Rosaryhill School Hong Kong Ohana Photo Album Collection
email pictures in JPG format
to Johnson Choi (Class of '73)
Rosaryhill School Rosaryhill School Old Students' Association Hong Kong School Alumni Federation Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) Hawaii Pacific Export Council
Chinatown - Year of the Dragon 2012 Lion Dance with Firework
Latest Newsletter in PDF format -
Dec 2010
July 2010
50th Anniversary Videos
View 1,200 RHS Golden Jubilee Pictures on Facebook
Rosaryhill School Alumni Eric Lee, Silver
Medalist in the East Asian Games 2009
Chan spoke of his positive experiences at RHS
same interview could also be found at Youtube
Rosaryhill Alumni Bernard Chan: Live One Day at a Time, Face Adversity
Against All Odds
Rosaryhill School Alumni - Outstanding
Young Persons Award Winner - Dr Patrick Yung
Subject: Father Xavier Memorial Mass - Hong Kong Saturday October 19 2013 3:00pm Rosaryhill School Chapel
Event Invitation on Facebook
You might recall that 17 October will be the 2nd death anniversary of Fr Xavier. Fr Francisco has made arrangements for a memorial mass to be offered in his memory on Saturday 19 October 2013 at 3:00pm at the RHS chapel. He has also agreed for the mass to be dedicated for the remembrance of other RHS alumni/teacher/staff. In particular, we would like to remember the following from the ’69 class that passed away in the recent months:
Eddy Au
Maureen Woo Tisdall
Richard Yiu
and others that we are aware of to whom we could dedicate the mass. Please feel free to send through names of such friends.
Please make a note of the date and come to the mass. There will be school bus service from Southorn Stadium (MTR Exit B1) and Morrison Hill. I look forward to seeing you there.
There would be others who are not on this mailing list. Please help in disseminating the information.
阿Sa 蔡卓研專訪 Interview with Charlene Choi Sept 10 2012
May 5 2013
Rosaryhill School Hong Kong - 教育就是以生命感動生命,
玫瑰崗校長 讓風繼續吹
關校長不想多談校內的舊校友明星,卻說自己歌喉也不錯,記者戲稱他也受到學校藝術氛圍的熏陶?「你可以這麼說吧!哈哈!我們早在上世紀七十年代已經有戲劇組、戲劇學會,八十年代也有老師設立Performing Arts,加入更多跳舞、唱歌等活動,讓學生找到自己的興趣,但千萬不要以為我們是藝術學校,我們在運動方面也出色。」
也許某年某月就在這裏,當時還叫Bobby的張國榮在跟謝天仁神父在打羽毛球,這些回憶永不因潮氣而褪色,也令玫瑰崗的名字更添浪漫…… (節錄)
Hong Kong SAR 2012年12月1日玫瑰崗學校越野賽跑
繼「范士豪盃兩哩跑邀請賽」後,本會現誠邀各位 舊生/教職員/家長參與母校舉辦的第三十三屆社際越野賽跑公開組賽事。
日期: 2012年12月1日(星期六)
時間: 上午8時至中午12時30分
地點: 太平山頂
賽程: 男子(一圈 )組、女子(一圈
報名: 於2012年11月26日前,電郵報名表到
費用: 免費
RHS Cross Country Competition on 1 December 2012
Dear alumni, parents, teachers and staff members of RHS,
Following the "Fr. Francisco Cup - 2 Miles Invitation Race", our alma mater will hold the 33rd Inter-House Cross Country Competition, we cordially invite you to join the Open Group competition.
Date: 1 December 2012 (Saturday)
Time: Between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Venue: The Peak
Races: Male (1 lap), Female (1 lap) and Male (2 laps)
Registration: Complete the registration form and e-mail it to
before 26 November 2012.
Fee: Free of charge
For further details, please refer to the information on the registration form. We look forward to receiving your registration form.
Best regards,
Toronto Ontario Canada Private memorial Mass for Fr. Xavier schedule for Saturday October 27 2012
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012
Time: 11:00am
Venue: Holy Rosary Church
Address: 354 St. Clair Avenue, West, Toronto
Please plan to arrive by 10:30am. It may take a few minutes to park and walk to the church. The church has a parking lot behind it. The entrance to the parking lot is via a narrow driveway west of the church. You must be west bound on St. Clair Avenue in order to enter the driveway. Drive slowly pass the church, just before you reach the Loblaws, you will find the driveway. You have to make a sharp right turn into the driveway.
After the Mass, please stay for a group photo.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This is also a reminder of the dinner with John Leung ('69) on Sunday, Oct-28, at the Very Fair Seafood Cuisine in Scarborough (Kennedy/Finch) at 6:30pm.
Hope to see you a/l on the 28th.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There was a memorial Mass for Fr. Xavier at the School Chapel last night. Attached is a photo from memorial Mass last night - courtesy of Edith Shih ('69, HK).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
謝天仁神父逝世一週年追思彌撒 2012年10月19日
上行 5:15 p.m.
Fr. Xavier Memorial Mass 19 Oct 2012
It has been almost a year since Fr Lionel Xavier left us. A special Mass has been arranged to be held at the School Chapel in Rosaryhill School at 6pm on 19th October 2012 (Friday), to commemorate the First anniversary of Fr Xavier's passing.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass. Please be informed that school bus for pickup will be available and details for the relevant arrangement are as follows:
Pickup time: 5:15pm
Pickup place: General Post Office, Central
After the Mass, school bus will also be provided for return trips to Southorn Playground and Morrison Hill.
2013 – 2014 年度小學及幼稚園新生報名 2012年10月20日
幼稚園新生報名: under 'Registration'
2013/14 Applications to RHS Primary Section and RHS Kindergarten on 20 Oct 2012
Please be informed that the submission of application form for either Primary Section or Kindergarten Section has to be done in person on 20 Oct 2012 (Saturday) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the school campus. Application forms can be downloaded from the school's homepage.
Please be reminded that preference will be given to the kids of the alumni, provided that the application is submitted on 20 Oct 2012. Regrettably any late application from alumni will be considered on the same basis as any other applicant. The school treasures the support from the alumni in all aspects, no matter as a parent in the PTA or an alumna in any other occasions.
Kindergarten admission:
under 'Registration'
Primary admission:
2012 年7 月15日 及 8 月19 日
(9:00am - 2:30pm) July 15
2012 and August 19 2012
招募義工 :「麥當勞叔叔之家」之「愛心午餐」 Seeking Volunteer for Ronald McDonald House's
Special Lunch event
Rosaryhill School Old Student Association 4th Annual Visit to Ronald McDonald House to provide children under medical care special lunches, please kindly stay tune for our future announcements with details.
舊生會二零一二年週年大會 RHSOSA 2012 Annual General Meeting (Saturday, March 3, 2012)
Dear fellow old students,
We invite you to attend the Rosaryhill School Old Students Association 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Saturday, 3 March 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the auditorium of Rosaryhill School, 41B Stubbs Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Attached are the notice and agenda of the AGM. If you are interested in running for the post of Executive Committee of RHSOSA for 2012/13, please complete and return the Executive Committee Nomination Form no later than 25 February 2012 to
We look forward to seeing you in the coming AGM. Download: RHSOSA Exec. Committee Nomination 2012.doc (82.5KB)
and RHSOSA AGM 2012 Notification.pdf (134.6KB) from the following link
David Chow
2011/12 RHSOSA President
Share on Facebook
Service with Mass for the eternal rest of Fr. Lionel Xavier will be held at
Rosaryhill School at 6:30 p.m. on 28 October 2011 謝天仁神父之追思彌撒已定於2011年10月28日下午6時30分於玫瑰崗學校舉行。
In lieu of flowers, please donate to
“The Fr. Lionel Xavier Charity Fund”. Please mail or deliver the donation
cheque to Accounts Office, Rosaryhill School, 41B Stubbs Road, Hong Kong.
Cheques drawn in Hong Kong dollars, US dollars, Canadian dollars, Australian
dollars, Euro and Pound Sterling are cceptable.
On that day, school buses will be available from General Post Office, Morrison
Hill and Southorn Playground stations at 5:40 p.m. and after the service
returning to Morrison Hill and Southorn Playground.
Fr. Lionel Xavier Charity Fund』。有關捐獻請以劃線支票郵寄或送遞香港司徒拔道41號B
當日校車服務將於下午5時40分由摩利臣山、修頓球場及中區郵政總局站開出; 追思彌撒後亦會提供校車返回修頓球場及摩理臣山站。
information on Facebook
Father Xavier Funeral Service at Macau Cathedral on Oct 20 2011
Father Xavier FINAL public communication September 15 2011
The evening mass for Fr Xavier's passaway is confirmed to be held tonight October 19 2011 at 8:00pm at Catholic Funeral Home
There will be another funeral mass tomorrow at the Macau Cathedral at 11:00am tomorrow October 20 2011.
Those who can't attend the above Mass, please be informed that there will be a Memorial Mass in RHS later and details will be announced in due course.
Meet RHS Class of 1973
2010 - You will love it
Upcoming Events Share on Facebook
Hong Kong SAR Saturday October 8 2011 Share
法國波爾多及波爾多葡萄酒 Bordeaux and wines from Bordeaux (Saturday, October 8, 2011)
品酒系列 : 法國波爾多及波爾多葡萄酒
- Sponsored by Rosaryhill School Old Student Association Hong Kong
(1) 請將入場費存入「玫瑰崗舊生會」開立於匯豐銀行的帳戶: 002-0-191581
(2) 連同入數紙、閣下的姓名、聯絡電話及畢業年份,電郵至
9月26日 (星期一)
Wine Tasting Class:
Bordeaux and wine from Bordeaux
The above course was successfully held on 6 August 2011. In order to satisfy the overwhelming demand, Mr. Wilson Kwok has kindly promised to repeat the course, and the details are as below:
Date : 8th October 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Venue :
W’Entrecote Restaurant,
6th Floor, Holiday Inn Express Hong Kong,
33 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Fee : HK$380
(1) Deposit the required fee to the following HSBC bank account Beneficiary: Rosaryhill School Old Students Association Savings Account No.: 002-0-191581
(2) E-mail the deposit slip together with your name, contact number, and year of graduation to
Deadline : 26 September 2011 (Monday)
Hong Kong SAR August 6 2011 Share
Fr. Lionel Xavier's development
The news are not good, Doctor told him that he has cancer. He could not get more information than this, and this morning I went at the time that the Doctor from the hospital came to see him, and later another Doctor, who is Fr. Xavier's friend, the one who operated on me, and they confirmed the bad news. It is a cancer rather spread in the low abdomen, even with spots in the liver. They do not suggest chemotherapy, because the side effects, at his age, could be much worse than the results obtained. We are still talking with the doctors and see what can be done.
