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to Johnson Choi (RHS Class of '73)
Rosaryhill School Rosaryhill School Old Students' Association Hong Kong School Alumni Federation Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc)
阿Sa 蔡卓研專訪 Interview with Charlene Choi September 10 2012
相信一提到四樓新翼的時候,可能有很多校友都不知道那裡有一間「蔡卓研學生活動室」。筆者這次更有幸在這裡與蔡卓研(Charlene, 阿Sa)促膝長談。對於這顆閃爍在娛樂圈的巨星,在過去的校園生活裏又是怎樣一番光景呢?
其實, 阿Sa是在中四的時候才由瑪利曼中學轉校過來玫瑰崗的。當被筆者問她為何會轉來去另一間學校讀書時,她笑笑說:「因為在中三學期尾的數學成績不太理想而不能在原校順利升讀中四,所以要轉校。」但香港有幾百間中學,又是什麼原因促使阿Sa選擇在玫瑰崗開展另一段的校園生活呢?原來阿Sa是十分喜歡藝術科,尤其是服裝設計,當她知道當時玫瑰崗也有服裝設計這個科目時,阿Sa便選擇加入玫瑰崗這個大家庭。
然而,對於一個轉校過來的新生,剛開始時當然會感到有點不太適應。「 開始來到這裡上學的時候,不禁感嘆這間學校真的好大,心中也莫名其妙地害怕起來。雖然也有一兩位跟我一起從舊校轉過來讀書,但畢竟這是一個新的環境,加上身邊沒什麼認識的人,自然會覺得有點害怕。而且,我是從女校轉過來的,老實說,當時父母確實是有點擔心的。記得當時每次有男同學打電話給我,他們就總會捉著我問長問短。」
說到這裡阿Sa也忍不住笑了,望了望身邊的盧凱儀老師(Ms.Harriet Lo),接著說:「當時我覺得玫瑰崗的老師都十分平易近人,他們都以朋友相處的方式對待學生,不會擺什麼架子。特別是
Ms. Lo。她真的很可愛,她是教我數學科的,記得學期初的時候,不知道為什麼,她委任我當班內的財政。老實說,我真的很驚訝,因為我的數學真的很差呢。但 Ms. Lo對我說對我有信心,從而增加了我對自己的自信和對這間學校的歸屬感。其實Ms.Lo很受我們全班的愛戴。她總是不厭其煩地教導學生。她又總是不好意思的樣子,真的很可愛又很攪笑呢。所以就算是班裡最調皮的男同學,也被Ms.Lo馴服地服服貼貼,她從來不會兇惡地責罵學生,相反她會用她的真誠去教導學生。」可見這一段深厚的師生情誼是在那時建立起來的。
其實阿Sa從中三開始,已開始為雜誌當兼職模特兒。當被筆者問起如何分配工作和讀書的時間,畢竟魚與熊掌難以兼得。她想了想:"其實在我開始做part time model的時候,我的父母也有提醒過我,必須好好分配自己的時間,所以我通常都在放學後才去為雜誌拍照的。我也絕不會因為工作而告假不上學的。」縱使後來“Y2K”的拍攝工作十分繁忙,但阿Sa亦堅持要參與會考,雖然最終會考成績不算十分理想,但畢竟比起讀書,她說她更享受演出”Y2K”的過程。
Ms. Lo 和區妙玲老師
- 一位是班主任,另一位是的任教服裝設計的老師。這時候阿Sa突然想到:"記得以前的訓導主任是很嚴厲的,但卻也能和同學打成一片。記得得有一次因為和同學發生些口角才被罰到訓導處,不然平時都很遵守校規。"但被問起是哪個老師,阿Sa頓時有點吞吞吐吐,但經過在場人一番討論後,才知道這個訓導主任就是鄧麗萍老師(Ms.Elsa Tang)。
原來阿Sa在會考後也在玫瑰崗的商科讀過一陣子,但正正在那時候,阿Sa剛剛與英皇集團簽約,為出道做準備,故此對於學業與事業兩者之間,阿Sa選擇了後者。 但她坦然並沒有後悔。阿Sa說:「我覺得自己真的很幸運。可以找到一分自己有興趣的工作。現在我有時候也會能聽見身邊的朋友埋怨自己的工作有多麼沉悶和不如意,所以我十分珍惜可以做自己有興趣和喜歡的工作。」
距離上次阿Sa回來母校已經是八年前了,Ms. Lo 對於阿Sa那次的到訪還記憶猶新:「記得上次是為了拍攝香港電台的一個節目而回來學校的。當時已是放學時間,我記得當阿Sa的車子一到“鬥獸場“的時候,那場面真的好震撼!鬥獸場在那時候被人群塞得水泄不通,當我要走過去接阿Sa的時候,那些學生不斷塞給我阿Sa的照片叫我幫他們拿簽名呢。無論走到哪裡他們就追到哪裡!我從那時候開始,深深感受到追星的瘋狂!"阿Sa回應道:「其實我也不太記得當時的情況,最讓我深刻的就是,8年前去了學校一些地方,原來有很多在我讀書時候是沒有去過的,我們的學校實在太大了!」
Lo 聯絡阿Sa時,都是希望她能捐錢幫助學校,對此阿Sa坦言沒有一絲不好的想法,相反她總是二話地慷慨解囊捐錢回饋母校,阿Sa很開心說:「我有能力去幫助自己的學校,讓自己的學弟學妹有更好的環境學習,是一件非常榮幸的事情!我是十分樂意去做的!」
閒談中談到 近年來的有數宗有關母校的負面新聞時,阿Sa也有一番見解:「其實我相信不只是我們學校有這些問題,每一間學校都會有自己不同的問題。學校發生這些事情,我覺得也只是個別學生的問題,可能時代不同也促使到學校內文化也逐漸地轉變。」
“work hard, play hard”!現在讀書壓力雖然很大,但中學階段卻是人生中最精彩的時間,希望學弟學妹們能好好享受這段在將來最值得回憶、最寶貴的日子!」
It is the pleasure of RHSOSA’s Editorial Team to have the opportunity to conduct an interview with one of our celebrity alumnus: Ms Charlene Choi.
Joining RHS family
Sitting in the room in the New Wing that was named after Charlene Choi, she shared with us how she joined Rosaryhill School. ‘I actually studied at Marymount Secondary School from Form 1 to Form 3 first before I came to Rosaryhill School to continue my secondary education. I decided to come to this school since I was allowed to be promoted to Form 4 in Marymount because my academic results were not very satisfactory. I chose Rosaryhill School by myself after having conducted some research on different secondary schools in the district. At that time, there was a subject called ‘textile design’ that interested me and since I was always fond of art subjects, I then decided to give Rosaryhill School a try.’
