-Commerce Clare Wong said: "Competition is
tougher as a result of the globalization of suppliers and markets. Suppliers and
buyers are looking for new and cost-effective channels to expand their reach.
E-commerce is a preferred solution."
According to global research agency, IDC's latest forecast from the ICMM update,
version 10.1 (October 2005), B2B e-commerce revenue in Asia Pacific excluding
Japan is expected to grow from US$126 billion in 2003 to US$933 billion in 2008,
recording a seven-fold jump in 5 years' time. IDC points out that much of this
growth is the result of businesses moving online.
In addition to its English interface,
www.tdctrade.com sourcing also provides a Simplified Chinese edition which
assists buyers in the mainland reaching out to the large pool of Hong Kong
The e-sourcing service has over 100,000 suppliers from Hong Kong, the Chinese
mainland and Taiwan and the databank is constantly expanding.
Currently, there are over 590,000 registered buyers on
www.tdctrade.com sourcing, which include
importers, wholesalers, mega retail chain stores and department stores, who can
source products on the website free-of-charge anywhere, anytime. Half of the
registered buyers come from Europe and the U.S.
Each year, buyers view more than 30 million companies' records on tdctrade.com
sourcing. The enhanced service is expected to attract more users in the future
as it has a more user-friendly interface, accurate and efficient search engine.
Ms Wong said: "www.tdctrade.com sourcing
does not stand alone. It is supported by TDC's global network of over 40 offices
in major business centers, and its well-established Internet portal, product
magazines and trade fairs. This support network not only enables the e-sourcing
platform to maintain a sustainable inflow of quality buyers and suppliers, but
also provides extensive exposure of the service worldwide."
Highlights of key services :
Advertising page: Each advertiser of
www.tdctrade.com sourcing will have a well-designed page that shows company
information and product photos. The page is also equipped with an online product
enquiry function.
Email newsletters: The latest product information will be sent to buyers with
specific needs via email.
Free worldwide exposure: Advertisers will be offered free advertising space on
www.tdctrade.com sourcing's printed
"Product Showcase". This printed advertising brochure will be distributed to
buyers at relevant trade fairs in the world and mailed to buyers direct as
inserts into TDC's 14 Product Magazines, which has a circulation of over 2
million copies worldwide.
Trade Fairs to draw new buyers: TDC promotes
www.tdctrade.com sourcing proactively and attracts buyers to register as
members at its some 30 international trade fairs in Hong Kong and over 200 trade
fairs around the world.
Value-added services include Online Advertising Video Clips, Express Enquiry
Service and New Product Email Alert, all of which enhance promotion impact and
simplify buyers' sourcing procedure.
www.tdctrade.com sourcing is a core
service of the TDC's trade portal -
www.tdctrade.com. The portal now has 9.5 million hits a day and users from
over 200 countries and regions. It has been voted by the users as "the best in
the region" among 12 trade promotion websites in an ACNielson (China) survey
released in 2003.
October 10, 2005
HK, Guangdong plan first
joint promotion in US Government representatives plan to emphasise to American
entrepreneurs the unique benefits of investing in southern China
The Hong Kong and Guangdong governments will launch their first ever joint
promotional-conference in the United States this week — as part of a strategy to
attract more US companies to invest in southern China.
The Hong Kong–Guangdong Business Conference USA 2005 will be held in San
Francisco on Friday. It will begin on Friday morning (Hong Kong time).
Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong Mike Rowse on
Monday stressed the importance of attracting more US investment.
“The US has been one of our largest sources of foreign investment with
cumulative investment amounting to HK$187.6 billion,” he said.
In the latest survey of regional offices representing overseas companies in Hong
Kong, the US again tops the list of having the most regional headquarters (262)
and regional offices (606) in Hong Kong, he noted.
“The findings coincide with our observation that an increasing number of US
companies are using Hong Kong as a base to manage their business in the region
or as a gateway to China,” added Mr Rowse.
Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said: “We will highlight to US companies
the unique business opportunities that Hong Kong and Guangdong together will
offer them.”
Mr Tang, and Governor of the Guangdong Province Huang Huahua will lead the
conference delegation to San Francisco. It will comprise senior government
officials and business leaders from Hong Kong as well as 21 major cities of
Guangdong Province.
The business conference will discuss the attractive trade and investment
opportunities in the Greater Pearl River Delta, Guangdong and Hong Kong for US
Apart from highlighting the benefits of regional co-operation within the Greater
Pearl River Delta (comprising Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau) and the Pan-Pearl
River Delta (including nine mainland provinces plus Hong Kong and Macau), the
conference will outline opportunities for US companies. More than 700 top US
corporate executives are expected to attend.
A Hong Kong seminar entitled “Capitalising on the Hong Kong Advantage” will be
held concurrently with the conference. It will start on Friday afternoon (local
time). It will aim to encourage discussion on Hong Kong’s business advantages.
The seminar is co-organized by Invest Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Economic & Trade
Office in San Francisco and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
The session will explore Hong Kong’s role as a technology transfer centre as
well as a service centre for the mainland.
Business executives active in southern China will discuss how their companies
have capitalised on Hong Kong to develop technology-related businesses and run
regional operations into China.
Hong Kong offers companies many advantages, including an efficient banking
system, a western legal system, sophisticated modern infrastructure, one of the
world’s largest ports and top professionals in many fields.
Prominent US companies, such as United Commercial Bank, Pericom Semiconductor
Corporation, AppoTech and YesAsia.com, will share their experiences in using
Hong Kong as a springboard to China.
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco director Doris Cheung, said
the US community would find the business conference “insightful”.
“San Francisco is a very convenient meeting place for Northern Californian
businessmen. This business conference will provide Bay Area business leaders
with a better understanding of the business environment in Hong Kong and
Guangdong, and how Hong Kong can provide new opportunities for California
enterprises,” she added.
It will also showcase how Californian companies have successfully capitalized on
Hong Kong’s advantages.
Invest Hong Kong and the Guangdong Department of Foreign Trade & Economic
Co-operation are co-organizers of the conference, with the support of the
Consulate General of China in San Francisco.
Sept 9, 2005
Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing
Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress, delivers a speech during
the opening ceremony of the Second World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments
at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York Sept. 7, 2005 ARRIVED IN
August 12, 2005
Hawaii is the most expensive states in the nation in which to do business
Milken Institute Research Aug 1,
2005Hawaii, New York and
Massachusetts are the most expensive states in the nation in which to do
business, according to the 2005 Milken Institute Cost of Doing Business Index.
Hawaii, which was also number one on last year’s index,
has business costs that are 43 percent higher than the national average.
Second-place New York’s costs are 30 percent higher, and third-place
Massachusetts has costs that are 25 percent greater than the U.S. overall.
California is fourth, with costs more than 24 percent greater, and Connecticut
is fifth, with costs greater than 22 percent.
The states with the lowest costs of doing business are
South Dakota, 50th, with costs 28 percent below the national average, North
Dakota, 49th (23 percent lower), Iowa, 48th (19 percent), Montana, 47th (19
percent) and Idaho, 46th (16 percent).
The Cost-of-Doing-Business Index, released annually by
the Institute, indicates each state’s comparative advantages or disadvantages in
attracting and retaining businesses. Those states with a low cost of doing
business have, on average, greater job growth than those with high costs.
The Index measures wage costs, taxes, electricity costs
and real estate costs for industrial and office space. Each state is measured on
the five individual categories, and those weighted scores are compiled to make
the overall index.
August 4, 2005
(Brenda Foster (right) a
recent picture taken at a business networking party)
Vice President Brenda Foster of
our Chamber of Commerce is the New President of the American Chamber of Commerce
in Shanghai, China effective September 2005.
On behalf of Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber
of Commerce, Our Officers, Directors and Members, we would like to wish Brenda
the very best and looking forward working with her.
The following is the Official message from
Mr. Jeffrey Bernstein, Chairman of AmCham Shanghai, China.
Fellow AmCham Shanghai Member:
I am extremely pleased to announce that the American Chamber of Commerce in
Shanghai has secured Ms. Brenda Lei Foster for the new position of AmCham
Shanghai President.
When our Board set out at the beginning of the year to "take the Chamber to the
next level," we realized that this would require professional leadership, both
in terms of strategy development and execution. Put plainly, just doing more of
the same would not be sufficient. We were looking for a leader who would
contribute as a strong partner to the elected Board, as well as a mentor to our
growing Chamber staff. Such leadership requires perspective born from
experience. More specifically, it requires "world class" experience in a variety
of fields, including business, government, and management of NGOs (non profits),
which are still at a nascent state in China.
You may think that such tough criteria would have severely limited the potential
candidate pool, however, we were overwhelmed by the scope and degree of interest
and by the number of qualified applicants who applied. Through the
candidate-selection process, it became clear that Brenda was the right person
for the job.
Brenda's career spans more than 35 years in business, government, and NGO
management. Highlights include serving as the Executive Director of the Pacific
and Asian Affairs Council (PAAC) shepherding this NGO's growth, and gaining a
high profile in her home state of Hawaii as the Executive Advisor to the
Governor for International and National Affairs. During more than seven years in
this role, she developed programs for visits from Jiang Zemin and other senior
Chinese officials. Brenda has worked to support commercial interests throughout
her time in public and NGO service, and has also managed her own consulting
business. Throughout her career, she has shown a knack for building a strong
network of senior-level contacts in both the U.S. and China, experience that
lends additional credibility and stature to AmCham Shanghai.
Brenda also possesses a passionate, lifelong interest in China, building and
maintaining a close bond with this part of the world throughout her career. She
speaks Mandarin Chinese and carries excellent credentials from long-time
contacts in Asia.
The characteristics that really won us over are Brenda's infectious zeal and her
determination to make a difference. Please join me in warmly welcoming Brenda
Lei Foster to AmCham Shanghai at the September 6th Consulate General Briefing
(Portman Ritz-Carlton, 4th Floor Ballroom, 5:30 - 8 pm).