The first thing he needs is to recover the strength lost during the week that he has not eaten at all, and at the same time they will try to find more about the cause or origin of the cancer and see how to treat it.
Fr. Xavier, when we asked him about letting people know about his condition he told us that he would not like people to start coming visiting him, he is rather tired (you Edith and Edward know well), he prefers to keep with the visits as they are now.
Let us keep on praying hopeful that his strength will be good for long time.
Update: September 8 2011
Fr Xavier has started eating again after having been such advised by his doctors. Unfortunately, he has also been diagnosed to have cancer. The doctors, his family and the Dominican priests have been discussing about the most suitable treatment to apply on Fr Xavier's weak body especially he is already 81 years old.
Due to the nature of the medication, Fr Xavier still feels sleepy most of the time and he indicated that he did not want to have visitors. Therefore, we urge you to pray for his recovery everyday and we will certainly encourage you to visit him after his condition has improved.
Update on Sept 9 2011
Fr. has been recuperating steadily. He has started to eat very small quantities of food for a few days now. I visited him at lunch today - he ate 2 small bowls of congee for lunch, sitting up. He ate a one cup of yoghurt for breakfast. He is slowly regaining some strength and he will try to walk with a walker after his nap. There are students from the seminary keeping him company throughout and they are very pleasant and caring. I heard that Fr. Alex from Macau would be keeping him company for the next two days.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Xavier.
All the best,
Fr. Francisco
Update Sept 10 2011
There was a special mass held today at 6pm at the Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church in Markham, dedicated to the health of Fr. Xavier. The weather today was extremely good - blue sky with bright sun shine. A group photo was taken just prior to the commencement of the mass. There are 37 alumni in the attached group photo. At least a dozen more arrived after the photo was taken. My estimate is there were over 50 alumni attended this special mass.
This mass was also attended by a few past teachers, however, some of them did not appear in the group photo.
This group photo will be used to created a "Get-well" card for Fr. Xavier. Fr. Francisco has promised to deliver it to Fr. Xavier for us.
A big thank you Anna Lo (T) for arranging this special mass for us and all the alumni who attended this mass. I'm sure Father appreciates it very much.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Xavier.
Best regards
Vivian Yan
Update September 15 2011
Looks like Fr. Xavier has improved and is ready to be discharged.
The last two communications in regards the health of Fr. Xavier have not been very positive, but I am happy to write today that when I saw him yesterday he was totally different, much changed, cheerful and talkative, planning his discharge from hospital and going back to Macau. It is a positive sign that if is accompanied by an improvement in his eating will make a big difference soon.
Let us keep on praying for him and for his health, supporting him in the good way that many of you are doing from different parts of the world.
Yesterday I sent you an e-mail talking well about the situation of Fr. Xavier, and I cannot change much in my e-mail today about his good and almost talkative mood. But tomorrow he will be discharged from hospital going back home, to Macau. It is good for him, because it is what he really wants at this moment, and we hope that he will be happy being back in his own environment, enjoying the company of the brothers there. We also hope that the change and the matter of being at home will motivate him to start eating better and perhaps moving a little bit to make himself stronger.
Let us keep on having him in our minds and hearts.
Fr. Francisco
Update: September 17 2011
Edward Ng went to visit Fr Xavier in Macau yesterday. He had only stayed for about 2 hrs.
He just woke up when I saw him. Fr Alex and Brother Joseph made him to get up and sit. It took him a few minutes to catch his breath even for a small movement like getting up from his bed. He is still relying on Ensure mainly although he also finished a glass of milk and a cup of tea. He said he felt better at home. I noticed he was less moody when Fr Alex was around coz Fr Alex always deliberately said silly things to force him to respond.
Fr Alex said he would also discuss Fr Xavier's sickness further with another doctor in Macau who seemed to be a specialist in the hospital. He'll let me know after their discussion.
Edward Ng
P.S. I've attached 2 of Fr Xavier's recent photos (1st one is he was visited by Bishop Tong and the 2nd one was taken yesterday at his home yesterday)
*****This is a photo of Brother Joseph and Fr Xavier, taken on Friday 9 September. At the time, Fr was reluctant for me to release the photo to the larger group but he has since been on video, so I think he wouldn't mind now. Brother Joseph has been caring for Fr during Fr's stay in the Hong Kong hospital. There is also Brother Mariano and Brother Llario who have been looking after Fr Xavier throughout his 3 weeks stay at the hospital. Of course, there are the RHS fathers and those from the Macau school who are all there visiting and taking turns keeping him company. Fr Xavier is in very good hands - you can be assured that everyone is doing their best to make him comfortable. If you want to send Fr any message, please send it to This is opened especially for your greetings. I will have Brother Joseph access the address and down load messages for Fr Xavier.
Update September 20 2011
I visited Fr Xavier again yesterday together with 2 former Catholic Altar Boys Jorge Graca and Patrick Rozario.
Fr Xavier was delighted to see the new visitors as he used to be their leader in the Altar Boys Team so they used to have all sorts of religious and outdoor activities together. He looked more or less the same as last Sunday but he's breathing with the help of an oxygen generator which Fr Alex got for him the day before. He said he was breathing better with its assistance. He was still relying on the nutritious liquid Ensure although we all kept asking him to start eating. He said he had no appetite. A 1968 graduate, Frederick Ho, turned up suddenly and Fr Xavier was very surprised to see him as Frederick deliberately made a detour to visit him in his return trip to his base in China. Before we left, we asked their maid to try making him some congee no matter he wants it or not, I said maybe sooner or later he will attempt his first bite. We stayed for about 1.5 hours and then Fr Xavier indicated we should go (I suspected he started feeling tired). He was lying in bed the whole time but he was in good spirit especially when we talked mainly about the good old days. He said Brother Joseph would try to get him out to the park opposite to their building today. Will keep you informed.
Regards, Edward Ng
Hong Kong SAR August 6 2011 3:00 - 5:00pm
Introduction to Bordeaux and its wine
Date: 6th August 2011 (Saturday),
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.,
Venue: W’Entrecote Restaurant, 6th Floor, Express by Holiday InnCauseway Bay, 33 Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay,Hong Kong.
Fee: HK$380
More pictures on Facebook
Vancouver British Columbia Canada - August 13 2011 - Father Lionel Xavier has a small RHS alumni gathering in Vancouver with students from the class of 69, 70, 71 & 91 (In this photo: Tony Chan, Winnie Lam-y, Edwina Suk May To (photos), Father Xavier). More Pictures on Facebook
San Francisco California - July 30 2011 - Father Lionel Xavier met with Rosaryhill School alumni at Hong Kong East Ocean Seafood Restaurant at Emeryville
More pictures on Facebook
Honolulu Hawaii July 19 2011 - Father Lionel Xavier of Rosaryhill School Hong Kong and Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee of UH School of Travel Industry Management met with Alumni and Friends at the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant, Ala Moana Hotel hosted by Johnson Choi (RHS 1973 & UH TIM 1977) (Guests are Father Lionel Xavier, Dr. Chuck Gee, Betty Laven, Karis Lo, Yen Chun and Dickie Ching)
Yvette (sister of Aurora), Aurora (Tham) Luk , Antonia (Chan) Ying, Christina (Kwan) Chow, Maria (Man) Wong, Fr Xavier, Robert Ying, Charles Wong
July 10 2011 Honolulu Hawaii - Father Xaiver met with Rosaryhill School Students and Alumni at the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant - Ala Moana Hotel - dinner hosted by Thomas Tan (in the pictures are Dennis Lam, Vincent Yung (ran into at the restaurant happened to be RHS Alumni 1974), Johnson Choi, Thomas Tan, Father Xavier and Betty Levan)
5月22日 2011 《文滙報》 關於「香港傑出學生」的報導,當中有玫瑰崗學校中五生曹曉東隻身來港求學的奮發故事。
孤身南下求學 女生學獨立 - 今年共11位同學獲頒香港傑出學生。左五為曹曉東。香港文匯報記者周婷 攝
香港文匯報訊 (記者 周婷) 除羅偉特,同樣由內地來港、於玫瑰崗學校就讀中五的曹曉東,亦獲選為今年的香港傑出學生。身型嬌小的她,有著外柔內剛的氣質,1年多前她離開在廣東順德的父母親友,隻身來港讀書,希望爭取更佳的升學就業前景。她坦言,初來港時獨自上學、放學,感覺孤單,但同時激發了她獨立的精神,要為自己「爭氣」,不能令父母操心。
自薦傑生 偶像黃仁龍
April 4 2011 Apple Daily Hong Kong Highlight some of the Rosaryhill School 玫瑰崗學校 distinguished alumni
Edward Ng, Past President RHSOSA
Bernard Chan, Business Executive & Community
Doctor Patrick Yung
Hong Kong SAR Saturday March 12 2011 - Rosaryhill School Arts In School Variety Show
Additional information, please contact: Johnson Choi at (415) 963-1541 or 691-6138 (San Francisco USA); (808) 524-5738 (Hawaii USA), (852) 8171-3118 (Hong Kong SAR); Fax (808) 524-8063 or by email to or
Hong Kong Monday, March 7, 2011 10:12 PM
Announcement : Newly Elected Executive Committee 通告: 新一屆當選執委
The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Rosaryhill School Old Students Association (“RHSOSA”) was successfully held at the Auditorium in Rosaryhill School in the afternoon on 26th February 2011. More than 100 members attended the above AGM.
According to RHSOSA’s constitution, an annual election for the following four posts of the executive committee has to be held at our AGM and the election results of this year were as follows:
President: David Chow (1978)
Vice President: Lydia Lau (1986)
Secretary: Conney Poon (1992)
Treasurer: Johnnie Yung (1978)
Our next newsletter will cover more information about the above AGM and our newly elected executive committee members. Don’t miss it!