As a new student of Rosaryhill School, it was certainly quite a big change for Charlene to adapt at that time. ‘When I first came to this school, I said to myself: “Wow, this school is so big….” and I actually was a little scared. Although I did have a few friends who also were transferred to Rosaryhill from Marymount, afterall it was still a new environment to me and I also did not know that many people in this school, I was feeling quite insecured in the beginning. Moreover, I had always been studying in girls schools before; therefore, my parents were quite worried at that time. I still remember my parents always asked me lots of questions whenever I received phone calls from male classmates.’
When we asked Charlene about what she felt about Rosaryhill School, she said ‘ I felt that the teachers in this school were all very friendly. They always treated us as their friends. Ms Harriet Lo was one of them, we always thought she was very lovely teacher. As you know, Ms Lo is a mathematics teacher, she picked me to be the class’s treasurer for some unknown reasons…to be honest, I was really shocked because mathematics was always my weakest subject. However, Ms Lo told me that she had faith in me and that in fact strengthened my sense of belonging for Rosaryhill School. Furthermore, Ms Lo was extremely popular in our class. She always taught us with lots of patience. Although she was our teacher, she always talked to us shyly and that made her even more lovely….so even the naughtiest student in our class listened to her. It was all because Ms Lo never got mad at us and she never scolded us for anything. We all knew she used her heart to teach us so we all respected her a lot.’
Charlene first gained public attention from a TV drama series produced by RTHK called “Y2K” but she said she had yet joined the show business officially when she filmed “Y2K”. She said she formally joined the entertainment industry after her participation in “Y2K”. Then how did she get her part in “Y2K”? She told us ‘Actually it was in Form 5 when one of my classmates called Wendy invited me to act in a movie directed by Francis Ng Chun Yu as an extra. Eventually about half of our class took part in that movie. Subsequently, the production assistant of that movie joined RTHK’s television department and he invited us to attend an audition for a show called “Y2K” and at last I was the only one who was picked.’
Star in school
Actually before Charlene started her acting career, she had already been working as a part-time fashion model for various fashion magazines. She admitted that she always knew that it would be difficult to work and study at the same time but she had promised her parents that she would always give priority to studies when there were conflicts between the two. At that time she only did her part-time modeling jobs after school and she would never take leave from school for work reasons. Despite the subsequent filming work kept Charlene very busy, she still insisted to sit for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. Although Charlene’s examination in HKCEE was not very satisfactory, she admitted that when compared study to filming, she still preferred the enjoyable filming experience she had when she filmed “Y2K”.