Warm regards,
Jeffrey Bernstein
AmCham Shanghai
July 30, 2005
China's State Councilor
Tang Jiaxuan leaving Tapa Tower Ballroom after meeting with Chinese Business and
Community Leaders
China's State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Zhou Wenzhong, Consul General Zhong Jianhua of Chinese Consulate Los Angels Met
with Chinese Business and Community Leaders in Hawaii on July 30, 2005.
China's State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan has met with President George Bush,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Treasury Secretary John Snow, Secretary of
Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and President Bush Senior in Washington DC
before going to Washington State with a one day stop over in Hawaii before
returning to Beijing tomorrow morning, July 31st.
During the hour long meeting Councilor Tang shared with the special guests the
importance of the U.S. China relationship. China President Hu Jintao is
planning a State visit to the USA during early September and a return visit by
President George Bush in November of this year.
Councilor Tang explain the challenge of Cross Strait relationship and China's
stand on the one China policy which is shared by President George Bush.
Councilor Tang said Hawaii played an important role in Modern China, Dr. Sun Yat
Sin, the founding father of the Modern China had his education in Hawaii, found
Xin Zhong Hui and The political philosophy "Three Principles of the People" (Sanmin
July 21, 2005
Public Announcement of the
People's Bank of China on Reforming the RMB Exchange Rate Regime
With a view to establish and improve the socialist market economic system in
China, enable the market to fully play its role in resource allocation as well
as to put in place and further strengthen the managed floating exchange rate
regime based on market supply and demand, the People's Bank of China, with
authorization of the State Council, is hereby making the following announcements
regarding reforming the RMB exchange rate regime:
1. Starting from July 21, 2005, China will reform the exchange rate regime by
moving into a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and
demand with reference to a basket of currencies. RMB will no longer be pegged to
the US dollar and the RMB exchange rate regime will be improved with greater
2. The People's Bank of China will announce the closing price of a foreign
currency such as the US dollar traded against the RMB in the inter-bank foreign
exchange market after the closing of the market on each working day, and will
make it the central parity for the trading against the RMB on the following
working day.
3. The exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB will be adjusted to 8.11
yuan per US dollar at the time of 19:00 hours of July 21, 2005. The foreign
exchange designated banks may since adjust quotations of foreign currencies to
their customers.
4. The daily trading price of the US dollar against the RMB in the inter-bank
foreign exchange market will continue to be allowed to float within a band of
>0.3 percent around the central parity published by the People's Bank of China,
while the trading prices of the non-US dollar currencies against the RMB will be
allowed to move within a certain band announced by the People's Bank of China.
The People's Bank of China will make adjustment of the RMB exchange rate band
when necessary according to market development as well as the economic and
financial situation. The RMB exchange rate will be more flexible based on market
condition with reference to a basket of currencies. The People's Bank of China
is responsible for maintaining the RMB exchange rate basically stable at an
adaptive and equilibrium level, so as to promote the basic equilibrium of the
balance of payments and safeguard macroeconomic and financial stability.
July 12, 2005
81% of Chamber
Members Voted Against increase of GET!
Definition of Sales Tax
Verses Hawaii's General Excise Tax (GET)
A sales tax is a tax imposed on consumers who buy goods at retail.
A general excise tax is imposed on the businesses instead of the customer.
Hawai'i does not have a sales tax; instead, the state has a general excise tax
that is assessed on all business activities, including retail sales,
commissions, rental income and services. Businesses pass along the cost of the
tax to their customers.
The general excise tax rate varies depending on the business activity:
0.15 percent on insurance commissions,
0.5 percent on wholesale sales and
4 percent on most activities at the consumer level
View Survey Results
and Comments
June 24, 2005
President Hu hopes new HKSAR CE will live up to expectations
Chinese President Hu Jintao met in Beijing on
June 24 in the afternoon with Donald Tsang who had just taken oath of office as
the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR).
Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) shakes hands with newly sworn-in Chief Executive
of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Donald Tsang Yam-kuen during their
meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing June 24, 2005.
President Hu extended his congratulations on Tsang's assumption of the office as
the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR.
Hu said Donald Tsang was smoothly elected the new Chief Executive of the Hong
Kong SAR by winning the nomination by 714 members of the Election Committee in
the by-election of the HKSAR Chief Executive and was officially appointed the
new HKSAR Chief Executive by the central government. "All this demonstrates the
acknowledgment and support to Donald Tsang from all strata of Hong Kong society,
as well as the central Government's high trust and expectation for him."
Hu expressed the hope that Donald Tsang could live up to great expectations,
consistently abide by his duty and work hard and diligently, so as to make new
contributions for Hong Kong's prosperity, stability and development.
Tsang said he was excited and felt greatly honored to be appointed as the new
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR by the central government.
He said it was his long aspiration to do something for the motherland and Hong
Kong and he is all the more convinced that the cause of "One Country, Two
Systems" is a great success.
In next two years, Tsang said that he will try his best to perform his duty well
and make Hong Kong still more harmonious, prosperous and full of vim and vigor.
June 23, 2005
HK Chief Executive takes
oath of office to Chinese Premier
Donald Tsang, took an oath of office as the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region (SAR) to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at 9:00 a.m.
Friday in Beijing.
The oath-taking ceremony was presided over by Hua Jianmin, state councilor and
secretary-general of the State Council, at the Hong Kong hall of the Great Hall
of the People amid the Chinese national anthem. Hua read out State Council's No.
437 Decree, which appointed Donald Tsang as the Chief Executive of HKSAR.
After that, Donald Tsang took oath of office to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. And
Premier Wen issued the letter of appointment made by the Central Government to
Donald Tsang.
After the ceremony, Premier Wen, when meeting with Tsang, sent his sincere
congratulations to Tsang and hoped Tsang will lead the HKSAR government and the
Hong Kong people to make new contributions to Hong Kong's prosperity and
Premier Wen stressed that the Central Government will resolutely stick to the
"One China, Two Systems" policy, strictly follow the Basic Law of the Hong Kong
SAR and give full support to the HKSAR government for its governance by law.
Tsang showed his appreciation to the Central Government's appointment and noted
that he will perform his duties in accordance with law and go all out to live up
to the great expectations of the Central Government and the Hong Kong people.
Also present at the ceremony and the meeting were Vice Premier Wu Yi, State
Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and Liao Hui, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs
Office of the State Council.
Elsie Leung Oi-sie, secretary for Justice of the HKSAR government, Stephen Lam
Sui-lung, secretary for Constitutional Affairs of the HKSAR government, as well
as Tsang's wife also attended the oath-taking ceremony.
March 11, 2005
Tung Chee Hwa announces
intention to resign
Tung Chee Hwa announced Thursday that he has officially submitted to the
central government his request for resigning from the post as Chief Executive of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
He told a press conference that he tendered his resignation for health reasons
just one hour before the opening of the press conference.
My health was obviously not as good as it used to be because of long time hard
work, he said.
He stressed that being responsible for overall interest of Hong Kong and the
nation, he decided to submit his resignation report.
He expected the central government would consider and accept his request.
Tung stressed that it is a lifetime pleasure for him to render service for the
nation and Hong Kong at the post of the Chief Executive.
He thanked Hong Kong citizens for their offering of opportunities and thanked
the central government for its trust in him during his term of office.
Tung also thanked all his colleagues for their support and encouragement.
January 21, 2004
Hawaii Business Magazine is looking for
25 people to watch over the next 25 years.
In case you haven't heard, Hawaii Business is turning 50 years old this year,
and we have a big issue planned to celebrate our anniversary in June. We'll be
looking back and forward in this big issue, and as such, we'd like to do a
feature on Hawaii's future.
We're looking for 25 people to watch over the next 25 years. Our future leaders,
in other words. While I know no shortage of such leaders, I want no stone
unturned, so I'm asking for your help in finding the next 25. There is no age
limit,although if we're watching them over the next 25 years, candidates will
likely be relatively young.
Although there are no hard and fast rules, we will likely consider featuring the
people who have the biggest and greatest combination of the following factors:
their current job, their career progress, community service involvement, any
accolades/awards received, their ability and efforts to improve Hawaii and
contribute to the local, national and global economy outside of the scope of
their career. Neighbor island candidates are very much encouraged.
If you know of someone who meets the criteria, or is someone you think is on the
way up, please shoot me an email with as much of the following information as
you can (Please keep in mind that I expect to receive a lot of submissions, so
the more detailed information you can provide, the better we'll be able to
select the right people):
Their name, title & company
Their contact info
A brief description of why you think they are one to watch
Their bio and/or headshot if you have one
Contact info for anyone else you think might be able to attest to their status
as an up-and-comer (can be a supervisor or friend or relative, etc.)
Mahalo nui,
Jacy L. Youn
Managing Editor
Hawaii Business Magazine
1000 Bishop St. Suite 405
Honolulu, HI 96813
ph: 808-537-9500 x229
fax: 808-537-6455
e: jacy@pacificbasin.net
The Judicial Council is accepting applications to fill an anticipated vacancy on
the Hawai`i State Ethics Commission. The vacancy will occur upon the expiration
of the term of current member Ronald Yoshida on June 30, 2005.
Applicants must be United States citizens, residents of the State of Hawai`i,
and|may not hold any other public office. The Ethics Commission regulates the
ethics of all legislators, registered lobbyists, and state employees (with the
exception of judges, who are governed by the Commission on Judicial Conduct).
The Ethics Commission is responsible for investigating complaints, providing
advisory opinions, and enforcing decisions issued by the Commission. The Hawai`i
State Constitution prohibits members of the Ethics Commission "from taking an
active part in political management or political campaigns."
Interested persons should submit an application along with a resume and three
letters of recommendation (attesting to the applicant's character and integrity)
no later than close of business on Friday, February 18, 2005 to: Judicial
Council, Hawai`i Supreme Court, 417 S. King Street, Second Floor, Honolulu,
Hawai`i 96813-2902.
Form applications are available on the Judiciary's website at
Applications may also be obtained from the Public Affairs Office, Room 206-C,
Ali`iolani Hale, 417 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 or by calling
the Judicial Council at 539-4702.