主席: 周允良 (1978)
副主席: 劉鳳華 (1986)
秘書: 潘港漪 (1992)
司庫: 翁嘉升 (1978)
Additional information, please contact: Johnson Choi at (415) 963-1541 or 691-6138 (San Francisco USA); (808) 524-5738 (Hawaii USA), (852) 8171-3118 (Hong Kong SAR); Fax (808) 524-8063 or by email to or
Kong SAR Saturday December 18 2010
RSVP (photo Credit: Helen
Cheung & Edward Ng)
Dinner @ Home”,與一眾玫瑰崗的新知舊友一同慶祝主耶穌的誕辰。 本會已為當天晚會預備了多項精彩節目,多位神父、老師及學校職員將有令大家意想不到的表演,表演名單包括白易遜神父(Father Perez)、陳漢欽老師 ( Mr Damen Chan)、郭健基老師 ( Mr Jonathan
Kwok) 、方育輝老師( Mr Anson Fong)、鄧鳳儀老師( Ms Grace Tang)、孔志豪老師( Mr Sammy Hung)、葉浩威老師 ( Mr Joseph Yip)、蘇芳美老師 ( Ms Bonnie So)、薛偉安老師( Mr Matthew Sit)、陳健雄師博 (學校修理部主管)等等。
此外,本會永遠名譽會長謝天仁神父( Fr Lionel Xavier)已落實會出席是次晚會。
晚餐: 西式自助餐
收費: 成人
﹣港幣二百五十元; 小童(十二歲以下) ﹣港幣一百五十元
請於十二月八日或之前將所需之費用存入“玫瑰崗舊生會"之匯豐銀行戶口"002-0-191581"並將入數回條連同附件的報名表電郵至 或傳真至28782272。名額有限,先訂先得,額滿即止,敬請留意。
如閣下會參加我們在本星期六舉辦的「X’mas Dinner @ Home」聖誕晚會,請各位注意是次活動的有關事項:
時間: 六時正至十時
校車接送安排*: 五時四十五分由灣仔港鐵站B1出口接參加者回校
建議衣著: 整齊便服 (Smart Casual)
晚會地點: 玫瑰崗學校陳智思大禮堂
晚餐模式**: 西式自助餐
* 我們只按排了一輛校車接送,座位有限,先到先得,敬請留意。
** 我們歡迎各位帶餐後甜品回校跟各校友分享。
Dear Rosarians,
Claus is coming to town….” You are cordially invited to celebrate Christmas
together with us in our upcoming event, X’mas Dinner @ Home, organized by
Rosaryhill School Old Students Association (“RHSOSA”).
For the above party, we have already arranged a series of interesting programs
which include a surprise performance by father, a number of teachers and school
staff such as Father Perez, Mr Chan Kin Hung (staff), Mr Matthew Sit, Mr Damen
Chan, Mr Jonathan Kwok, Mr Anson Fong, Ms Grace Tang, Mr Sammy Hung, Mr Joseph
Yip and Ms Bonnie So, a singing performance by our alumnus , Ms. Alice
Lau….and many more! Moreover, it is our honor that we will have the presence
of our Honorary President for Life, Fr Lionel Xavier in our party.
Details of the above event are as follows:
Date: 18 Dec 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00 pm- 10:00 pm
Venue: Bernard Chanwut Chan School Hall (Rosaryhill School)
Dinner: Buffet style
Fee: $250/adult; $150/child (12 years old or below)
Payment: Please deposit the required sum to HSBC Savings A/C# 002-0-191581under
the name of “Rosaryhill School Old Students Association”
Transportation: School bus service (pick up at Southorn Playground, Wanchai at
If you are interested in joining the above X’mas party, please complete and
return the attached Registration Form to us together with the copy of the
deposit slip via email to activities@rhsosa.orgor by fax to
28782272 on or before 8th December, 2010.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us via email to
Additional information, please contact: Johnson Choi at (415) 963-1541 or 691-6138 (San Francisco USA); (808) 524-5738 (Hawaii USA), (852) 8171-3118 (Hong Kong SAR); Fax (808) 524-8063 or by email to or
Hong Kong SAR - Saturday December 11 2010 Rosaryhill School, 41B Stubbs Road, Hong Kong
You're all welcome to Rosaryhill School with your children to attend this activity on 11th Dec (Sat), besides the parental sharing by Mr Bernard Chan at 3:00pm to 4:15pm, there will be some game booths for your kids to join from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
互動藝術攤位: 神奇收縮膠製作, 人像速寫, 奇趣挷扭氣球, 面繪及烙刻.
Additional information, please contact: Johnson Choi at (415) 963-1541 or 691-6138 (San Francisco USA); (808) 524-5738 (Hawaii USA), (852) 8171-3118 (Hong Kong SAR); Fax (808) 524-8063 or by email to or
Hong Kong SAR October 15 2010
Rosaryhill School Hong Kong: Registration & Interview of New Students to
Kindergarten & Primary
The Registration of students to Kindergarten (Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Lower
and Upper Kindergarten) takes place today, 23 October 2010, in the school.
Application by Fax (2838-6141) or e-mail
( will be accepted until 6 November 2010. Application form
may be down lowed from the school website going to Kindergarten – Registration. The
Interview date will be on 13 November 2010.
The Registration & Interview of students to Primary will take place on 6
November 2010. You need to send the application form in advance to the School by
Fax (2838-6141) or by e-mail (
in order to arrange the time for parent/s and child to come to school for the
interview. The application may be down lowed from the school website going to
Primary – Apply Now.
We are very pleased to say once again that children of past students, applicants
with siblings in the school have preference in the admission when
applications/interviews are being done within the scheduled time. We cannot give
any place of preference to late applicants, when the classes or levels are full.
We are very pleased when seeing our past students coming with their offspring
back to the mother school; it is a sign of your appreciation to the education
you received a few years ago.
Fr. Francisco de las Heras
Hong Kong SAR October 3 2010
在玫瑰崗學校服務超過三十年的Fr Francisco Mendoza在上週日十月三日在西班牙因急病離世。
學校方面已決定分別在十月七日(本週四)下午十二時十分和十月十五日(下周五)下午六時三十分為他的離世舉行彌撒。 歡迎各會員出席。
伍宇鍔 主席
Rosaryhill School Old Students Association regretfully announce that our beloved
Father Francisco Mendoza had passed away on 3rd October 2010 in Spain. As a
loyal supporter of Rosaryhill School for over 30 years, he was well regarded as
a hardworking and committed staff by his colleagues in RHS and his friendly
smile will always be remembered by those who knew him.
The School has already arranged 2 funeral Masses for him on 7th (Thursday)
October 2010 at 12:10pm (mainly for teachers and students) and also on 15th
October 2010 (Friday) at 6:30pm (mainly for past students, past teachers and
those who knew him) at the School Chapel.
You are welcome to attend the above Masses if you want to offer your kind prayer
to Fr Mendoza.
May we all wish Fr Mendoza rest in peace.
Edward Ng, President
我們敬愛的 Miss Kitty Ho 於本年七月已正式離職玫瑰崗,舊生會一班執委於今天 August 5 2010 (星期四)七時半約了她到利舞臺廣場 22 樓麒麟閣酒家共晉晚餐,以答謝她多年來為學校、為學生、為舊生會盡心盡力的付出。如有同學或舊生也想向她道謝,歡迎大家自組來同一地點晚膳 Farewell Dinner for Miss. Kitty Ho at Unicorn Restaurant of Lee Theatre Plaza, organized by Old Students from Rosaryhill School; In this photo: Vincent Lee (photos), Simon Lee, Lydia Lau (photos), Joel Yuk Lun Choi, Edward Ng (photos), Helen Cheung (photos), Karen Yu (photos), Dodo Lung Yuk Yan
Vancouver British Columbia Canada August 2 2010 Peter Kwong: Celebrating Father Xavier's 80th birthday in Vancouver Canada
Saturday July
17 2010 - 80th Birthday Celebration of our respectful & beloved Fr. Lionel
Xavier (Rosaryhill
School Hong Kong) at Harbour
Grand Hotel
of Pictures on Facebook:
July 17 2010 -
Interview with our beloved Fr. Lionel Xavier By
Edward Ng or
80th Birthday Celebration of our
respectful & beloved Fr. Lionel Xavier
(Rosaryhill School Hong Kong)
Harbour Grand Hotel,
23 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong (MTR Fortress Hill Station Exit A)
Fee: HK$400/person
Should you want to come to this meaningful party, please complete the attached
form and send it to Please note that due to the
limited number of tables, all reservations will be on first-come-first-serve
The tentative itinerary to each region
July 17th, Sat, Hong Kong Celebration Dinner - contact Edith Shih
July 21st, Wed, Father Xavier travel from HK to Toronto Canada - contact Vivian
July 25 - 28th, Monte Carlo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - contact
July 31st, Sat, San Francisco, California, USA - 6pm at Hong Kong East Ocean
Restaurant, 3199 Powell Street, Emeryville, CA 94608, (510) 655-3388 /
(510)655-3389 Price per person - $50, contact Nelson Lam
August 2nd, Arrival in Vancouver - contact Lincoln Yeung
August 7th, Dinner for Father by the Vancouver RHS ALUMNI group, 7:00PM at the
Emperor (Dai Yuen) Chinese Restaurant in Richmond, all alumni and families are
welcome to join. Must sign up and paid for by July 1st.
August 8th, Father will be conducting a Mass for all of us in a private setting,
again all of our friends and families are welcome to join. Time of Mass is
August 9th, Father is leaving for Hong Kong.
Between August 04 and 07, we are still in the process of planning some other
activities for Father, e.g. a bus or train trip to Whistler, a Vancouver harbor
cruise with lunch or dinner.