A part-time fashion model immediately got a lot of attention from other students in the school and her class teacher Ms Harriet Lo provided us with more information: ‘She was very outstanding at that time and I still remember I always found many boys hanging around her classroom trying to take a peep at her from afar.’ At this juncture, Charlene contested ‘I think it was only because I had natural curly and thick hair and they might wonder why I still made pigtails on both sides of my head at that age….’
On the other hand, Charlene admitted that she always enjoyed to perform in front of others, ‘I participated in singing contests every year and I remember I got 2nd runner-up when I was Form 4!” Ms Harriet Lo also said ‘I remember that too! I remember that I told you “Wow, you actually can sing!” The Editorial Team also found Charlene’s graduation year book and she put Ms Lo and Ms Au Miu Ling as her most respected teachers in it. Ms Lo was her class teacher and Ms Au was the teacher who taught Charlene textile and design. Charlene shared with us that she did remember the teacher in charge of discipline, Ms Elsa Tang, used to be very strict but she also could be quite friendly and approachable. Charlene said apart from the only one occasion in which she had had a verbal argument with her classmate during the class and eventually she was punished by Ms Elsa Tang to stand in the Discipline Office, she considered herself to be a well-behaved student in school.
After her completion of HKCEE, Charlene did try to continue her studies in our school’s Business Section; however, at the same time she also signed an artiste contract with Emperor Entertainment Group (“EEG”); knowing it would be hard to do well in both studies and entertainment business, she had to make an important decision which path she would take and eventually picked the latter. Charlene told us that she did not regret what she decided, ‘I really think I was very lucky to have found a job that I really like. Sometimes my friends would vent in front of me and complained how boring and meaningless their jobs were and so I really treasured that I got to do what I enjoy doing.’
It had been 8 years since Charlene came back to Rosaryhill for a visit and Ms Harriet Lo vividly remembered that ‘Charlene came back to film something for RTHK and she came back at the time when the school finished so Charlene’s car was immediately surrounded by students and it was quite a scene! “When I went to her car to greet her, so many students requested me to get Charlene’s autograph…they just followed us wherever we went and I truly realized what “star power” meant….”, Ms Lo said. Charlene, on the contrary, did not remember much about that visit except that it was only until during that visit she realized that there were many places that she had never been to when she was still a student in RHS.
Friendship Forever
Charlene still maintains contact with her old friends from RHS: ‘I really miss those days in RHS. I am an outgoing person by nature and generally students were also very outgoing so I made a lot of close friends here. We liked sitting next to the basketball courts during lunch periods eating lunch and having chats together….We still would have gatherings from time to time and whenever we talked about the school, we always said we should come back for a visit. We can take photos at the same places where we had taken photos and we can then compare the photos, I am sure it would be really funny when we see the comparisons….’, Charlene told the Editorial Team.
Over the last few years, Ms Harriet Lo had approached Charlene for a few times asking Charlene to make donations to the school. Charlene told us that in fact she felt it was her honour to do that and she was really glad that she had the ability to help the school so that the students could have a better study environment.
Words to share….
For the students who are interested to join the entertainment profession, Charlene shared with us the following advice: “I believe in destiny. I actually had never thought I would join this profession and whenever I was required to attend in some international activities, I always regretted that I did not study English hard enough in the past…therefore, I am still taking lessons to improve my Putonghua and English. Competition in my profession is getting more and more severe , so although giving a professional performance itself is very important, I still keep reminding myself regularly that I need to keep improving myself to prevent myself from falling behind in the fast developing and demanding entertainment industry. I know it very well that people would give you more opportunities outside Hong Kong only if I am widely recognized and respected by fans in the local market,” Charlene honestly shared with us.
Charlene was also aware of various incidents in our school that attracted negative publicity. “I believe they were only isolated incidents. I just think the culture within the school changes with the time. Not only our school had those problems. I think every school has its own problems too. Charlene said.
At last, when we asked if she had anything to share with the current students in RHS. “Just work hard and play hard. I know students are facing heavy pressure from studies and exams but secondary school life is the most precious period in our lives and I really wish that the current students would try to enjoy every second of it. It will become the most precious memories in their future.” Charlene sincerely shared with us her thoughts.
Despite the heavy work schedule, Charlene still tried her best to do this interview with RHSOSA’s Editorial Team. We hereby express our most sincere gratitude and we also wish Charlene all the best in her career and personal life. Charlene, we are all proud of you!
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