January 13, 2005
U.S. Embassy in Beijing Extends the Term of Validity for B-1, B-2 Visas
The Embassy of the United States of America in Beijing is pleased to announce
that beginning January 15, 2005, the U.S. embassy and four consulates in China,
as well as U.S. embassies and consulates around the world, will begin issuing to
otherwise qualified Chinese citizens, who wish to visit the United States
temporarily for business (B-1) or pleasure (B-2), visas that are valid for 12
months and multiple entries. The previous maximum validity of U.S. visas for
these purposes was six months.
On a reciprocal basis, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also agreed
to issue to American citizens visiting China on temporary business and tourism
visas valid for the same 12 months and for multiple entries. While China and the
U.S. will in principle issue maximum validity visas to each others citizens, on
a case by case basis each side may limit the period of validity and number of
entries as required by law and regulation. The U.S. Embassy and Chinese Ministry
of Foreign Affairs exchanged diplomatic notes on this agreement in December
The Embassy believes this mutual extension of visa reciprocity will be a
significant benefit to frequent travelers between China and the United States.
The longer validity of visas means these frequent travelers will not have to
renew their visas so frequently, saving time and money and making travel more
In 2004, the U.S. Embassy and four consulates in China issued 228,600
nonimmigrant visas. Of these, 173,140 or more than 77% were to visitors for
temporary business (B-1) or tourism (B-2). The Embassy believes as many as one
in ten of these travelers for temporary business or tourism visit the United
States more than once a year.
January 7, 2005
New scheme established to promote organic
The Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC) has set up a new certification
scheme to promote organic products.
Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Thomas Chan Chun-yuen said
on Friday the certification system would encourage organic farmers to expand
businesses and improve consumer confidence.
"Whether a product is organic or not cannot be determined simply by its looks or
chemical elements.
“We need a comprehensive and authoritative accreditation system by an
independent body that can ensure the organic production process and conditions
required have been strictly followed," added Mr Chan.
He said the scheme would accredit local farms and processing facilities that
meet standards set by the centre. More than 20 farms were expected to file
applications in January.
The HKORC is a non-profit-making organization founded by the Hong Kong Baptist
University, the Hong Kong Organic Farming Association and the Produce Green
Foundation in December of 2002.
Funded by the Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO), it has spent two years
developing the certification system.
January 4, 2005
January 4, 2005
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to inform you of an important upcoming change to our nonimmigrant
visa process.
On December 17, 2004, the Consulate General announced a new initiative to speed
visa processing. As of January 10, 2005, all applicants for non-immigrant visas
to the United States should use the new online electronic visa application form
to complete their visa applications. Those who do not will only be interviewed
on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The electronic form contains a bar code that allows
Consulate staff to electronically transfer the applicant's data to a computer
record. This innovation significantly reduces the applicant's waiting time
during the visa application process.
The on-line application form, available in both English and Chinese, can be
accessed through the website of the U.S. Consulate General:
This website contains detailed instructions on how to fill out the form.
Applicants should follow the instructions carefully, print out all the pages and
bring them to their visa interview.
The Consulate General continues to allow students, exchange visitors,
petition-based visa applicants, crew members and Macau residents to walk in
without an appointment from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. daily. However, if they do
so on any day other than Wednesday or Thursday, they will need to submit an
electronic visa application form, as do all other applicants.
We look forward to working with you as we implement our new system.
Michelle M. Gidaspova
Chief of Nonimmigrant Visa Unit
December 13,
Do NOT Call List for
Cellular Phone Registration
Starting Jan 1, 2005, all cell phone numbers will be made public to
telemarketing firms. So this means as of Jan 1, your cell phone may start
ringing off the hook with telemarketers, but unlike your home phone, most of us
pay for incoming calls. These telemarketers will eat up your free minutes and
end up costing you money in the long run. According to the National Do Not Call
List, you have until Dec 15, 2004 to get on the national "Do Not Call List" for
cell phones. They said that you need to call 1-888-382-1222 from the cell phone
that you wish to have put on the "Do Not Call List" to be put on the list. They
also said you can do it online at
http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/donotcall/. Registering only
takes a minute, is in effect for 5 years and will possibly save you money (and
definitely frustration)!
December 10,
Mayor writes on behalf of
North American's Hawaii-China flight bid
Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris has written to Transportation Secretary Norman
Mineta in support of direct flights between Honolulu and Shanghai, and a local
leader in forging business ties with China urges others to do the same.
"The direct airlink is very critical to business executives who are in
Hawaii," said Johnson Choi, executive director of the China-Hawaii Chamber of
Flight slots between the United States and China are scarce, and most major
mainland carriers are actively lobbying to fly to China from places like Newark,
Chicago and Atlanta.
North American Airlines, a relatively new carrier that flies to Honolulu from
Oakland, Calif., is requesting permission to fly from Oakland to Shanghai and
Guangzhou through Honolulu.
"The service proposed by North American represents a truly unique opportunity
for businessmen and women such as me, and one that will benefit travelers from
the entire U.S.," Mayor Harris wrote.
Harris notes that North American is a discount carrier with connections to
other mainland discount carriers. Most of the other applicants are big legacy
"If they become successful, we will see direct airlink between Hawaii and
Shanghai is just a few months," Choi said. Otherwise, he said, it could take
November 28,
A forum for Hawaii's business
community to discuss current events and issues Sunday, November 28, 2004 -
Direct Link
PDF Format
ROUTE TO CHINA - North American Airlines’
bid for China route deserves isle support The airline promises routes that stop
in Honolulu if it wins the flights next year By Johnson W. K. Choi
When Singapore
Airlines stopped its direct flight service from Hong Kong to Hawaii in 1989, it
created great inconveniences for both business and leisure travelers to come to
You can see a drop of Hong Kong visitors, including business executives,
visiting Hawaii.
During the past 10 years, trade between United States and China has
substantially increased.
Many businesses doing business with China preferred to set up their offices in
California, which has the comfort of many choices of daily direct flights to and
from all major cities in Asia.
During the past few years, we have had discussions with many accounting firms
and found that more Chinese businesses left Hawaii, especially after 9/11, due
to the difficulties traveling to and from Asia (except Japan).
The required stopovers at one or more connection points is a common complaint by
business travelers.
I have received a solicitation for support from North American Airlines to fly
directly to Shanghai and Guangzhou. I do not know too much about the airline.
But I've heard about direct flights from Hawaii to China for more than 10 years
with almost annual discussion with foreign carriers planning to start direct
flights from China/Hong Kong to Hawaii.
It has become old news.
We believe an American airline willing to fly to Shanghai and Guangzhou direct
from Hawaii makes more economic sense as domestic carriers are allowed to pick
up and drop off passenger between U.S. cities (foreign carriers are not allowed
to do so).
It is great news that Hawaiian Airlines intends to fly direct to China from
Hawaii in 2006 -- but it is two years away. It is not as desirable since it
planning to do the direct flights four times per week.
If North American Airlines is able to fly daily directly to Shanghai in 2005 and
Guangzhou in 2006 it should be good news for Hawaii. It will also give business
travelers better choices and cut down their travel time to/from Hawaii.
I am asking you to take a look at it and see if you can support their efforts.
Johnson Choi is president and executive director of the China.Hawaii Chamber of
China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
November 26,
China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
form Alliances -
Agreement in PDF
Pacific Business News -
Direct Link
PDF format
China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
agree to enhance the liaison and cooperation in the area of import and export,
investment, business information and other commerce related activities for the
benefit of the members of both organizations. Under the agreement of mutual
cooperation, both organizations agree as follows:
That the two
organizations will cooperate on all such measures that in the opinion of the
respective parties would be beneficial in creating trade and economic
cooperation between the two countries.
To take as
many steps as resources allow and feasible to promote trade and economic
cooperation between the two organizations.
To notify each
other of plans for trade exhibitions and fairs in the two countries, and where
possible and applicable to help each other in the holding of trade exhibitions
and fairs for the promotion of products and services offered by members of the
two organizations.
To exchange
trade and market information and to disseminate information available on the
goods and service to the members of both organizations respectively.
To encourage
exchange visits for the expansion of bilateral trade between the two
countries. To provide the assistance of corresponding business activities for
the visiting members and businessmen.
Johnson W. K. Choi, President of HKCHcc and
Arturo Vasquez, President of BCCI
October 30,
Presentations - October 30,
2004, Hong Kong Harbourview Seafood Restaurant, Honolulu, Hawaii USA.
Program in PDF format:
Page 1
Page 2
President's Opening Remarks by Johnson
Microsoft Word Format
Introducing Dean Emeritus Chuck Yim
Microsoft Word Format
PDF Format
Dean Emeritus Chuck Yim Gee's Remarks
Microsoft Word Format
Awarding Winning Documentary Film
"Sentimental Remembrance of the Lute" Presentation on Oct 30, 2004
Dean Emeritus Chuck Yim Gee Award for
Special Achievement in Documentary Film "Sentimental Remembrance of
the Lute" to Mr. Qiao Feng, Producer & Director Shanghai TV Station
Documentation Channel, Presented by the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce in Conjunction with Hawaii International Film Festival on October 30,
2004 at the Hong Kong Harbourview Seafood Restaurant.
Dean Emeritus Chuck Yim Gee Award for
Special Achievement in Creativity in Art for Documentary Film
"Sentimental Remembrance of the Lute" to Mr. Shao Jun Zhang, Art
Director, Presented by the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce in
Conjunction with Hawaii International Film Festival on October 30, 2004 at the
Hong Kong Harbourview Seafood Restaurant.
Dean Emeritus Chuck Yim Gee Award in
Recognition of Outstanding Achievement for Significant Contributions to the
Hawaii Film Industries to Mr. Chuck Boller, Executive Director of
Hawaii International Film Festival, Presented by the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce on October 30, 2004 at the Hong Kong Harbourview Seafood
July 24, 2004
輿 “美國商業部少數族裔商業發展署”
火奴魯魯辦公室成立聯盟共同發展商機Strategic Partnership between Minority Business Development
Center (MBDC) of Honolulu operated by Jean Williams, Inc. and Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce formed strategic partnership to help minority owned
business to achieve tangible and measurable results.