Good news. Father Xavier's North America tour schedule is now all confirmed. Here's the details of Father's 80th Birthday Party/Toronto 2010 Reunion:
Hong Kong January 17 2010 - RHS Class of 69 Dinner
Hong Kong SAR - Class of 1978 will be meeting for dinner on 15th January 2010 at 7pm at the Chinese Recreation Club. Members from 1977, 1979 and 1980 are also welcome. 一九七八年畢業生將於本年一月十五日(星期五)晚上七時正假銅鑼灣中華游樂會舉行晚飯聚餐。一九七七年、一九七九年及一九八零年畢業生亦歡迎參加。If you are interested to join this dinner gathering, please send a confirmation email to on or before 11th January 2010. 敬請有意參加上述晚宴的會員在一用十一是前電郵至 訂座。 RHSOSA 玫瑰崗舊生會
Hong Kong November 24 2009 - RHS Class of 73 met at Chiu Ting 潮庭 Restaurant (Back L-R: Johnson Choi, Rosaline Mak, Wilson Chu, Noreen Ong & Helen Lung; Front L-R: Ellen Ng, Carmen Choi, Ann Mary Lau & Alice Pong)
San Francisco California USA September 26 2009 - HKCHcc Members, UH TIM Alumni,
RHS Alumni and Friends met for BBQ Party with Plenty of California Wine and
Academic Talk Videos
Edith Shih
Academic Talk
Alice Lau Academic Talk
Video and Photos of RHS Golden
Jubilee Gala Dinner November 2008
San Francisco California USA Sunday August
16 2009: Fr. Lionel Xavier met Rosaryhill Old Students (RHSOSA)
in the San Francisco/Bay
Area. Organized by Nelson Lam (RHS 69)
5:00pm at Saint Thomas the Apostle
Church at 3835 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA 94121 cross street 40th Avenue
7:00pm at Hong Kong Lounge, 5322 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94121
(415)668-8836 cross street 17th Avenue.
View Pictures on Facebook
View Event Video on Youtube
Video 1/2
2/2 (click on the link to view video online)
Toronto Ontario Canada - Tuesday - August
11 2009 6:00pm
Father Xavier has confirmed that he
will visit us in August. As usual, the OSA here will host a general reunion
while he is here. This year is the school's 50th anniversary. Father Francisco
has also confirmed that he will come to Toronto to celebrate this special
reunion with the alumni here. (China Buffet King, 22 Metropolitan Road, Scarborough (one light south of
401, east of Warden Ave)
Cost: $30/person;
For further information, please contact Vivian Yan at
This reunion set a few records:
(1) Highest attendance - 125. The previous record was 96, 1985 ,
Spring Villa Restaurant
(2) The attendance of the present Father Supervisor
(3) The attendance of 2 fathers in the same reunion
(4) The largest number of new comers (attending our reunion for the first time).
Don't have the exact figure yet. Estimated to be around 50.
(5) The youngest alumnus - 2004. The previous record was 1994.
(6) The first time we made a donation to the school.
(7) The first time we had such a large amount of souvenir from the school for
lucky draw. Thanks to Fr. Francisco who hand carried them from HKG to Spain,
from Spain to Toronto.
Photo on Facebook Courtesy of Maisie Ng
Photo on Facebook Courtesy of Maureen Wu
Photo on Facebook Courtesy of We are
Rosarians in Toronto
Photo on Flickr Courtesy of Darwin Tsai (RHS
Photo on Flickr Courtesy of Vivian Yan (RHS
Video on Facebook Courtesy of Maisie Ng
Video on YouTube Courtesy of Vivian Yan (RHS
Hong Kong SAR
July 10 2009年7月10
(星期五 Friday)
Event Photo on Facebook by Helen Cheung
Party of Ms Margaret Chang
Ms. Margaret Chang, the longest served teacher at
Rosaryhill School, is retiring after the end of this academic year. Ms.
Chang has served the Primary Section for 45 years, and she sees RHS as her
second home. Ms. Chang was the Head of
Chinese Language and
besides Chinese Language, she also teaches Religious Studies and Art.
To show our respect to Ms. Chang, RHSOSA would like to invite her past students
to participate in the retirement party, which is organized by the primary
section. Your presence would definitely give her a surprise! Please come and
celebrate with Ms. Chang for this joyful moment. Details of the event are as
Date: 10th July 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7:00pm-10:30pm
Fees: HK$300 per person
Venue: Metropol
Restaurant -- 4/F United Center, Admiralty
To make reservation, please deposit to the
HSBC Savings Account No.002-0-191581 of "Rosaryhill School Old Students
Association" no later than 5th July 2009 (Sunday), and then email your name,
contact number, amount deposited and HSBC transaction reference number to
to secure your seat. Please note that amount paid is non-refundable.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at
We look forward to seeing you on
10th July and let's make it an unforgettable night for Ms. Chang!
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 7:25am
Letter from Singer Kelly Chen to Rosaryhill School Hong Kong SAR
Dearest Father Francisco,
It has been a long time since my days at Rosaryhill, I hope that the years have
been good to you. The recent events concerning drug use by Rosaryhill students
has surprised me and I cannot accept your apology as I believe that the fault
lies not in your hands.
Firstly, I am and will always be proud of being a Rosaryhill alumni, as the
education I received from the school has in many ways molded the person I am
today and for that I thank you. Drugs and drug use is nothing new. It has always
been a controversial issue and prevalent taboo in society since the days I
attended Rosaryhill. That said, there should never be excuses for recreational
drug use today, especially by children who are old enough to make educated
choices. In hindsight however, there is always more that could have been done to
deter students from experimenting with drugs. And most importantly, this is what
I have been questioning myself upon reading the news about the Rosaryhill drug
use incident; What can I do to bring the message across about the negative
consequences with drug use? What can I do to help children make the right
decision during that critical moment? In the end, what can I do to stop children
from taking drugs?
I cannot say that I have done extensive research concerning the statistics of
drug use, nor can I say by experience that drugs are bad. I believe that there
are enough references in popular culture that explore the negative results and
impact that drugs can have on people and their friends and family. It is because
of this, that I had made the clear decision not to experiment with drugs. And
although there have been those around me who have used drugs, I have never given
in to peer pressure. In the end, it is my body and my life, and those are my
If I could be of any help, it would be my honor to have the chance to speak with
this new generation of Rosaryhill students. It's not my intention to teach them
about the negative aspects of drugs for those I am sure they already know.
Instead, I would like to share with them parts of my life story, how I have
progressed through my studies and my career without having to either credit drug
use for my success nor blame it for my failures. Unfortunately, due to my
pregnancy, this may not be the best time for me to speak to them, however, I
would love to have the opportunity in due time should you be interested. Please
extend my words to ALL those at Rosaryhill, and let them know that it is my
sincere intention to be able to speak to them once convenient.
Kelly Chen
June 2009 - DRUG
- I believe all of you must be aware of the recent dangerous drug
abuse incident that happened in the Secondary Section in Rosaryhill School
(“RHS” or “School”). The case has been widely reported and it might also
raise your concerns for the School. The above incident can be summarized as
On the 2nd June 2009 during the lunch break, one student was seen to have
behaved abnormally in the playground. The incident was immediately reported
to the Discipline Head who followed up the case immediately. After
investigation four students confessed that they had consumed ketamine in the
girl’s changing room. However, by the time when the four students were
found, they were already behaving normally and consciously. No dangerous
drugs were found either on the four students or in their school bags.
Nevertheless, the Discipline Head immediately notified their parents and
also the Hong Kong Police’s School Liaison Officer of Wanchai District for
professional advice. The Officer advised that the School could handle the
matter internally as no drugs were found and the girls involved remained
conscious. With regard to the students involved, apart from imposing
appropriate punishments for their wrong doing, the School has also taken
positive actions by providing counseling to the students involved, who are
also victims of the present drug abuse incident.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to encounter two of the four young girls
involved; they both appeared to be relatively immature. They were very
remorseful for the terrible mistake they had made and the embarrassment they
had caused the school and the student. They both also seemed to have learned
a big lesson from this incident and these foolish youngsters now need our
support especially from you, the Old Students.
One of the reasons why the incident has attracted wide media coverage was
because drug abuse by youngsters is becoming a serious social problem across
Hong Kong. Reputable schools like RHS now has also become a victim of it. As
the President of RHSOSA, I hope that you will face the above incident with a
positive attitude. This drug abuse incident was unfortunate but it was an
isolated incident. Since the incident the School has been taking a very
responsible approach and the School management has also been dealing with
the incident efficiently and appropriately. Therefore, I urge you to
continue to trust the School’s management as they have been handling the
present case with great care and they have also taken the opportunity to
educate all of the students about the harm that could be brought by drug
If you want to offer your help to the School, I urge you to support RHS by
participating in RHSOSA’s following projects:
First, RHSOSA will launch a “Mentorship Program” together with the
Secondary Section of RHS starting next academic year. It is a programme
which will allow RHS’ old students to provide guidance and to share their
experience with the current students. Through this program we also hope
that the current students will be inspired by their predecessors and
hopefully they can find their goals and directions for the future. Second,
apart from some special occasions, the RHSOSA’s Executive Committee has
decided that our future activities would more charity oriented. The first
activity of this kind, the “OXFAM Rice Sale”, was held earlier last month.
With the participation of both the old students and current students, the
activity turned out to be a big success. Moreover, RHSOSA has already
committed to do various charitable projects with different charities in the
coming 12 months to help those under-privileged in this society. We hope
that you will support us by taking part in one or both of the two programs
As past Rosarians, if you want to show your support for the current RHS
students, I invite you to write a few words to encourage them as they should
now focus on preparing for their final examinations. Please write a short
message (not longer than 30 words) and send it to on or
before 12th June 2009. We will post your kind words on the RHSOSA bulletin
board and at other prominent places
I believe most of you care about RHS. At present the School’s reputation is
facing a huge challenge after this incident; therefore, I hope you will
continue your support to your Alma Mater as usual.
Lastly, please feel free to forward this letter to other old students and
teachers who you know have not registered as our members yet.
Yours sincerely,
Edward Ng
前將你們的心意電郵致 ,
This will be held on Thursday 18 June 2009 at Sportful Garden Restaurant, 1/F
Tai Tung Building, 8 Fleming Road. Many of us have signed up but if you haven't
yet so done, please do so now (email me or my assistant Elaine Wong or call Edith
21281232, Elaine 2128 1290).
Saturday April 25 2009 - Betty Levan and Johnson Choi catching up with fellow RHS Alumni Branca Lee for lunch at Time Square Hong Kong
Saturday April 25 2009 - Johnson (RHS 1973, Past Commodore of Yachting Rotarian Hawaii USA and Metropolitan Rotary Club of Honolulu Member) & Carmen Choi attending fellow RHS Alumni Alice Liu's (Past Commodore of Yachting Rotarian Hong Kong) Bayview Sunshine Rotary Club annual fundraising party at the Hong Kong Police Officers' Club at Causeway Bay.