Award - PDF
Sing Tao -
Direct Link
PDF format
World Journal - PDF
July 12, 2004
火奴魯魯辦公室成立聯盟共同發展商機Strategic Partnership between Minority Business Development
Center (MBDC) of Honolulu operated by Jean Williams, Inc. and Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce is formally established today.
合作的目的是聯合兩個機構的力量去追求和提供少數民族企業優秀服務和商機. The purpose in forming strategic
partnership(s) is to join forces in the pursuit of providing a commitment of
excellence to the minority business community.
的電腦咨詢系統接收特別的財政資源和技術資料中心. Each respective Strategic
Partner shall have the exclusive right of usage of the MBDA (U.S. Department of
Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency “MBDA”) Computer Information
System, which allows access to financial resources and information technology
獎. The strategic alliance will be announced at the MED Week luncheon on July
23rd. The Minority Business Development Center™ of Honolulu will be sponsoring
the Hawaii Minority Enterprise Development Week (MED Week) Awards Luncheon to
celebrate the achievements and successes of local minority owned small
businesses. Various federal contracting agencies and their Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization Specialists will also be recognized for their
outstanding support of minority owned small businesses. The luncheon to honor
Hawaii’s minority business entrepreneurs will be on Friday, July 23, 2004 from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Hale Koa Hotel in Waikiki.
董繼玲女士將會是午宴的特別嘉賓和發言人. Chiling Tong,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Pacific of the International Trade
Administration U.S. Department of Commerce, is our keynote speaker and Ann
Botticelli will serve as emcee.
Date: July 23, 2004, Friday, 11:00am – 1:30pm
Cost: $30/person
RSVP Deadline: July 19, 2004
Make checks payable to: MBDCTM of Honolulu or Jean Williams, Inc.
Mail to: 1088 Bishop Street, Suite 2506, Honolulu, HI 96813
Pre-registration and pre-payment required. Walk-ins not admitted. Thank you.
Important note: A vegetarian meal is also available if preordered. Because of
heightened security at the Hale Koa Hotel, please bring a photo ID to this
event. Registration and trade fair begin at 11 a.m.
CONTACT: Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc)
55 Merchant Street, Harbor Court, Suite 1813, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA.
Phone: 808-222-8183, Fax: 808-524-8063
Web: http://www.hkchcc.org/event.htm email: info@hkchcc.org or jwkc8168@yahoo.com
July 2, 2004
Hawaii documentary to
Pacific Business News July 2, 2004 Direct Link
PDF Format
After more than a year of planning, a unique four-part Hawaii documentary is
scheduled to air July 24 to 28 on Shanghai TV in China.
The History Channel-type format was produced by Hawaii-based CMC Consulting
Group Inc. and the Documentary Channel of Shanghai TV, which reaches some 19
million viewers in Shanghai and 200 million in the surrounding provinces of
Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shangdong and Jiangxi, 70 percent of whom are among the
wealthiest segment of the population.
A Shanghai TV crew spent two weeks in Hawaii earlier this year filming Hawaii
businesses for the show.
After the initial showing in Shanghai, STV will rebroadcast the program to
surrounding provinces.
The four episodes are called "Rainbow State," "Surfing in Paradise," "China
Connection" and "Ocean Fantasy."
Gov. Linda Lingle and the state Department of Business, Economic Development and
Tourism are shown as are Hawaiian Host, GBC Boxes & Packaging, Group 70,
Enterprise Honolulu, Hawaii Medical Waste, the City and County of Honolulu
Office of Economic Development, Blue Hawaii Surf, JAIMS, Sheraton Hotels, Hyatt
Hotels, Seafood Village, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation, Hong Kong China
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce and United Airlines.
The Documentary Channel of Shanghai TV is China's first professional documentary
channel. Its viewership represents the region's best educated and most powerful
spending group.
July 1, 2004
Hawaii to be
featured on Shanghai television
Pacific Business News June 28, 2004 direct link
PDF format
Shanghai TV, which sent a
documentary film crew to Hawaii earlier this year, has set July air dates for a
four-part series on Hawaii, not just as a visitor destination but as a
prospective business partner.
Johnson Choi, head of the Hawaii-Hong Kong-China Chamber of Commerce, reports
the documentary will reach a large audience, partly because Shanghai is China's
largest city with a population of 19 million and partly because there are plans
to give the series a broader airing outside Shanghai later.
The episodes are called "Rainbow State," "Surfing in Paradise," "China
Connection," and "Ocean Fantasy."
March 31,
"China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "China Chamber of
International Commerce Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce (CCPIT)" agree to enhance
the liaison and cooperation in the area of import and export, investment,
business information and other commerce related activities for the benefit of
the members of both organizations have decided to extend their agreement signed
on September 30, 2001 indefinitely. The business relationship has resulted in
more than US$10,000,000.00 of trade and business between Guangzhou, Hawaii and
California. We are expecting the agreement will take further advantage of the
CEPA arrangement between Hong Kong and Pearl Delta Region.
Click on the small picture for the full view
February 26,
"Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "City of Chengde,
Hebei, China" agree to enhance the liaison and
cooperation in the area of import and export, investment, business information
and other commerce related activities for the benefit of the members of both
organizations signed Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation in Honolulu Hawaii on
February 26, 2004.
Tao Chinese Newspaper Web Coverage in PDF Format
Coverage in PDF Format
Chinese News Coverage in PDF Format
Journal Newspaper Coverage in PDF Format
Go to President's Message page for more
October 20, 2003
"China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce" and "China Council for the Promotion of
International Trade (CCPIT) Hebei Sub-Council" agree to enhance the liaison and
cooperation in the area of import and export, investment, business information
and other commerce related activities for the benefit of the members of both
organizations signed Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation in Honolulu Hawaii on Oct
20, 2003.
Governor Linda Lingle's
Cooperative Agreement
Sing Tao
Newspaper Website Coverage (PDF File)
Sing Tao Newspaper
Print Version Coverage
World Journal Newspaper
Print Version Coverage (PDF file)
Pacific Business
Newspaper Coverage (PDF file)
Hawaii Chinese News
Coverage (PDF file)
October 11, 2003
Pacific Business
News in PDF format
Business Opportunities for Hawaii Companies in Hebei, China –
Head of Chamber of Commerce from China to sign cooperative agreement in Hawaii
on Oct 20th
Honolulu, Hawaii,
October 13, 2003 – “China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce” and ”China
Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Hebei Sub-Council”
agree to enhance the liaison and cooperation in the area of import and export,
investment, business information and other commerce related activities for the
benefit of the members of both organizations.
Hebei is a large economic
province in North China, which is surrounding Beijing, Tianjin and Facing the
Bohai Sea with a population of 67 million. Heibei Province has more than 200
enterprises with over 50,000 staff members and workers in IT manufacturing
industries. Several information industry and software parks are being built in
Shijiazhuang, Langfang and Tangshan. The total investment on Shijiazhuang IT
park will exceed RMB 200 million Yuan (US$24 million).
Potential good partnership with Hawaii
Companies – China’s 2nd tier cities/province like Hebei in the
Western Region will present attractive opportunities. Hebei does not provide the
skyline and all the modern amenities of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong
Kong. That is also the reason why not all the Fortune 500 Companies have set up
shops there. Hawaii dominates by small businesses, may have better opportunities
not to compete directly with Companies 100s or 1,000s times our size!
Mr. Wang Yulou, Chairman of CCPIT
Hebei will be signing a similar
agreement with the New York China Business Coalition Group in New York on
October 15th.
The list of the delegate is as
Mr. Wang Yu lou, Chairman of
Mr. Meng Xiande, President of
Hebei Jinguang Yuan Group
Mr. Liu Yanyun, President of
Hebei Qianxibe Group
Mrs. Chang Runlan, General
Manager of Industry Co, Hebei Construction Investment Group
Ms. Liu Yinong, Director for
International Liaison & Business, WTC Shijiazhuang
HKCHcc has signed a similar agreement with the CCPIT
Guangzhou in 2001. The agreement has produced more than 10 million in trade
between Hawaii,
California, Hong Kong and Guangzhou.
We are expecting a very positive collaborative relationship
between CCPIT Hebei,
China and HKCHcc Hawaii, USA.
Detail of
the event as follow:
October 20, 2003,
6:00pm (Registration and Business Networking)
6:30 – 6:45pm (Signing Ceremony)
6:45 – 9:00pm (Dinner)
Place: Hong Kong Harbour View Seafood Restaurant,
Aloha Tower Market Pl, 2nd Floor
Cost: $35 for members of sponsoring organizations
$40 for all others
October 17, 2003
Inquiries: Johnson Choi. 808-222-8183
jwkc8168@yahoo.com or
July 26, 2003
U.S. Rep. Ed Case introduces bills to halt Jones Act to end what he calls a
"stranglehold" of cargo shipping that exists between Hawaii and the West Coast
by repealing the 83-year-old Jones Act.
Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA)
announced today the agencies selected to market Hawaii in North America, Japan,
Asia, Oceania and Europe. The selections were the result of a request for
proposal process that began in March of this year.
The winning
agencies in the HTA review are:
Dentsu Inc.: Japan.
Marketing Garden, Ltd.:
Asia (outside Japan).
The Mangum Group: Europe.
The Walshe Group: Australia
and New Zealand.
"The Hawaii Tourism Authority
review process attracted international bidders who demonstrated that they can
develop exciting, creative and innovative marketing programs based on a deep
understanding of their markets," said Rex Johnson, president of HTA. The Hawai'i
Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) will continue to market Hawaii in North
America. "HVCB has a long history of implementing successful programs in North
America and we look to them to continue the momentum for growth there," Johnson
said. "The HVCB contract will provide continuity for the North American
marketing program while the Hawaii Tourism Authority completes its investigation
of the issues raised in the recent state auditor's report." The HTA will begin
developing contracts for the selected marketing agencies to begin January 1,
2004; however, planning for 2004 industry programs will begin immediately in
order to coordinate the state's plans with those of private industry.
Detailed profiles on the
companies are available on the HTA website
June 19, 2003
rebuilding survey conducted by Thomas Register.
According to various estimates, the cost of
rebuilding Iraq will
be upwards of $20 billion a year for several years,
with a bulk of the business going to American companies. What type of affect
will this spending have on your business:
Which industry will realize the biggest benefit from this re-building effort:
June 16, 2003
June 6, 2003
Following the
World Health Organization's announcement to lift its
recommendation against travel to Hong Kong for non-essential purposes on May 23,
the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) downgraded the travel
advisory on Hong Kong to travel alert yesterday.
The CDC, in downgrading its notification from an "advisory" to an "alert", is no
longer warning people against visiting Hong Kong. It informs travelers of a
health concern and provides advice about specific precautions, such as
maintaining hand hygiene. The routine wearing of masks while in public areas is
not necessary.
An official
statement said there is "no evidence of ongoing
community transmission. The date of onset of symptoms of the last reported case
without a known source of exposure occurred on April 30, 2003. More than 20
days, or two SARS incubation periods, have elapsed since that date."
Welcoming the news, Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa said that the
announcement is a further indication that the SARS disease is contained, travel
to Hong Kong is safe and life is returning to normal.
"As Hong Kong continues to persevere through these incredibly difficult
circumstances, we must thank our medical professionals - especially the medical
doctors, nurses and support staff who remain dedicated to the health of our
citizens. It is also the result of the concerted efforts of the whole community
in controlling the spread of SARS," said Mr. Tung. "We remain committed to
combating the virus and safeguarding the public's health while making Hong Kong
a favored international destination."
June 4, 2003 -
The United States Centre for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday lifted its travel advisory
which had cautioned people about visiting Hong Kong during the Sars outbreak.
June 2, 2003
(Independent Commission Against Corruption) of
Hong Kong and 13 professional organizations/chambers of commerce have
collaborated to produce the captioned Guide. It is tailor-made for managers who
are not trained IT experts but who have to supervise their teams in the use of
computers and the Internet. The Guide offers managers practical advice on how to
identify integrity risks in the workplace and proactively reduce them by ethical
management. Free copies are now available for collection by business
Contents of the Guide include:
- Case illustrations from the ICAC's investigation files.
- An analytical framework for addressing corruption from the legal and ethical
- An ethical management model and some practical measures.
- A directory of services provided by publishers, particularly the ICAC.
Click here to read the Guide May 25, 2003
The United States Chamber of
Commerce, The American Chamber of Commerce and The Hong Kong China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) welcomed the tax conference report passed today by
the U.S. House of Representatives that held the line on offsetting tax hikes,
which would have undermined the goal of economic growth and job creation.
Both Houses of Congress approved the
compromise version of the Jobs and Growth Act of 2003, which will allow
President Bush to sign the bill into law shortly. The House of Representatives
voted 231 to 200, passing the bill by a relatively comfortable margin. The
Senate, however, needed Vice President Cheney to cast the decisive vote (51-50)
in the closely divided body.
Most importantly, all of the
offsets that appeared in the original legislation in the Senate -- including the
repeal of the Section 911 foreign income exclusion -- were not included in the
final bill.
The AmCham community's communications
and lobbying made a big difference in ensuring this outcome, together with the
efforts of the U.S. Chamber and many individual corporations. Thank you to
everyone for their hard work in achieving this collective victory!
"Job creation is our first priority and
this measure meets the critical threshold to get the economy growing faster,"
said Thomas Donohue, Chamber President and CEO. "Now the Senate must follow the
House lead to help businesses invest in the future."
Recent economic reports have shown that
the economy is growing well below its potential. Putting more disposable
income in the hands of consumers while opening new windows of opportunity for
businesses to invest will have the greatest positive impact on the economy.
The Chamber continually fought for the
biggest jobs and growth package possible in the current political climate,
especially in the areas of accelerating individual income tax rate reductions
already passed by Congress, increasing small business expensing, providing
larger first-year depreciation for all firms, and reducing the double taxation
of dividends. The Chamber also fought against offsetting tax increases on the
business community that were proposed in the Senate.
The final package included all the
major elements of the President's proposal, and although some of the tax cuts
will sunset earlier than originally proposed by the Administration, this tax
package actually increases the tax relief coming in the first two years.
May 23, 2003
Hong Kong:
The WHO withdrew its
travel warning against Hong Kong and southern Chinese province of Guangdong on
Friday. ''WHO director-general Gro Harlem Brundtland said:'' We are changing the
travel advice for Hong Kong and Guangdong, effective on Friday, May 23.''
May 7, 2003
One of the Distinguished Members of the Hong Kong
China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc), Mr. Terrill Chock will be installed
as the 92nd President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Hawaii on May 29, 2003
at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai Restaurant. Mr. Chock is an executive with an
international consulting firm, former bank executive and an entrepreneur. Mr.
Chock is well respected in Hawaii and International business community.
May 7, 2003
An open
letter from Vision2047 - As “severe acute respiratory syndrome” (SARS), or
“atypical pneumonia” (AP) as it is also called, continues to cause concern and
anxiety internationally, commentators worldwide have returned to a theme that
has occupied their thoughts for more than a decade: surely this is the death
knell for Hong Kong.....download
the letter in PDF format
April 30, 2003
Business with China complicated by
.....Please enter here for complete story from Honolulu
Star Bulletin
SARS Epidemic: Hong Kong is Open for Business.....Please
enter here for complete story from Honolulu Advertiser
Go to Hawaii Reporter for complete story
April 29, 2003
China’s State General
Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and
Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) on April 25, 2003
published at its website:
Announcement No.
38 postponing the mandatory enforcement date of the
CCC Mark from May 1, 2003 to August 1, 2003. The decision was made on April 23,
2003......Please enter here for complete story from
U. S. Dept of Commerce
April 27, 2003
Fear of SARS Hurting Hawaii Chinatown, Business and Hawaii's Tourism -
"It's scary,"
said Johnson W. K. Choi, tax consultant and president of the Hong Kong China
Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce. "A lot of people are very,
.....Please enter here for complete story from Honolulu Advertiser
April 18, 2003
Sorry Over SARS -
events highlight positive business opportunities in East Asia
Jacy L Youn, Hawaii Business Daily - April 18, 2003
April 4, 2003
News Updates on SARS
Operation UNITE calls for unity to fight SARS
Hong Kong & Hawaii: Operation UNITE today kicked off a
multi-sector, action-oriented campaign to draw the Hong Kong community
together in the fight against atypical pneumonia or Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
This Campaign is fronted by a Steering Committee made up of community leaders
and media representatives in Hong Kong, including Dr. Rosanna Wong, Dr. Edgar
Cheng, Mr. Bernard Chan, Dr. Raymond Wu, Dr. Philemon Choi, Dr. Eden Woon, Dr.
Anissa Chan, Mr. Ho Hei Wah and Mr. Wilson Wong, with Mrs. Betty Tung as the
Honorary Advisor.
"The outbreak has adversely affected almost everyone in the community,
causing a great deal of distress, anxiety, worry and even fear. However, we call
upon everyone to join together to fight this disease, because we believe that
there is "unity in strength" and that no one should feel alone at this
time. Operation UNITE, therefore, has been conceived as an action-orientated
rough campaign to boost solidarity and raise the morale of everyone in the
community. We strongly believe that we can face this challenge head-on and
in a positive way," said Dr. Rosanna Wong, Convenor of the Committee.
The Operation UNITE campaign- will be launched under an
umbrella theme entitled, "United We CAN". There are three core
components under this theme, namely, "United We CARE", "United We ACT" and
United We NURTURE". The first of this series of programs will be
kicked off over the Easter weekend of April 19 and 20.
The "United We CARE" program series are specially designed to demonstrate care
and to encourage people to continue to live their lives. Activities include the
distribution of SARS hygiene kits to the vulnerable and needy. Prayer
sessions on Easter Sunday involving different religious groups will also take
place. Visitations to 2,000 elderly people living alone and those
suffering from chronic illnesses by 6 ,000 volunteers from local NGOs,
have also been arranged. During these visits, volunteers will help out with
basic home cleaning, provide health and hygiene information and hand out health
The outbreak has highlighted the importance of hygiene and as part
of the "United We ACT" program, a territory-wide cleansing day will be
organized. The Government and District Offices will spearhead this in an
effort to encourage people to clean their homes, offices, schools, public areas
and districts. A panel of experts, comprising health professionals, will be
formed to help drive home the message of best practices of
hygiene in the community, starting at the individual level.
A positive attitude is also crucial in the battle
against SARS and the "United We NURTURE" programs reinforce this message
of encouragement, appreciation, support and goodwill. A theme song will be
specially produced to capture the spirit of the Campaign and to boost public
morale. In support of the message of the Campaign, six of Hong Kong's
broadcasters ATV, Cable TV, Commercial Radio, Metro Radio, RTHK and TVB have
also agreed to a 36-hour marathon broadcast on April 19 and 20.
"In difficult times such as these, it is crucial for the people to continue to
live their normal lives as normally as possible, yet also doing
everything in their power to fight against this virus. Through Operation
UNITE, we hope to really encourage care and appreciation for each other,
as well as forge a sense of action and determination in ourselves. We have
no doubt that if everyone in Hong Kong is united towards this common
cause, we will be able to overcome this challenge," said Dr. Wong
To support the Campaign, a series of advertisements will be carried on the
platforms of different MTC and KCR stations, in newspapers, on buses and
outdoors. This Campaign has received extensive support from the media and as of
press time, XX* media sponsors have committed to donating free airtime,
programming or advertisement space.
The Steering Committee is very grateful to the Hong Kong
Jockey Club for agreeing to sponsor this Campaign, on a matching basis of
up to a maximum of HK$5 million, with donations raised from the community.
The Steering Committee will continue to seek the support of the community in
order to sustain the momentum of the Campaign beyond the Easter weekend.
Any residual funds will be donated to the Community Chest of Hong Kong.
Prepared and issued by Ogilvy Public
Relations Worldwide on behalf of Operation UNITE Steering Committee. For
more information, please contact:
Desiree Lim / Jen Leung
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
011-852-2884-8248 / 8557
Wilson Wong
Deputy Secretary General
Hong Kong Red Cross
Feb 25,
Shanghai Spring International Travel, the Largest Privately Owned
Travel Agency in China with Offices throughout China, Far East, United States
and Europe will visit Hawaii with its top Managers, March 1 - 8, 2003.