為著慶祝玫瑰崗學校金橲校慶,玫瑰崗學校在2009年3月29日將假香港理工大學賽馬會文娛廳舉行一個集話劇、舞蹈、唱歌及多媒體名為”MONTE DEL
MONTE DEL ROSARIO為多名校友及老師的共同創作,並由玫瑰崗各部門學生、老師、神父及舊生並同參與演出。
日期: 2009年3月29日(星期日)
時間: 晚上8時正 (表演為大約2小時,不設中場休息)
地點: 香港理工大學賽馬會文娛廳
票價: HK$350元及HK$250元(另有一些票價稍低的門票由學校各部門學生訂購)
訂票: 請閣下在2009年3月21前電郵閣下所需之價錢和數量到門票數量有限,訂票為先到先得).
Edward Ng
Hong Kong March 23 2009: Spring Dinner Reception
Hong Kong March 6 2009: One of the activities to celebrate the RHS Golden Jubilee are Academic Talks delivered by past students on topics of interest for current and past students, our beloved alumnus Ms. Edith Shih participated and presented hers on 6th March 2009, I am sure all of us are interested in knowing what she talked about, attached is the presentation materials which Edith has kindly consented to share with us, I personally feel it should be a useful tool to help to education our children to say the least. with Kind Regards - JOHN MAK
Download the presentation in PDF format
March 4 2009 - The Rosarian: 陳智思: 隨遇而安,積極面對 / Bernard Chan: Live One Day at a Time, Face Adversity Against All Odds for complete story
Rosaryhill School Old
Students Association (“RHSOSA”)’s next Annual General Meeting cum Dessert
Appreciation & Ball Games Competition on 28th February, 2009 (Saturday)
At the AGM on 28th February 2009, you will have the opportunity to vote for the
RHSOSA’s next president and the executive committee. If you are interested to
participate in running of RHSOSA or there is someone you would like to nominate,
attached please find the nomination form for your attention and please return it
to on or before
21st February 2009.
Apart from the Annual General Meeting, RHSOSA is also organizing an afternoon in
which you can get to learn how to make desserts or if you are a sports lover,
there will also be 2 competitions, badminton and basketball competitions. Prizes
will be given to winners of such competitions and games.
Details of the above event are as follows:
There will be 2 streams of event running at the same time before AGM both
starting at 2:15pm.
2:15pm: Dessert Demonstration – by Ms. Angelina Ho and Mr Wilson Kwok.
Ms Angelina Ho (RHS’ Panel Head of Home Economics) will demonstrate Banana Berry
Chiffon Pie" - "香蕉草苺雪芳批
Mr Wilson Kwok (Our almnus and a renowned Hong Kong gourmet, wine collector and
restaurateur; attached please find Wilson’s CV for your reference) will also
demonstrate Cream Puff with Ice Cream and Hot Fudge
Ball Games Competition - Basket Ball and Badminton.
3:45 p.m. 4:30 pm: AGM
4:30 pm: Prize presentation to the winners of the ball games competition.
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm: Refreshments
As we will have to make arrangements for the competitions, seats for the dessert
demonstration and refreshments in due course, we appreciate it if you would
contact us at
on or before 21st February 2009.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at or
We look forward to seeing you on 28th February 2009!!
Lastly, the RHSOSA wishes you a healthy and fruitful Year of the Ox!
Yours faithfully,
Edward Ng
President of RHSOSA (2008-2009)
school's Golden Jubilee celebration being held during this school year. The
first event will be the THANKSGIVING MASS and the OPENING CEREMONY that will
take place on 6 October 2008, at 10:00 a.m., presided by His Eminence
Cardinal Joseph Zen
and with the attendance of most of the previous school Supervisors,
concelebrating during the Mass. Your attendance to this event and to the other
events mentioned in this here will make our celebration more successful.
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Francisco de las Heras
Rosaryhill School
50th Anniversary Celebration
Gala Dinner is on 30 November 2008, at the Hong
Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
50th Anniversary Videos
(click on the video link to view)
South China Morning Post Hong
Sing Tao Newspaper Hong Kong (click on the small picture for full view)
Dear Alumni,
In the coming scholastic year, our School will step into its 50th year and the
school management is arranging a number of events to celebrate Rosaryhill School
Golden Jubilee (1959 – 2009). You may refer to the flyer below for details of
the events for tentative schedules. Please check with school or RHSOSA for most
updated information.
RHSOSA has the honour to take part in organising the Gala Dinner for the School.
This provides the opportunity of a lifetime for each of you to have a reunion
with your teachers and friends and to share your fond memories at Rosaryhill
School. We would also like to take this opportunity to assist the School in the
establishment of a HK$1.5 million Golden Jubilee Scholarship Fund for the
benefit of the students studying in the kindergarten, primary, secondary and
business sections. The objective of this scholarship fund is to award students
with outstanding academic performance. The school management is working on the
specifics, such as the criteria, guidelines, and the structure of the board of
Here are the details of the Gala Dinner:
Date: 30 November 2008, Sunday, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Place: The Convention Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Act now! Organize with your fellow classmates and order a table for your year of
graduation. You may also buy a table and invite your teachers and parents to
attend. You can easily figure out that there are not many tables available for
distribution among thousands of graduates from the past 50 years. All tables are
allocated on a first come, first serve basis. The Gala Dinner will only be
successful with your participation. Please book your table by filling in the
attached booking form. You can find further information at "e-news" section of
RHSOSA website: For
tax purpose, only ticket with a price above HK$750 can have the portion in
excess of HK$750 be claimed as donation. Receipts will be issued to individuals
based on the names provided by the person booking the table. Please kindly
forward this letter and the attached form to your fellow schoolmates, teachers,
parents and friends. They are all invited to join the Gala Dinner. For alumni
who have not yet registered to the new membership list, please visit our web
site and register.
Yours faithfully,
Edward Ng
Below are the final
schedules of the Rosaryhill School Golden Jubilee Celebration activities. Please
mark your calendar and come celebrate with us:
Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Mass cum Opening Ceremony
Date: Oct 6, 2008
Time: 10 am
Place: Rosaryhill School Charnwut Chan Hall
Note: School bus services at 9:00 am at Morrison Hill and Southern Playground
By Reservation only with Ms Kitty Tam, RHS Secretary at (852) 2835 5177
Golden Jubilee Gala Dinner
Date: Nov 30, 2008
Time: 6 pm
Place: Convention Hall at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center.
By Reservation only with Ms. Jacmi Cheung at (852) 2835 5177
Golden Jubilee Open Days
Date: Dec 6, 2008 / Dec 7, 2008
Time: 10 am - 5 pm / 10 am - 3 pm
Place: Rosaryhill School
Note: School bus services at 9:00 am at Morrison Hill and Southern Playground
Open to everyone
Golden Jubilee Academic Talks
Date/Topics (March and April 2009 guests to be confirmed):
Oct 31, 2008 (Barrie Ho - Institutional Architecture)
Jan 23, 2009 (Bernard Chan - The Rise of China: What it means for HK younger
Feb13, 2009 (Fr. Vicente Sanchez - Forgive and forget. Is it possible, is it
March 6, 2009 - TBC (Edith Shih - Not the smartest nor the most well-planned
- will I ever be successful / Edward Ng - The Road to becoming a barrister and
my life thereafter)
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Place: Rosaryhill School Auditorium
By Reservation only with Ms Kitty Tam, RHS Secretary at (852) 2835 5177
April 24, 2009 - TBC (Alice Lau - What I learn & earn from Performing Arts)
Golden Jubilee Musical Gala - Musical Gala (Monte Del Rosario: Mission Y
Escuela (Rosaryhill: Mission & School)
Date: March 28 / 29, 2009
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Place: Jockey Club Auditorium at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tickets and price will be available in 2009
Golden Jubilee Closing Ceremony
Date: July 10, 2009
Time: 10 am
Place: Rosaryhill School Charnwut Chan Hall
By Reservation only with Ms Kitty Tam, RHS Secretary at (852) 2835 5177
Enquiry e-mail:
Fax: 2838 6141 (Ms. Kitty Tam)
Lydia Lau (
Public Relations Director RHSOSA
Enter here to view
You are invited to view RHS OSA 2007 Toronto reunion photo album - Enter here to
Newsletters: March 2007
Hong Kong SAR Sunday November 2 2008
費用: 每位港幣280元正(包括旅遊巴文通、盆菜午餐、導遊服務)
Gala Dinner on 30 November 2008, at the Hong
Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
To: Past-students, parents and friends
Re: Activities of the GOLDEN JUBILEE
Dear past students, parents and friends of Rosaryhill School,
In August 2008 the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, and a few weeks
thereafter we will start with our 50th Anniversary Celebration. It is time that
we inform all of you about the activities that we have planned for our Golden
Jubilee celebration.
Opening Ceremony, in the form of Solemn Mass in the Bernard Charnwut Chan
Hall, in the morning of
6 October 2008 (the feast day of the school is the
following day, Our Lady of the Rosary). We will invite our past students,
parents and friends to join our staff and students to officially open our Golden
Jubilee celebration and to pray to God, through the intercession of Our Lady of
the Rosary, to continue bestowing on all of us His blessings.
Gala Dinner, on 30 November 2008, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
Centre. This celebration aims to gather our past students and friends, with the
past and current Supervisors, Principals, teachers, staff, and parents. Our
target is to gather more than 1000 persons for this dinner. The dinner also aims
at raising funds to cover part of the expenses of the celebration and to start a
scholarship that will be called the GOLDEN JUBILEE SCHOLARSHIP.
School Open Days, on 6 and 7 December 2008. The official opening of the
School Open Days will be held in the morning of 6 December. We have targeted the
Open Days closed to the Gala Dinner so those students who may come from abroad
can also enjoy this occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations.
Music Gala, towards the end of March 2009, at a venue to be confirmed. At
this Music Gala we will bring together the many talents of the past and the
current students, parents and staff who will perform in a Musical that is being
commissioned and written by persons related to our school. I can advance to you
the title, Noah’s Ark, or “the vision of a mission”.
5. Academic Activities, we will have four during the next school year, when we
will invite past students to deliver talks on topics of interest for current and
past students. We will let you have further details on these academic activities
6. Publications: we have already approached some of you about one of the
publications, the History Booklet that we plan to publish. There will also be
two DVDs presenting the school and the activities to be held during the
Closing of Anniversary Celebrations, in the month of July 2009.
Our Golden Jubilee celebrations will only be successful with the participation
of all Rosarians and friends of the school. Please start making plans for the
next school year so that you can be part of this important celebration in the
life of the school, significant especially for those who have been and are part
of her.
May God and our Patroness, the Lady of the Rosary, bless us all,
Fr. Francisco de las Heras
May 4 2008: Celebrating 2008 SBA Minority Small Business Champion of the Year - National Winner Award with Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee, Brenda Foster - President of AmCham Shanghai, Larry Foster - Former Dean and Professor of UH Law School, Dennis & Brenda Teranishi - CEO of Hawaiian Host Chocolates, Michael & Jenny Zhang - President and CEO of Blue Hawaii Surf, Yen Chun & Dickie Ching - COO of CMC Consulting Group Inc and Shao Jun Zhang - Dean of Fudan Shanghai Art College at the Mandalay Restaurant
April 30 2008 - SBA Hawaii Presenting the 2008 SBA Small Business Award Winner
at the Hilton Hawaiian Village - special thanks to Dean Emeritus Chuck Gee,
Dennis Teranishi, Brenda Foster for the support during the competition on the
State, Regional and National levels and my wife Carmen for allowing me to spend
20+ hours per week on HKCHcc and other non-profit organizations such as T.I.M.
International Inc, Hawaii Pacific Export Council, Hawaii Chinese Association and
the U.S.-China People Friendship Association; special thanks also to our
Founding Members and Directors of HKCHcc for their continuous support.
March 18 2008
Rosaryhill School Alumni - Johnson Choi (RHS 1973) - "2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year" By U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
We are informed by Mr. Steven C Preston, Administrator of the United States
Small business Administration (SBA) Washington DC that Johnson Choi, President
of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) has won the Top SBA
Award in our category, the "2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year"
as defined by the SBA is "To Honor Individuals Who Have Fulfilled a Commitment
to Support and Assist Minority Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners" (Note:
HKCHcc have won the "Hawaii award" as well as the "Regional Award" – topping the
other Minority Small Business Champs in 50 States and Guam to qualify to compete
and winning the "national" award, the top honor in our category).
Honolulu businessman Johnson Choi was honored by the Small Business Administration as 2008 Minority Champion during a ceremony today in the nation's capital. Choi was one of 10 small-business owners and leaders of small-business support organizations nationwide recognized for their support of entrepreneurs. The SBA Champion Awards were presented as part of the annual observance of National Small Business Week. Choi, president of the Hong Kong-China-Hawai'i Chamber of Commerce, works with many Asian immigrants to start businesses, particularly in the area of exporting. He won at the state and regional level before claiming the national title. "The SBA is proud to honor these men and women as true champions of small business, whose tireless efforts have provided tangible and significant support to small businesses and to their communities," said SBA Administrator Steve Preston.
Video 1/3
Video 2/3
Video 3/3
CNN Shadow TV
By Special Invitation ONLY: President
George Bush will be hosting a reception "The President's Remarks on National
Small Business Week" - Wednesday - April 23 2008 - 3:00 to 6:00pm - The White
House - East Room
- SBA will be webcasting all of the award events***
and the forums!! click on this link to log
onto the website the day and time of the event and you will see a link to the
Hawaii Women's Business Center hosts Small
Business Awards Luncheon on April 30 2008 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Hilton
Hawaiian Village
Online Registrations:
Group of 10
- Return form with payment no later
than April 25, 2008 to The Hawai'i Women's Business Center is located in
downtown, Honolulu, in the Heart of Chinatown: 1041 Nu'uanu Avenue, Suite A,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817; Phone: 808.526.1001; FAX: 808.550.0724 Cost:
$45.00 per person, $450 for table of 10 (Check payable to Hawaii Women's
Business Center)
- FUND RAISING WALKATHON on December 2, 2007
RHSOSA invites you to take part in our next outdoor event, which is also
Rosaryhill School 's biannual fundraising hiking event – 'Rosaryhill School Fund
Raising Walkathon 2007. Our Alma Marta is raising funds to better equip the
special rooms on the 5/F by installation of air-conditioning and wiring, thus
providing better learning environment to its students.
To participate in this event, you can either sponsor our teachers or fathers to
finish the whole route or you could also seek donations from others and finish
the hike yourself.
If you are interested to join this activity, please complete the attached forms
and return to us at by 24th November 2007.
Date: 2nd December 2007
Gathering Time: 9:00am (Basement, Rosaryhill School )
9:30am (Tai Tam Reservoir Road next to Hong Kong Parkview)
Route: Tai Tam Reservoir Road next to Hong Kong Park View
陽明山莊 to Mount Park Road, Quarry Bay
Duration: About 2 hours
Lunch: 彩雲軒酒家 in Quarry Bay (to be shared by participants)
Shuttle Bus Services (1 bus every 7-10 minutes)
(1) For non- school bus passengers and parents
Morrison Hill Station → School: (1st bus) 7:30 a.m. (Last bus) 9:00 a.m
(2) For all participants
School → Start Point (1st bus) 7:45 a.m. (Last bus) 9:45 a.m.
Route Map:
Look forward to seeing you all!
Please visit our website
Saturday 17 November 2007
The summer being over and we are now back
to our routine life, it is time to get back to our normal gathering schedule. I
set out below forthcoming gatherings as follows:
Dinner at a venue to be determined, at 7pm. We have visiting with us Ms
Virginia Ho, former assistant principal of secondary section and her husband
Peter Tse from Vancouver and Antonia Chan and husband Robert Ying (both alumni)
from Los Angeles, and possibly others.
And don't forget the Golden Jubilee Celebration dinner which is tentatively,
scheduled for the last week of November 2008. We hope to be able to confirm the
exact date shortly but meantime, please pencil the event in your diary.
As I'm writing this email abroad and do not have the facility of my full RHS
alumni directories, I am bound to have missed out some names. Please kindly
forward this email to fellow alumni as you see fit.
You will also notice that I am circulated this email to many overseas alumni. I
am hoping that perchance some of you might be in Hong Kong or know of someone
that might be back in Hong Kong on the relevant dates. Please pass the email
along and invite them to our gatherings.
For those that are able to attend the 7 October gathering, please may I have
your response no later than noon Thursday 4 October. Response date for the 17
November gathering is close of business on Tuesday 13 November 2007. Please
email me or my
assistant Elaine Wong
or call Elaine - tel. 2128 1290. If there should be any questions, please do not
hesitate to email or call.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Edith Shih
Sunday, October 7 2007 Hong Kong SAR
Dinner at Rosaryhill School at 7:00pm. We have visiting with us Johnson ('73) and Carmen Choi from Honolulu. Come and revisit our school days. Bring the family. Very casual.
Thursday, July 26, 2007 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Xavier is coming to visit Toronto this July. While he is in Toronto the RHS OSA
will host another reunion.
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2007
Time: 6:30pm
Place: China Buffer King Restaurant, (the same old restaurant for the last 4
Address: 22 Metropolitan Road, Scarborough (one light south of 401, East of
Warden, next to Howard Johnson Hotel)
Cost: $25.00 per person
Contact: Vivian Yan (
This reunion is open to all members of the RHS family - past students, ex-staff
and ex-teachers are all welcome.
Monday - July 9, 2007 Hong Kong SAR
Edith Shih (RHS 69) is pleased to
advise you that there will be a gathering of the alumni '67 - '69 the
details of which are as follows:
Date: Monday 9 July 2007 at 12:45 pm
Place: Carnavon Room, Hong Kong Club, 1st Floor, Hong Kong Club Building,
Jackson Room
Cost: HK$250 per person
Attire: Coat and tie required, no jeans and no running shoes
Reservation in the name of EDITH SHIH
Please let me know whether you are able to come. Let's meet up before we
disperse for the summer. It I have missed anyone, please forward the mail.
Looking forward to seeing you.
You can reach Edith by calling (852) 2128-1233 or email:
Sunday - June 24, 2007 Macau SAR
first event (2007/2008) is a trip out of Hong Kong to visit Father Xavier on
June 24 2007, RHSOSA's Honorary President for Life, in Macau! Apart from
visiting St Paul, the school where Father Xavier is now teaching, and Macau
Museum, we will also be celebrating Father Xavier's 77th birthday with him at
lunch in Macau. Details are set out as below:
9:15am Departs HK for Macau
11:00am Visiting Father Xavier at St Paul
12:00noon Father Xavier's Birthday Lunch Celebration
1:30pm A visit to Macau Museum
2:30pm Free time (Drop off points: Macau Tower, Down town, Macau ferry terminal)
Price: $650 (including return ferry tickets, coach transportation, lunch)
Quota: 40 people
If you are interested to join us, please email to on or
before 13th June 2007, or to visit ROSOSA website:
Best regards,
June 14, 2007: Fanny Ma (RHS 69) Los Angels Visit
29 March 2007 dinner in Hong Kong - Over 40 participants with Fanny Ma '69 and Edwin Wong '67 from the Bay area. Teachers included Fr Xavier, Mr Stephen Tsai, Mr. Paul Chan and Mrs. Grace Yip.
March 3, 2007 Hong Kong
Please mark your diaries for the
RHSOSA's next and final event of this year (2006-2007) - "Pun Choi Lunch +
Annual General Meeting". You will have the opportunity to have "Poon Choi"
together with other old school friends and you will get to elect our next
executive committees! Please find details of this activity as follows:
Date: 3/3/2007
Time: 2pm (Pun Choi)
Venue: Newly renovated RHS School Hall
Fees: HK$90 (adult) HK$50 (child)
Enrolment method:
1. Deposit exact fees into RHSOSA's HSBC a/c 002-0-191581, and
2. Fax the bank-in slip to 2810-0777 (Attn: Edward Ng) or
3. Email the bank-in reference no. to with your personal information including a) No. of
participants & name (adult/child) & b) Contact phone number.
Deadline for Enrolment: 25th February 2007
We look forward to seeing you in our below event on 3rd March 2007!