Mr. Zheng Hua Wang, President of Shanghai Spring International Travel will lead
the delegation to Hawaii for training at the School of Travel Industry
Management, University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH - School of TIM). They are also
looking at the possibility of promoting Hawaii to the China market. There were
16 million outbound tourist from China in 2002, expecting to reach 19 million in
The arrangement is put together through the collaboration efforts of the Hong
Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc), UH - School of TIM and our
partners in Hawaii, Shanghai and Beijing.
Shanghai Spring International Travel's original plan was to go to Washington DC
for the tourism training. During our visit to their office in Shanghai last
year, we have convinced them to change the tourism training location to Hawaii.
The reputation of UH - School of TIM in China and Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee
willing to conduct part of the tourism training, it was a easy sell. The
training will take place March 3 - 6 at the UH - School of TIM. Interim Dean of
UH - School of TIM, Dr. Pauline Sheldon has been most helpful in putting an
outstanding program together.
Bennette M. Evangelista, Senior VP of the Central Pacific Bank, a member of the
HKCHcc and business collaboration partner will be hosting a cocktail reception
on March 6th at the Central Business Club of Honolulu, contact Johnson Choi at
222-8183 or by email if you wish to attend, seating limited.
This is one of the long list of projects HKCHcc will be bringing to Hawaii
through the collaboration efforts of our business partners both here and abroad.
HKCHcc projects are not requiring any government funding.
December 13, 2002
Citizen of Hong Kong can
enlist for volunteer work, book marriage dates and more at the Hong Kong
Government's ESD website, making Hong Kong one of the world's first governments
that operates on its citizens' schedules, not the way around.
Hong Kong
Government Services - Electronic Service Delivery
October 31, 2002
Hawaii Business Magazine Release
most recent "Power Poll," a survey of
top-level executives who lead companies on the magazine's Top 250 list
According to "Power Poll":
*80% of senior-level executives think Republican candidates Linda Lingle and
Duke Aiona are most committed to making changes that will help Hawaii's business
*Nine in 10 executives also say campaign contributions have some influence on
the awarding of government contracts
*43% say they vote Republican; 37% vote on the Democratic side; 11% vote
for the best regardless of party; and 8% favor non-Democratic or non-Republican
The survey represents the opinions of 144 executives who serve as chairman,
chief executive officer or president in their companies.
Credit & Source: Hawaii Business Magazine
October 30, 2002
Chang-Lin Tien, former Chancellor of UC, Berkeley, passed
away last night. Our community lost a pillar of strength. We lost a dear friend.
Chang-Lin has achieved highly. Yet he was willing to take risks on behalf of our
community. He didn't care about protecting his own feathers. He cared about
doing the right things. Such persons are rare in our community. I hope his death
will motivate us to emulate him and try to fit into his huge shoes.
S. B. Woo, President 80-20 Initiatives
October 11, 2002
New University of Hawaii film school may help economy
Event Photo
News - Honolulu Advertiser Newspaper Direct Link
strong film school at the University of Hawai'i could potentially triple the
size of the state's $100 million film industry and create 4,000 new jobs in the
next 5 to 10 years, according to state Film Commissioner Donne Dawson.
Dawson made that prediction yesterday as UH officials launched the new Cinematic
and Digital Arts Program —better known as the film school — promising a
state-of-the-art program at the forefront of the digital revolution.
President Evan Dobelle gave a hopeful forecast that the fledgling school will
help make Hawai'i "a mecca" for film and video production.
year the state Legislature pledged $1 million for planning, and Dobelle said
part of his fund-raising efforts will go toward raising outside money for the
new program to augment state money.
Boller, executive director of the Hawai'i International Film Festival, said the
new program will offer dramatic new opportunities to work together with film
schools and film companies in Asia, one of the most dynamic areas for film
production. No other American film school has ties with Asia.
Hollywood producer Chris Lee, one of the two founding co-directors of the
school, spoke of creating a "fusion program" that celebrates the stories of the
indigenous people of Hawai'i along with those from both Eastern and Western
said the new school has an opportunity to transform Hawai'i from a "tropical
back lot" to a "favorite place to shoot outside Hollywood."
is the Hawai'i-born-and-raised former president of production for TriStar
Pictures and Columbia Pictures who produced such Academy Award-winners as "Jerry
Maguire," "Philadelphia" and "As Good As It Gets." He is the first person of
Asian-American ancestry to run a Hollywood studio and is running his own
company, Chris Lee productions.
school co-director Glenn Cannon, who heads the UH Theatre and Dance Program,
said the new program would "reach out to the Pacific Rim with a camera."
Cannon has been a professor of theatre, film and television at UH for 34 years,
and has professional credits in television, film, and on and off Broadway. He
had recurring roles in both "Hawai'i Five-0" and "Magnum, P.I." and has been in
such series as "Hallmark Hall of Fame," "Naked City" and "Studio One."
film program at UH has been 14 years in the making, said Cannon, who credits
Dobelle with taking it this far. The 10 film students enrolled as of this
semester are part of the Liberal Studies program, and take courses that already
exist in a wide number of colleges and programs.
by 2004 Dobelle expects the program to be housed in one specific place —
although it could be in an existing building either on or off the Manoa campus.
did not rule out renovating an existing theater, especially one that may be
closed down now. Or possibly using the Diamond Head studio.
cautioned against getting caught up in an "edifice complex" about where the
program is going to go, and said that the concentration instead would be on
building a strong academic program.
Beverly Creamer at
or 525-8013
July 31, 2002
Tony Leung, the secretary of finance for
Hong Kong has gotten married to an Olympic champion Fu Mingxia, a three-time
Olympic diving champion, married in Honolulu on July 15th
I have received repeated media inquiry from Hawaii
and California confirming Mr. Leung's wedding in Hawaii since Friday. I told
them their information was a little behind since Mr. Leung already gotten
married on July 15th, which happens to be my birthday.
Additional information is being reported at the
Pacific Business News today, please go to the following link for detail.
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
Johnson W. K. Choi, President and Executive Director
July 29, 2002 Honolulu Hawaii
Linda Lingle, Republican Governor Candidates
for the State of Hawaii Speak at the Hawaii Chinese Tourism Association on "How
to Improve Tourism and Economic Climate between Hawaii and Greater China"
The followings are some of the highlights on her
presentation and Q & A at the Hawaii Prince Hotel:
- To work with the Bush Administration on the
destination agreement between USA and China to allow China leisure travelers
to visit Hawaii.
- Create cabinet level administrator to oversee and
coordinate State wide tourism related matters.
- Current administrators of various State funded
entities must be held accountable, no longer will micro-management and
political interference be acceptable.
- Her previous experiences and successes as the
Mayor of Maui working with Legislators belonging to other parties to get
things done.
- Answer to questions on DBEDT less specific, but
will not be business as usual. Briefly mentioned Republican Lieutenant Governor
candidate, Dalton Tanonaka proposal to let Lieutenant Governor to run DBEDT a
fresh approach worth considering.
- Answer to question on Legislator vote based on
polls, consider reviewing incumbents voting record, new comers business
background & experiences, convincing them to be friendly to business after
gotten elected will be difficult.
The meeting was well attended by more than 80 people
from various sectors of the Travel Industry.
July 12, 2002
11:45 EDT Friday
China tourism waits for
action in Washington
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
More than 60 people have
attended a luncheon sponsored by the China Hawaii Investment Corporation & LWK
Enterprises LLC and Hawaii Chinese Tourism Association at the Royal Hawaiian
Hotel. The presentation was made by Madam Shen Huirong, Director General,
International Liaison, China National Tourism Administration & Mr. Shen
Jianxiang, Executive General Manager, China Merchants International Travel
The speakers have covered in
depth in order for a country to take advantage of the Chinese outbound tourist.
A destination country agreement must be in place. There are 20 countries, most
of them are in the Southeast Asia have agreements with China.
United States of America does not have an
agreement with China. Hawaii cannot cut a separate agreement with China!
The latest agreement was signed with Germany. Therefore, news reporting about
Chinese Airlines coming to Hawaii will probably not materialized as China travel agents
are not allowed to promote a destination like Hawaii that China does not have an
agreement with. Destination like Hainan trying to promote themselves as “Mirror
of Hawaii” will probably not wanting to send their people to Hawaii. Business
people travel between Hawaii and Shanghai will not book on charter flight that
offers service only twice weekly.
The most popular destinations for China outbound
tourists are Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand. Travel
package cost is a major factor. But on the other hand, after reaching their
destinations, China tourists outspent any tourist groups including the Japanese and the
Japan, Australia and New
Zealand are destination countries open to Chinese citizens from Guangzhou, Shanghai and
Beijing. If and when an agreement is signed between USA and China, Australia
model to handle Chinese inbound tourist has been successful with less than .05% of Chinese visitors overstay their VISA.
July 9, 2002
11:03 EDT Tuesday
Chinese business delegation
coming to Honolulu -
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
Business leaders from Jiaxing, Haining and Haiyan
County, China, are in Honolulu this week for a networking meeting with Hawaii
business people, with the principal gathering set for Wednesday.
"They are not part of this week's Hawaii Sister
Summit so this may be the only opportunity to meet with them," said Johnson
Choi, head of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, organizer of the
Zhao Yongming and Chen Jianling of Haiyan County
Import & Export Co. Ltd. will attend the meeting. He is general manager of the
firm and she is assistant manager. They will be joined by Chen Yunlong, managing
director of Haiyan County Yunlong Transportation, and by Gu Jinming, assistant
manager of the Haiyan County Wuyuan Industrial Development Park.
Also attending will be Li Feng, section chief of the
Jiaxing branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and
Sheng Wanlin, department manager for the Jiaxing branch of Bank of China.
Zhang Qinyong, deputy general director for the
Haining Rural Enterprises Bureau, is here for the event, along with Shen Yujuan.