November 25, 2006 China Club Hong Kong
Lunch with Edith, Christina, Stephen, Fred, Justin, Jason, Johnson and Carmen
China Club
Roof Top of China Club
click on the small pictures for full view
September 22, 2006 Los Angels USA
Aug 6, 2006 Los Angels USA
Enter here to view more pictures courtesy of Antonia Ying
July 29, 2006 Hong Kong
Farewell Dinner & Mahjong Competition 2006
Farewell Dinner for a number of retired/retiring teachers including Ms So Choi
Yin (names of those who can attend will be confirmed in due course) and our
secondary school principal Fr. Fancisco. To make the event more entertaining,
RHSOSA will also have our 1st Mahjong Competition; There will be a cash prize of
HK$1000 for the Winner, the King/Queen of Mahjong, of the Mahjong Competition
Details of the event are as follows:
Date: 29th July 2006
Time: 4:30pm - 10:30pm
Venue: Foo Lum Restaurant at Shun Tak Centre in Sheung Wan
Price: $400 (Mahjong Competition + OSA Dinner); $300 (OSA Dinner Only for
Mahjong competition
Lucky Draw
To make reservation, please make payment into our HSBC Savings Account No.
002-0-191581 and e-mail us your name, contact phone and the reference number on
your pay-in-slip to
or call Jacky Chan at 011-852-9348-8780 on or before 5th July 2006.
May 31, 2006
Saint Paul School (Macau): Day trip
Visiting Father Xavier, Father Alejandro and Father Jose by Edith Shih, Anthony
Chan, Christina & Fred Ma and Johnson Choi
Click on the picture below to view
video online
December 18, 2005
RHS Campus for New Wing Dedication
November 24, 2005
RHS Alumni gathering at the Yacht Club in Hong Kong - Edith Shih, Theresa Bau, Catherine Tam and Others
December 1, 2005
Christmas is coming! To celebrate the festival as well as the expansion of Rosaryhill School (“RHS”), Rosaryhill School Old Student Association (“RHSOSA”) is organizing a fund raising dinner named “Christmas Dinner @ Home” on 10th December 2005 . You are cordially invited to attend the party to share the joy of Christmas with us at Rosaryhill School .
Details of the event are as follows:
Date: 10th December 2005
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: School Hall of RHS
Dinner: Western Buffet
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Price: $650 (adult/kid), $600 ($50 discount to F.5 graduates from 1995, 1985, 1975 and 1965 for the celebration of their 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th graduation annivesaries)
If you are interested to attend the party, please email us to make reservation. Payment should be made to our HSBC bank account numbered 002-0-191581 and email us the reference number of your payment receipt on or before 30th November 2005.If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact Ms Angela Kwong at 6077-7000 or by email to Moreover, we are looking for photos of old school life for the preparation of the slideshow. Please feel free to send RHSOSA your old photos via email to so that you could share your memories in RHS with us.
November 24, 2005
Photos taken at a gathering on 24 November at the HK Royal Yacht Club, combining '68 and '69 graduates. The visitors from abroad are: Maria Siu Chu from LA (69), Catherine Ho Tam from Vancouver (69) and Teresa Bau Ng from Toronto (68). It was a good turnout.
November 20, 2005
Johnson Choi**, Commodore of IYFR Hawaii fleet (2005 - 2007) Visiting IYFR Hong Kong Fleet on board of "Spirit of Hong Kong", Captain Alice Liu** - IYFR HK Fleet Commodore 2002 - 2004; Cassidy Lam - IYFR HK Fleet Commodore 2005 and Douglas Hsia - IYFR HK Fleet Commodore 2006
**Rosaryhill School Hong Kong Alumni
November 18, 2005
Getting together - RHS Class of 1969 and 1973 (mark your calendar for Dec 18th, Sunday, 2:00pm on RHS Campus for New Wing Dedication)
Click on the SMALL pictures for FULL view
November 17, 2005
Visiting Father Lionel Xavier, Principal Emeritus of the Rosaryhill High School and a Friend for more than 30 years, it has also given us the opportunity to observe various mega casino and tourism developments in Macau
November 16, 2005
Christina & Fred Ma, Alice Liu, Robert Kwan, Johnson & Carmen Choi get together at Edith Shih home for dinner - dinner hosted by Edith Shih
April 24, 2005
RHSOSA is organizing a spring trip on Sunday, 24th April 2005 to visit "Wisdom
in Nature" of the Tai Po Kau Interactive Nature Centre. Before the visit, there
will be a BBQ lunch in Tai Mei Tuk BBQ King, plus opportunity to visit a
mushroom farm and to pick clams. We have also arranged RHS School Bus as
transportation in Causeway Bay and Kowloon Tong -
For the trip and registration detail, please visit
Rosaryhill School website -
January 23, 2005 - Hong Kong Jockey Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chan and Johnson Choi (Class
of 1973)
January 5, 2005
courtesy of "Antonia Ying" Class of 1969
Gathering for Philip Tam
from New York at Los Angeles, CA Jan 03, 2005. All graduated in 1969.
Back row - Abby Liu (wife)/Wilfred Liu/Robert Ying/David Cheung/Antonia Chan
Front row - Maria Man/Philip Tam/Margaret Tam (wife).
December 30, 2004
Say Final Goodbye to Our Fellow Alumni - Jenny Chin (1969)
The service will be on 12/30/04 10:30am at Oakhill Funeral Home and Memorial Park, 300 Curtner Ave, San Jose, California USA, Phone: (408) 795-2040; Please donate your money to American Cancer Society instead of sending flowers per Dave's wish.
December 26, 2004
David Sze's Wedding Pictures - courtesy of "Antonia Ying" Class of 1969
Click on the picture for full view
Picture#1 (Back Row)
Nelson Lam, Dicky Lau, Mosses Yim, Jacky Hung, Mr. Daman Chan (teacher) Ko Kim
Tong, David Sze(the bridegroom), Mrs. Nellie Luk, Franky Hung, Tommy Ng, Jason
Wong, Alfred Lo, Lawrance Yeung; (Front Row) Alco Leung, Roderick Chin, Philip
Chow, Sam Ho, Ernest Tse(Mrs Luk's son) Arnold Lai, Eric Leung, Jordan Wong
Picture#2 (Back Row) the second person is Jenny Chan and the Fifth one is my
wife Frances (not from Rosaryhill)
Most of them are graduated in the year 95 and some of them leave before
December 25, 2004
Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - God Bless!
Click on the small picture for full
Front: Mina Ho,
Antonia Chan, Fr. Xavier, David Yip, Steven Lam, Kady Shum
Rear: Rita Cheung, Stephen Yu, Catherine Lau, Edith Shih, Cecilia Sie, Ada Chan,
Anthony Chan, Robert Ying, Leo Mak, Samuel Li, Felix Wang
October 28, 2004
A Message
from Your old Pals from RHS (1969) - Antonia Chan & Robert Ying
Thank you for being shown up at the gathering: Edith Shih, Ada Chan, Catherine
Lau, Mina Ho, Cecilia Sie, Rita Cheung, Felix Wang, Sammie Lee, Stephen Yu and
his wife, Stephen Lam, Kady Shum, David Yip, Leo Mak, Anthony Chan, of course
Fr. Xavier, Robert & Antonia. Thanks so much for Rita being stopped by and said
hello even though she has another banquet arrangement at that night. Also thanks
Felix and Edith took all the times and effort to arrange such wonderful meeting.
Due to we have a super rush itinerary in this trip, we don’t even have
sufficient time to call each one of you to say thank you and goodbye. I hope
this e-mail will explain our busy schedule. Besides, after our gathering on Oct
17, I have lost my voice on Oct 19. Did I? Fr. Xavier. May be I was too exciting
and so much to talk about with friends and relatives. Robert is so painful that
I cannot be his spokeswoman during the trip. Every time, I visited orient, I
always lost my voice either for talking too much or Asia is too noisy, or too
tired or other allergy factors. Anyway, I was taking Chinese medicine during the
whole China Trip. Finally, I can speak on the last day at Hong Kong –Oct 24,
Oct 16-Arrived Hong Kong-Dinner at Lee Yuen Moon tasting all the fresh seafood.
My friend knows people over there. We have 15 items among 8 of us. At night, we
watched Samuel Hui concert. Sitting on the 4th front row, we can enjoy the
wonderful performance. Unfortunately, I missed Edith at the concert but at least
we talked on the phone at the end of the concert.
Oct 17-Gathering with Robert’s cousin at lunch. Afternoon tea with Los Angeles'
old friends, who have returned from L.A. permanently. My friend also invited us
to attend a French national treasure First Time exhibition in Asia of Picasso’s
Parade. We were told this exhibition will not be shown again in 20 years. How
lucky we are! That’s why we were late for Rosaryhill dinner gathering. But at
least we caught a group photo on time and able to meet Rita before she has to
rush to the banquet.
Oct 18- Whole day at my nephew’s wedding.
Oct 19-Macau- The family chartered a bus to pay respect to our parents at How
See. We picked up Fr. Xavier for lunch. Fortunately, my friend from L.A.
returned Macau for vacation at the same time. So she can be our local tour
guide. We went to see few famous places and have a wonderful lunch at King Kuan
Rok, a local Portuguese restaurant. Food is traditional, good and reasonable. My
family left around 6:00pm and we stayed at Sands Casino. The casino is better
than any others in Macau. All changed girls/boys are very courtesy and no forced
tips. I think the machine payoff system is still incomplete but it is too
complicated to explain. Please check out when you going to Macau.
Oct 20-Family private trip-Ningbo-It is a new developed city but not as
beautiful at Shanghai. We visited the home of Lo Sung (the writer) and few
places. At the hotel, men can get a special message for a special offer. It is a
typical business in China as I was told. Girls, please watch out your man!
Oct 21-Chung Hing/Hon Chou- These are older and noise cities. Robert has been
offered for $300 Yuen for a call girl on the street while I was doing shopping.
Maybe that’s why he is out after hour (I am just joking).
Oct 22-Young Ting Lake for Shanghai Crabs; Tai Chong- visiting my brother-in-law
580 acres manufacturing project and checked in at Shanghai. After dinner, visit
my sister who lives in Shanghai. Shanghai is so beautiful at night.
Oct 23- We have 1 hour shopping in the morning. After checkout, City tour of Poi
East and West (Beautiful buildings and developments). We took Shanghai Maglev
Train to airport which runs 431kmph (268 mph). It is the world fastest Maglev
train. The flight was one hour delayed without any reason (watch out Eastern
China Airline).
Oct 24- Return to L.A. The weather was getting cold. We have to turn on the
heater. There were thunder storms while we were out. L.A. is so quite as
compared to Asia. Home Sweet Home. Our three dogs and a cat were waiting.
We hope we have shared our trip with you. Please make sure if you visit Los
Angeles, contact (011852) 626-284-1262 or if you go to Macau, please contact Fr.
Xavier at:
Escola Sao Paulo School (853) 763-637 x 638
Mobile (853) 651-6061 (Macau)
Mobile (852) 6188-1064 (HK)
Fr. Lionel Xavier, O.P.
Avda, Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado, s/n
Block 1, 14 Andar A/D, Ed. Pak Van Garden, Macau (RAEM)
His apartment is very close to Sands Casino. He said gambling is not a sin. You
probably can meet him or catch him at the casino.
From our Fellow Alumni Bernard Chan
As some of you may have
heard, I have been appointed to Hong Kong's Executive Council (Exco). I thought
you might be interested to hear more about it.
Under Hong Kong¡¦s constitution, the basic Law, Exco advises the Chief Executive
on policy (see In practice, it is Hong
Kong¡¦s top public policymaking body. It plays essentially the same role in Hong
Kong¡¦s government as the cabinet in the US.
Its president is the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee-hwa. He appoints some other
members from his principal policy officials ¡V or ministers ¡V in charge of
areas like finance, health, education, etc. But he also appoints some without
official portfolios from the rest of the community. I am one of that unofficial
group. There are currently 22 members, 7 of them unofficial.
Mr Tung offered me a seat on Exco soon after the new Legislative Council (Legco)
session began in early October, following the election in mid-September. I
believe this is essentially to broaden Exco. I remain a member of Legco, and he
feels I might be able to encourage some of my colleagues in Legco to vote in
favour of the administration, though I am not in a position to guarantee this.
He probably also sees me as a potential bridge between the business sector and
other parts of the community, because of my links with the welfare sector. I
also bring more financial sector experience into Exco, as does another new
unofficial member, Ms Laura Cha, formerly a senior market regulator in Hong Kong
and then in Beijing.
It was a shock when Mr Tung made me this offer, and I had to think very
seriously about it. As a member of Exco, I am part of the government and must
publicly support all government policies. I cannot criticise or even differ from
the administration in the media or the Legislative Council. So I lose some
independence. I do gain a much higher public profile, but that is not
necessarily a good thing, as this administration is unpopular among much of the
So why am I doing it? Basically, I see this as a rare chance to have some input
into government policy and maybe play a small part in improving the quality of
governance in Hong Kong today. In other words, I think I can do more by having a
voice behind closed doors. Maybe I am naïve to think I can make a difference,
but there is only one way to find out. There are times when an opportunity comes
along, and you have to take it.
This has come as quite a surprise, and it's going to be something of a learning
experience for me. Exco proceedings are strictly confidential, so I won¡¦t be
able to say much about it, but if you have any questions or comments, I look
forward to receiving them.
September 29, 2004
Rosaryhill School June 2004 Newsletter in Microsoft Word Format
RSVP before October 13, 2004
Felix Wang
Edith Shih
Antonia Chan/Robert Ying
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
RHSOSA proudly presents an interesting event at the end of October - HALLOWEEN
PARTY AT ROSARYHILL SCHOOL. The event will be held on 30th October at School to
give you the chance to explore our campus in the dark. Fine food will be served
with drinks and wine, and we will have games/treasure hunt after dinner. There
will also be a best dress competition for all participants. Optional Halloween
make-up will also be available during the night.
You are...
- advised to bring your own torch as we don't promise any lights during the
night.. :)
- suggested to dress well (or weird) to win the best dress competition
- encouraged to form your own treasure hunt team (4-6 people)
The Halloween Party at RHS is expected to be one of the funniest event that we
have ever organized. Please act now, register with Angela (60777000) or email
'', book your seats
asap and get ready for the exciting night.
Payment can be made to RHSOSA account at HSBC 002-0-191581 Please inform Angela
for the payment receipt number, or email '' alternatively.
Eric Lee
RHSOSA President
August 21, 2004
Alfred and Sophie Cheng ('73) visited
Honolulu Hawaii and spend some time with former classmates and friend for more
30 years, Johnson Choi ('73) at the Hong Kong Harbourview Seafood Restaurant,
Aloha Tower Market Place
August 6, 2004
News about our fellow alumni, Mr.
Bernard Chan - "The nomination period for candidates in the 2004 Legislative
Council elections ended. The Electoral Affairs Commission advises unopposed
candidates not to announce that they have been returned, as this is the
prerogative of officials. Still, with no other candidates coming forward in the
Insurance functional constituency, the media are announcing that I have been
returned for a third term. Assuming they are correct, it is a great honour for
me, and I would like to thank everyone for their support and advice and for the
confidence they have shown in me. I will do all I can to serve all sectors of
the insurance industry and Hong Kong as a whole in the coming four years."
"As I mentioned when I sent out my election platform on Tuesday, I am not
planning to run for a fourth term for this constituency. With political reform
on the way, the business community will have to share more political power with
other sectors, and it will need to form political partnerships and alliances
with other parts of the community. For this reason, I strongly believe we need
more people from the business sector taking an active role in politics. I
therefore intend to encourage some colleagues in the insurance industry to
develop an interest in the coming years and run for election in this
constituency in whatever form it may be in 2008. If I run for Legco again, it
will be in a direct election."
July 10, 2004
Father Xavier is visiting Toronto, Canada in August. Toronto RHS Alumni Association will organize a reunion on August 11th, contact Vivian Yan at for detail.
June 21, 2004
After teaching in Rosaryhill School for 32 years, our Deputy Principal, Ms. Cathy Lau decided to retire. The Rosaryhill School Old Students Association conducted an interview with Ms. Lau. From the interview, you can easily note that Ms. Lau is not the kind of person easily following the drift. With her never defeated spirit, she devoted her youth to the school and educated generations of Rosarians from the 1970s to 2000s. Although she is going to leave the school, she is still an important person linking the old boys. We take this opportunity wishing her a joyful retirement life. Enter here to view event pictures
January 23, 2004
Notification – 2003 Annual General
Meeting (AGM) – 1st February 2004
This letter notify you that the Rosaryhill School Old Students Association will
held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in
school hall of Rosaryhill School; 41B Stubbs Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
The following is the agenda of the AGM
2003 Annual Report
Receive and adopt the 2003 Annual Report submitted by the Executive Committee
Resignation of the 2003 Executive Committee
Honorary President Address
Election of the 2004 Executive Committee
(Attached is the nomination form for 2004 Executive Committee, all nomination
form must be received on or before 25th January 2004).
We are looking forward to seeing you in the AGM
Yours truly,
Patrick A. Rozario
Rosaryhill School Old Students Association
January 15, 2004
Judy Lam's Hong
Kong Visit 13 Jan2004. Posted by Paul Chan
January 5, 2004
Chinese New Year 'Pun Choi' Lunch - 新春盆菜宴
1st February, 2004
Venue: School Hall,
Rosaryhill School
Time: 12:30pm, 1pm start
HK$90 per head - Please
mention your graduation year and we'll try to arrange your seat.
Children under 12:
HKD 50 per head.
You can also book on a TABLE basis, invite your friends and family to join the big gathering and it will only cost you HKD 999. ( A table would roughly fit 12 people).
Please make your payment to RHSOSA account at HSBC Account 002-0-191581, and quote us the transaction number or receipt by 21st January. For any queries, please contact Angela at 60777000 or
: 2004年2月1日(年初十一)
時間 :12:30 pm
地點 :玫瑰崗學校禮堂
原隻九孔鮮鮑 /
香煎大明蝦 /
花彫龍崗雞 /
明爐掛爐鴨 /
小棠菜發財鯪魚球 /
福州魚丸豆卜 /
翅群津白 /
蠔豉 冬菇 /
土魷 枝竹 /
炆豬皮 炆蘿蔔 /
炆筍花 炆腩肉 /
白飯 ,
白粥 /
餐酒 ,
或電60777000與Angela Kwong聯絡
August 15, 2003
Howard Fung & Johnson Choi, Honolulu, Hawaii USA
August 10, 2003
June 17, 2003
Posted by Richard Yeung, Toronto,
Ontario Canada
"Richard Yeung" <>
Peter Hui,
Fred,_Fr. Xavier & Peter Au Yeung (Posted by Peter Au Yeung on 6/30/2003)
Leo Chan
(Red), director of site operations, Mandarin Oriental
April 1, 2003
Pop star, actor
and director Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing plunged to his death from the Mandarin
Oriental hotel in Central in an apparent suicide last night. Cheung, 46 - star
of the hit 1993 movie Farewell My Concubine - fell from the 24th floor window of
the hotel and was found lying in Connaught Road at 6.41pm.
It was Nov 2002 when I met him again in Hong Kong. Father Xavier and I was
talking about him, hoping to invite Leslie as our honor guest at our next
Cousins of Leslie Cheung, his assistant Chung Pui-kong
(centre), and the star's long-time companion Tong Hok-tak (second right) attend
his funeral yesterday. More than 1,000 fans lined the pavements as superstar
Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing made his last journey through Hong Kong's streets from
the Hong Kong Funeral Home to the Cape Collinson crematorium yesterday.
Followers waved and wept as the hearse, covered with Cheung's favourite white
flowers and green leaves, carried their idol to his last resting place. Many had
been waiting since early morning to say their final farewells. Mourners began
arriving at the North Point funeral parlour at 8am. Among those from the world
of entertainment who paid their respects were Lydia Sum Tin-ha, Derek Yee Tung-shing,
Alan Tang Kwong-wing, Peter Chan Ho-sun, Cheung's first girlfriend Teresa Mo
Shun-kwan, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Carina Lau Ka-ling, Tsui Hark, Jacky Cheung
Hok-yau, Anita Mui Yim-fong, Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia, Nicholas Tse, Karen Mok
Man-wai, Ti Lung and Faye Wong.
Prize Giving Day 2002 - Nov 16th - Rosaryhill School Hong Kong
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada Reunion August 2002
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