She is vice president of the China Chamber of International Commerce, Haining
The event is Wednesday at the China Buffet, Holiday
Inn Waikiki, 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m., on Ala Moana across from the Hilton Hawaiian
Village. The cost is $12 but members of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce may attend for free if they register before Wednesday.
July 8, 2002
13:55 EDT Monday
Hawaii, China discussed tourism, tech,
education deals
- (Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
Members of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce are back from business meetings in Shanghai and Beijing.
"The parties involved would like to keep most of the
details private," said Johnson Choi, head of the organization.
But he did circulate some details to members.
- A China travel company that had been planning to
send its top 30 travel agents to Washington, D.C., late this year for training
decided after meeting with the people from Honolulu that it will send them to
Hawaii instead.
- Two Shanghai e-commerce companies met with
parties from Hawaii who thought the firms might be able to benefit from the
Hawaii High Tech Investment Credit. Shanghai officials discussed possible
investment opportunities there for Hawaii angels.
- Fudan University in Shanghai is interested in
joining education projects with U.S. universities including the University of
"We got a lot done in eight short days despite the
long flight time, jet lag and long hours of meetings," Choi said. "All of us
have come home exhausted but excited, charged up and planning our next move."
June 20, 2002
Honolulu business people visit China
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
The Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce led a
delegation of Honolulu business people to Shanghai and Beijing Thursday.
"We are very excited and looking forward to the
meetings lined up. We expect them to yield positive results," said executive
director Johnson Choi.
Choi said such missions usually have direct
government sponsors or partners in China, and he was concerned at first that the
lack of such direct state involvement might result in a cooler reception.
"To our surprise," he said, "our counterpart and
collaboration partners welcome a pure business mission to focus only on the
business agenda."
Choi said this mission was funded entirely by
private interests, and that this time they would represent business interests
from outside Hawaii as well.
Hawaii state officials were involved in a large
trade mission to China late last year, but the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce has been conducting business meetings of this sort for years, sometimes
several times a year, originally focusing on Hong Kong but now looking to other
Chinese cities as well. Hawaii officials and business people who have dealt with
Chinese officials and business executives there say the Chinese tend to view
Hawaii as the one part of America that has some understanding of China.
May 13, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii
Alan M.L. Yee, managing partner of the Honolulu office of Grant Thornton LLP
and Member of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) won this
year's Small Business Administration's National Accountant Advocate Award *
Alan M.L. Yee learned hard lessons while
trying to run his own certified public accounting firm in the early 1990s —
lessons that he uses to help other small businesses and organizations today.
"People think accountants can manage their money well, but try managing
payroll and collections," Yee said. "Well, it's easier said than done
when you're trying to provide services as well. A lot of it was basically
learning how to run a small business from ground zero."
Yee, managing partner of the Honolulu office of Grant Thornton LLP, believes
he was honored with this year's Small Business Administration's National
Accountant Advocate Award, in part, because he can help groups anticipate
But Yee, 48, insists his work with organizations such as the Native Hawaiian
Revolving Loan Fund, Hawaii youth Opera Chorus, Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter,
Mutual Assistance Association Center for low-income Palolo residents and
immigrants and the anti-child abuse Malama Na Keiki Foundation isn't unusual.
"I would say I didn't do anything more than a lot of people do," he
The advocacy award recognizes accountants who significantly improve the
economic and financial climate for small business.
Yee focuses on three or four organizations each year while pushing for
regulatory and tax reforms that could stimulate entrepreneurship and improve
Hawai'i's economy, according to the Small Business Administration.
"Until you run one yourself, you don't realize all of the issues or
problems that can pop up," Yee said.
"It's like when somebody says the check's in the mail and when it
doesn't come you're running to the bank to cover payroll or the rent. It helps
me advise companies about anticipating problems rather than letting them catch
you unexpectedly."
*Courtesy & Credit: Dan Nakaso,
Honolulu Advertiser Staff
May 12, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii
Hong Kong Hawaii Chamber of Commerce a.k.a.
Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) has been accepted by the
Board of Directors of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) of Hawaii. BBB is an
association of businesses known and respected by millions.
February 12, 2002 19:45
EST Tuesday
Canton Fair to showcase trade
- (Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
The Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce
and the China Club are cosponsoring a discussion of business opportunities in
Canton, China.
It's effectively a preparation seminar for the Chinese Export
Fair, known as the Canton Fair.
The presentation, in Mandarin only, will be held Friday,
March 22, 5:30pm at the
Hong Kong Harbour View Seafood Restaurant at Aloha Tower Marketplace.
Fu Lang will speak. He is the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office deputy
director-general in charge of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office.
Also taking part will be Hu Zhusheng, a senior economic
official in Shenzhen,
and Wang Yu, president of Asia Pacific Trading Group Inc. and a member of the
China Club.
For information: http://www.hkchcc.org/event.htm
February 1, 2002
Business Forum
Business Opportunities in Canton,
China &
How to Get the Most Out of it When Attending the "China Export Commodities
Fair", also called Canton Fair –
Presented in Mandarin only!
Press Release in pdf Format
January 23, 2002
EST Wednesday
Hong Kong monetary official to speak here
- (Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
Norman Chan, deputy chief executive of the
Hong Kong Monetary Authority, plans to come to
Honolulu in four weeks to address the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
In a Feb. 22 address to this group (11:30 a.m.,
Plaza Club, $30 for members and their guests) Chan intends to discuss the policy
of pegging the Hong Kong dollar to the U.S. dollar and what he expects in China
following its entry into the World Trade Organization.
Johnson Choi, who heads the
Kong China Hawaii Chamber, has been
lining up trips to Hong Kong and visits here by Hong Kong officials and
executives to build Hawaii understanding of Hong Kong and China and open
business opportunities for Hawaii businesspeople over there.
January 16, 2002
EST Wednesday
Hong Kong to Hawaii: Come on over!
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
Hong Kong, seeking to solidify its role as the front
door to China commerce, sent an emissary to Honolulu this week to invite Hawaii
companies to sell their goods and services to mainland China through Hong Kong.
"Hong Kong can capitalize on her strengths in
marketing, logistics and trading to help Hawaiian partners be successful in the
mainland (China) market," said Helen
Lindsay Peterson, associate director of Invest Hong Kong.
"Hong Kong is the leading marketing location in the Asia-Pacific
Peterson addressed a sellout gathering of the
Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, but she
didn't just preach to the choir -- she also supplied fresh statistics for others
singing Hong Kong's praises:
Hong Kong has 120,000 enterprises with interests
operating in mainland China and now accounts for 49 percent of the $170 billion
invested in mainland China by outside interests. A third of Hong Kong companies
have developed their own brand names in mainland China.
- Hong Kong is the world's busiest port and has the
world's busiest airport for cargo traffic. It handles most China imports and
exports. Regionally only Japan exports more services than Hong Kong. The
World Bank says 3.4 percent of the world's exports went to mainland China in
1999 and predicts by 2005 it will be 7.2 percent.
- Despite concerns about high costs and moves by
some companies to Singapore or other cities around the time of the British
handoff to Beijing control, Hong Kong is home to regional headquarters of
3,237 companies, a nearly 8 percent increase from year-ago levels and an
all-time high.
"I believe Hong Kong has a unique
combination of strengths which makes it a superb partner for Hawaiian firms
eager to do business," Peterson said. She said officials, who set up
Invest Hong Kong to work outside regular Hong Kong government agencies to
build trade, target nine industries for investment: telecoms, media, I.T.,
technology (mostly electronics and biomedical), tourism, and entertainment.
January 7, 2002
EST Monday
China-Hawaii airlift void seen
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
The executive director of the Hong Kong-Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce says China business people are willing to do more business
with Hawaii but see the lack of direct air connections as a major obstacle to
Johnson Choi, back from two weeks meeting with 30
business leaders in Hong Kong and Southern China, says that's the main point he
took away from meetings that he described as more truthful and down-to-earth
because they were away from public attention.
"It is very disturbing when I introduce myself
from Hawaii at the beginning of each meeting that all except one said the
absence of direct flights have made Hawaii an inconvenient business
destination," Choi said. He added that those who visited Hawaii more than
five years ago also complained of unfriendly customs officers, but he feels this
isn't a problem any more and told them so.
A generation ago there were frequent direct flights
between Hong Kong and Honolulu, because Honolulu was a mid-ocean stopover on
flights to U.S. mainland. But when airlines were able to fly over Hawaii in
longer-range jetliners they did, saving the cost of ground crew and landing fees
in Hawaii. Now flying from Honolulu to Hong Kong usually means going through
Hawaii companies that want to do business in China
may benefit from partners in Hong Kong. Frank Martin, president of the American
Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, says when U.S. companies fail in China it is
usually because they lack knowledge of the local market, lack a credible local
partner, and think they can solve problems by throwing money at them.
December 24, 2001
A New Game
- China's entry to the World Trade Organization presents opportunities for
Hawaii, if we can meet the challenge -
(THINK INC) Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Sunday, Dec 23, 2001 Section E2, Written by
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC., President and Executive Director, Hong Kong China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce
There is much excitements and expectations on China’s
Entry into WTO. On behalf of the Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
(HKCHcc), I have spent the last two (2) weeks meeting with more than 30 business
leaders in Hong Kong and Southern China. When the meeting is on a one on one
away from the News Media and not involving any political officials, information
received is more truthful and down to earth. The meetings were focus on the
- Finding collaboration partners for Hawaiian
- Working in partnership with various Chambers of
Commerce in Hong Kong and Southern China.
- Partnering with other State Economic Development
Offices in Hong Kong (i.e. California)
- Perception of Hawaii as an
Education-Health-Biotechnology-technology center and tourism destination.
It is very disturbing when I introduce myself from
Hawaii at the beginning of each every meeting that all except one said the
absent of direct flight have made Hawaii an inconvenience business destination
choice. For those that have visited Hawaii more than 5 years ago cited
unfriendly and hostile custom and immigration officers. I think improvements
have been made on the custom and immigration areas and shared my personal
experience with them.
Among many business initiatives, there are a couple
of areas Hong Kong is pursuing, may help Hawaii if we play our card correctly.
They are Education and Health care. Hong Kong may be Hawaii’s best
collaboration partner. I have met with Mr. Frank Martin, President of the
American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. We have discussions on why American
firms failed in China. Signing a contract for News Media consumption verses
getting paid for work performed are two different things. Mr. Martin has spent more than 25 years in Hong Kong.
Some of the most common reasons are:
- Lack of knowledge of the market.
- Top down approach, thought they will solve any
problem by throwing money at it.
- Lack of credible partner.
I am fortunate to have the opportunities to attend
conferences featuring top leaders like Mr. Anthony Nightingale, Director of
Jardine Matheson Holding Ltd; Dr. Lily Chiang, President, E1 Media Technology
Ltd; Mr. David Eldon, Chairman, The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking
Corporation; Mr. Victor Li, Managing Director & Deputy Chairman, Cheung Kong
(Holding) Ltd; Mr. Anthony Wu, Chairman, Far East Ernest and Young; Dr. William
Fung, Group Managing Director, Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd; Mr. Peter Woo,
Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council; Honorable C H Tung, Chief Executive,
Hong Kong SAR; Mr. Christopher Cheng, Managing Director, Wing Tai Corporation
Ltd; Honorable Antony Leung, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR; Dr. Fu
Yuning, President, China Merchants Holding Co Ltd; Ms. Annie Wu, Managing
Director, Hong Kong Beijing Air Catering Ltd; Dr. Denis Simon, President,
Monitor Group (China) and others.
Discussions and meetings were made with the
representatives of HKTVB and RTHK in Hong Kong on the possibilities on
exchanging programs with the Hawaii Public Television Station. While details
need to be worked out, the response is overall positive.
I have met with Janie Fong, Director of the Economic
and Trade Office in Hong Kong. I am very impressed on her operation with offices
in Beijing and Shanghai helping California Companies partnering with Hong Kong
and China business entities. HKCHcc will be working with her office to assist
Hawaii Companies to pursue the Hawaii-Hong Kong-California-China partnership.
The latest discussion of the Hong Kong PEG to U. S.
Dollar, the challenge of Shanghai replacing Hong Kong as the financial center
and China entering the WTO have become interesting topic among the business
community in Hawaii. I have met and invited Mr. Norman Chan, Deputy Chief
Executive of
the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to attend a luncheon sponsored by the HKCHcc in
Hawaii on Friday, Feb 22, 2002 to provide us with update information. Mr. Chan has
accepted our invitation.
One of our collaboration partners is the Hong Kong
Trade Development Council (HKTDC). I have a long discussion over dinner with Mr.
Dennis Yau, Executive Deputy Director of HKTDC on how to further improve and
expand on our business relationship. I am expecting the business partnership in
the pursuance of trade between HKTDC and HKCHcc will be made stronger than ever.
I have met with leaders in the travel business
including many of my fellow alumni of the UH School of Travel Industry
Management on the impact of the Mainland China tourist trade. The Mainland China
visitor has increase substantially both in numbers and the money they spent in
the Hong Kong economy for the past two years. They are expecting the trend to
continue. Taiwan has also experience an increase of Mainland China tourist
visiting the Island. I have asked on the challenge for Hawaii to get an increase
share of the Mainland China tourist. Obtaining a VISA from the U. S. Consulate
is the biggest challenge. Cost and lack of a direct flight to Hawaii are common
reasons cited for selecting Far East tourist destination and visiting West Coast
USA instead of Hawaii.
I have discussions with parties familiar with
various agreements signed by various government entities between China and
States in the USA. For larger cities like Shanghai and Beijing, they must have
10s if not 100s of similar agreements. The success of a venture will depends on
the strength and credibility of the business arrangement. The relationship among
parties still play an important role, but a less important role compared to 5
– 10 years ago. According to Dr. William Fung, Group Managing Director of the
Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd, China will fully implement all the rule and
regulations of the WTO. The biggest challenge is the enforcement on the local
While the State is trying very hard to promote
tourism, there are certain Federal rules and regulations placing Hawaii in
competitive disadvantage. Jones Act is one reason why it cost $5,000 to ship a
40 foot container to Hawaii and less than $2,000 to Los Angels. Similar outdated
protective legislative measures are reasons why no airline flew directly from Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan to
When I returned home from Hong Kong, I must go
through the 5 hours long wait in Tokyo for the connecting United Airline flight to Hawaii.
The positive note was the flight must be 80% full, a sign that the Japanese
tourist may be returning to Hawaii. The custom and immigration officers were
friendly. A nice cup of cold juice was presented when I exit the custom gate.
What I do not understand was why one (1) baggage claim area was assigned to an
80% full Boeing 747-400? For those who travel to Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan,
the size of our baggage claim is considerably smaller. To add to the insult, one
lady, very rude and unfriendly yelling out to visitors repeatedly to move the
luggage carts to the other end of the baggage claim not to block the baggage
handler to remove the overflow baggage. After a long flight, the last thing you
want is someone kept yelling at you.
November 18, 2001
To Succeed in business in Hawaii, you must
understand the isles -
(THINK INC) Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Sunday, Nov 18, 2001 Section E2, Written by
Johnson W. K. Choi, MBA, RFC., President and Executive Director, Hong Kong China Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce
Some of Guy’s speeches are listed on his website http://www.garage.com/guy/speeches/
Video on Guy's Speeches
November 13, 2001
China's entry into WTO good for Hawaii
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
The entry of China and Taiwan into the World Trade
Organization create new business opportunities for Hawaii, says the head of the
Hong Kong-Hawaii Chamber of Commerce.
"Hawaii companies will benefit by working with
private sector partners that have experience in the China market," says
Johnson Choi, who frequently travels to Hong Kong, China and Taiwan and has numerous
business contacts there.
Health care providers, who are not normally
mentioned in discussions of business opportunities in China, should know that
Beijing alone has an estimated 1.5 millionaires while one in five Shanghai
households have income on a par with households in Hong Kong, with many of these
people seeking out and paying premiums for private doctor and hospital services,
Choi says.
The hospitality industry can benefit, too.
"China is planning to build 100 to 300 new hotels in the next six years to
get ready for the 2008 Olympics," Choi says, adding that Chinese officials
expect growth in domestic and international tourist trade. Unlike previously China business deals that take place largely away from public view, hotel
and other business deals
will, he says, take place with "a higher degree of transparency" due
to WTO rules.
In actual business dealings whether it is in China
or USA, "Most
business deals are negotiated behind closed door and not in the view of the news
media," Choi explains. "Therefore a high profile trade mission may or
may not be helpful to push a project forward in a positive manner."
Specialists in the region say the entry of Taiwan in
the World Trade Organization may provide export opportunities for Hawaii farmers
(agricultural products) by phasing out protections for Taiwanese farmers.
November 7, 2001
Choi: Go after Taiwanese visitors -
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
The executive director of the Hong Kong-Hawaii
Chamber of Commerce says Taiwan can be a growth market for Hawaii tourism if the
tourism community can entice an airline to provide direct service between Taipei
and Honolulu.
"The American Institute in Taipei (equivalent
to the U.S. consulate) issued over 350,000 visas (many are 5 years multiple
entry visas) to the United States in the past year," says Johnson Choi.
"Therefore a direct from Taipei to Hawaii is very critical and to our best
Choi, back from a business conference in Taipei last
week, says Taiwan also presents good business opportunities for Hawaii companies
and the Taiwanese are more numerous in mainland China than a student of
China-Taiwan history might expect. He says more than 15,000 Taiwan companies
have offices in Hong Kong/China and more than 150,000 Taiwanese live and work in
Taiwan broke off from the mainland when
pre-communist leaders fled there, and for decades the West recognized Taiwan but
not the People's Republic. Today the West no longer has any official objections
to China's assertion that Taiwan is rightfully part of China and will be
reunited with it one day. China, in return, has said it is in no particular
hurry to make that happen.
Taiwan is the world's leading manufacturer of
October 23, 2001
China Trade Pact Signed
(Breaking News) Pacific Business News
News - Pacific Business News Direct Link
A mutual cooperation agreement has been
signed by the Honolulu-based Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce and a
brother organization in China's Guangzhou province.
The pact was agreed to three weeks ago and
the signed copy arrived from China on Monday, HKCHcc President Johnson Choi
The Honolulu organization and the China
Chamber of International Commerce Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce (that's the
whole name) agree "to enhance the liaison and cooperation in the area of
import and export, investment, business information and other commerce-related
activities for the benefit of the members of both organizations."
The agreement does not include many
specifics but still marks new ties with China business people. It's part of a
general trend toward closer and more cordial contacts between Chinese and
American business interests, as shown by the Shanghai economic summit of recent
days. The Shanghai stock exchange, by the way, rose 10 percent Tuesday on good
feeling about trade.
Choi, who sees China as a growth market for
Hawaii exports and Hawaii tourism, describes the HKCHcc as a non-political
organization that just wants to get things done.
October 22, 2001
China Chamber of International Commerce
Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce and Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of
Commerce Signed Agreement of Mutual Cooperation
China Chamber of International Commerce
Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce and HKCHcc agree to enhance the liaison and
cooperation in the area of import & export, investment, business information
and other commerce related activities for the benefit of the members of both
October 3, 2001
Hawaii positioned well for a rebound - Hong
Kong economist Liu Pak-Wai says Asian travelers will look to Hawaii as a safe
place to vacation - Honolulu Star-Bulletin
- Wednesday, October 3, 2001
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or visit the following links for detail:
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July 16, 2001 - The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii (CCOH) is
pleased to name Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHCC) as Partner in
Business Growth and Development in Hong Kong and Mainland China Market - HKCHcc's Fresh Approach to work with our Private and Public sectors
collaboration partners focusing on "Getting Things Done" with emphasis
on Substances over forms! (July 16, 2001/Volume 62, No 7, Page 6) CCOH
is celebrating its 150 anniversary, a nonprofit organization representing more
than 3,000 members
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July 16, 2001 - American
Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Hong Kong China Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
form alliance to promote U. S. Business in China
- Please contact our office for more information.
China Group Eschews Protocol
- "We want to focus only on business without focusing on any political agenda" - The Honolulu
Advertiser - Monday, July 9, 2001
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